We considered two approaches to dark-spin-mediated quantum computing in hybrid solid-state spin architectures. First, we reviewed the notion of eigenmode-mediated unpolarized spin-chain state transfer and extended the analysis to various experimentally relevant imperfections: quenched disorder, dynamical decoherence, and uncompensated long-range coupling. In finite-length chains, the interplay between disorder-induced localization and decoherence yielded a natural optimal channel fidelity, which we calculated. Long-range dipolar couplings induced a finite intrinsic lifetime for the mediating eigenmode; extensive numerical simulations of dipolar chains of lengths up to L = 12 showed remarkably high fidelity despite those decay processes. We further briefly considered the extension of the protocol to bosonic systems of coupled oscillators. Second, we introduced a quantum mirror based architecture for universal quantum computing that exploited all of the dark spins in the system as potential qubits. While that