People: David Levonian

Graduate Student
  1. E. Bersin, M. Sutula, Y.Q. Huan, A. Suleymanzade, P.-J. Stas, C. Knaut, Y.-C. Wei, E. Knall, D. Sukachev, D. Levonian, M. Bhaskar, M. Lukin, D. Englund, M. Grein, R. Murphy, M. Stevens, C. Lee, R. Riedinger, D. J. Starling, N. Sinclair, D. R. Assumpcao, B. Machielse, M. Loncar, S. Hamilton, and P. B. Dixon. Development of a Boston-area 50-km fiber quantum network testbed. Phys. Rev. Applied, 21(014024), January 2024.
  2. C. Knaut, A. Suleymanzade, Y.-C. Wei, P.-J. Stas, Y.Q. Huan, E. Knall, M. Sutula, G. Baranes, D. Levonian, M. Bhaskar, H. Park, M. Lukin, D. R. Assumpcao, B. Machielse, N. Sinclair, C. De-Eknamkul, and M. Lončar. Entanglement of Nanophotonic Quantum Memory Nodes in a Telecommunication Network. Nature, 629:573–578 , 2024.
  3. E. Bersin, M. Sutula, Y.Q. Huan, A. Suleymanzade, Y.-C. Wei, P.-J. Stas, C. Knaut, E. Knall, D. Sukachev, D. Levonian, M. Bhaskar, H. Park, D. Englund, M. Lukin, D. R. Assumpcao, C. Langrock, N. Sinclair, R. Murphy, R. Riedinger, M. Yeh, C. J. Xin, S. Bandyopadhyay, B. Machielse, S. Hamilton, M. Lončar, M. M. Fejer, and P. B. Dixon. Telecom networking with a diamond quantum memory. PRX Quantum, 5(010303), January 2024.
  4. C. Robens, D. Levonian, M. Lukin, M. Bhaskar, D. Sukachev, B. Machielse, B. Zheng, C. De-Eknamkul, D. Assumpcao, D. Renaud, Z. Wang, D. Riedel, J. Ha, and M. Loncar. Cryogenic optical packaging of nanophotonic devices with coupling loss < 1 dB. Applied Physics Letters, 123(161106), 2023.
  5. E. Knall, C. Knaut, R. Bekenstein, P. Stroganov, Y.Q. Huan, D. Levonian, H. Park, M. Bhaskar, M. Lukin, Daniel R. Assumpcao, Wenjie Gong, Pieter-Jan Stas, Bartholomeus Machielse, Michelle Chalupnik, Aziza Suleymanzade, Ralf Riedinger, and Marko Loncar. Efficient Source of Shaped Single Photons Based on an Integrated Diamond Nanophotonic System. Phys Rev Lett, 129(053603), July 2022.
  6. D. Levonian, B. Machielse, E. Knall, M. Bhaskar, C. Knaut, R. Bekenstein, H. Park, M. Lukin, Ralf Riedinger, and Marko Loncar. Optical Entanglement of Distinguishable Quantum Emitters. Phys Rev Lett, 128(213602), May 2022.
  7. P.-J. Stas, Y.Q. Huan, B. Machielse, E. Knall, A. Suleymanzade, M. Sutula, C. Knaut, Y.-C. Wei, M. Bhaskar, D. Sukachev, H. Park, D. Levonian, M. Lukin, B. Pingault, S. Ding, D. Assumpcao, R. Riedinger, and M. Lončar. Robust multi-qubit quantum network node with integrated error detection. Science 2022.
  8. M. Bhaskar, B. Machielse, D. Levonian, C. Nguyen, E. Knall, P. Stroganov, H. Park, D. Englund, D. Sukachev, M. Lukin, R. Riedinger, and M. Loncar. Experimental demonstration of memory-enhanced quantum communication. Nature, 580:60–64, 2020.
  9. M. Goldman, T. Patti, D. Levonian, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin. Optical Control of a Single Nuclear Spin in the Solid State. Physical Review Letters, 124(153203), April 2020.
  10. C. Nguyen, D. Sukachev, M. Bhaskar, B. Machielse, D. Levonian, E. Knall, P. Stroganov, M. Burek, H. Park, M. Lukin, C. Chia, R. Riedinger, and M. Lončar. An integrated nanophotonic quantum register based on silicon-vacancy spins in diamond. Phys. Rev. B, 100(165428), 2019.
  11. A. Kawasaki, B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, I. Ozel, W. Chen, D. Levonian, Y. Xiao, V. Vuletic, L. Salvi, A. Heinz, and D. Akamatsu. Geometrically asymmetric optical cavity for strong atom-photon coupling. Phys Rev A January 2019.
  12. C. Nguyen, D. Sukachev, M. Bhaskar, D. Levonian, E. Knall, P. Stroganov, H. Park, M. Lukin, R. Riedinger, and M. Lončar. Quantum network nodes based on diamond qubits with an efficient nanophotonic interface. Phys. Rev. Lett., 123(183602), 2019.
Past Events
Tue March 2, 2021 4:00 pm
The silicon-vacancy center (SiV) in diamond is a promising candidate for scalable quantum information processing, offering long-lived spin memories, high-fidelity local operations, and optical connectivity for long range entanglement. One near-term application of quantum networks of SiVs is device-independent quantum key distribution (DI-QKD). DI-QKD allows two parties that share quantum entangled spins to communicate with...
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