
Tue September 12, 2017 4:00 pm

Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas

Location:Harvard Jefferson 250
Dr. Kenji Ohmori, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan
Ten Minute Talk:"Radio frequency magneto-optical trapping of CaF" by Loic Anderegg

Many-body correlations govern a variety of important quantum phenomena such as the emergence of superconductivity and magnetism in condensed matter. Understanding quantum many-body systems is thus one of the central goals of modern sciences. Here we demonstrate a new pathway towards this goal by generating a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas with a broadband picosecond laser pulse. We have applied our ultrafast and ultrahigh-precision coherent control [1-8] to this strongly correlated Rydberg gas, and have successfully observed and controlled its many-body electron dynamics on the attosecond timescale [9]. Our approach will offer a versatile platform to observe and manipulate nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems on the ultrafast timescale.


[1] K. Ohmori et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 243003 (2003).

[2] H. Katsuki and K. Ohmori et. al., Science 311, 1589 (2006).

[3] K. Ohmori et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 093002 (2006).

[4] H. Katsuki and K. Ohmori et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 103602 (2009).

[5] K. Hosaka and K. Ohmori et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 180501 (2010) (Highlighted by Nature 465, 138 (2010); Physics 3, 38 (2010)).

[6] H. Goto and K. Ohmori et al., Nature Physics 7, 383 (2011)(Highlighted by Nature Physics 7, 373 (2011); Nature Photonics 5, 382 (2011)).

[7] H. Katsuki and K. Ohmori et al., Nature Commun. 4, 2801 (2013).

[8] H. Katsuki and K. Ohmori et al., Phys. Rev. B 92, 094511 (2015).

[9] N. Takei, C. Sommer,  C.  Genes, G.  Pupillo, H.  Goto, K.  Koyasu, H.  Chiba, M. Weidemüller, and K. Ohmori, Nature Commun. 7, 13449 (2016) (Highlighted by Science 354, 1388 (2016); IOP (2016)).




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