
Tue December 3, 2024 4:00 pm

CUA Seminar – Nick Hutzler: Precision measurement with molecules containing deformed nuclei

Location:MIT 4-270
Nick Hutzler, CalTech
Ten Minute Talk:"Probing critical phenomena in open quantum systems using optical tweezer arrays" by Kenneth Wang

Molecules are sensitive probes of fundamental symmetry violations in both electrons and nuclei.  A heavy, deformed nucleus can amplify signatures of exotic nuclear effects, and an engineered molecular structure can provide a platform for quantum control with robustness against experimental errors.  We are performing experiments with YbOH, which has a quadrupole-deformed nucleus which enhances the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment (MQM), and RaOH, which has an octupole-deformed nucleus which enhances the nuclear Schiff moment (NSM).  In this talk, I will give an update on the status of these efforts, including production and spectroscopy of RaOH, coherent control in YbOH, and approaches to engineer enhanced coherence in these and other molecules.

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