People: Hannes Bernien

Postdoctoral Fellow
  1. T. Dordevic, P. Samutpraphoot, P. Ocola, H. Bernien, B. Grinkemeyer, I. Dimitrova, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Entanglement transport and a nanophotonic interface for atoms in optical tweezers. Science, 373(6562):1511-1514, August 2021.
  2. P. Samutpraphoot, T. Dordevic, P. Ocola, H. Bernien, C. Senko, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Strong coupling of two individually controlled atoms via a nanophotonic cavity. Physical Review Letters, 124(063602), February 2020.
  3. A. Omran, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, A. Zibrov, H. Pichler, S. Choi, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, T. T. Wang, J. Cui, M. Rossignolo, P. Rembold, S. Montangero, and T. Calarco. Generation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states in Rydberg atom arrays. Science, 365(6453):570-574, August 2019.
  4. H. Levine, A. Omran, A. Keesling Contreras, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, M. Endres, G. Torlai, B. Timar, E.P.L. va Nieuwenburg, and R.G. Melko. Integrating neural networks with a quantum simulator for state reconstruction. Physical Review Letters, 123(230504), December 2019.
  5. D. Kim, A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, and D. Englund. Large-Scale Uniform Optical Focus Array Generation with a Phase Spatial Light Modulator. Optics Letters 2019.
  6. D. Kim, A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, and D. Englund. Large-Scale Uniform Optical Focus Array Generation with a Phase Spatial Light Modulator,. Optics Letters, 44(12):3178-3181, 2019.
  7. H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, T. Wang, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, H. Pichler, and M. Lukin. Parallel Implementation of High-fidelity Multi-qubit Gates with Neutral Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 123(170503), October 2019.
  8. A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, H. Pichler, S. Choi, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, R. Samajdar, S. Schwartz, P. Silvi, S. Sachdev, and P. Zoller. Quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator. Nature, 568:207–211, April 2019.
  9. H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Bernien, A. Zibrov, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and S. Schwartz. High-Fidelity Control and Entanglement of Rydberg-Atom Qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett, 121(123603), September 2018.
  10. H. Bernien, A. Keesling Contreras, H. Levine, A. Omran, H. Pichler, S. Choi, A. Zibrov, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and S. Schwartz. Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator. Nature, 551:579-584, 2017.
  11. M. Endres, H. Bernien, A. Keesling Contreras, C. Senko, V. Vuletic, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, H. Levine, E.R. Anschuetz, and A. Krajenbrink. Atom-by-atom assembly of defect-free one-dimensional cold atom arrays. Science, 375(6315), November 2016.
Past Events
Tue October 10, 2017 4:00 pm

Triple Feature

Location:Harvard Jefferson 250

Triple feature presented by three CUA members. Each will speak for 20 minutes and then there will be a question and answer period for 5 minutes. Topics will include the following:

“Long-lived Ultracold Triplet Molecules,” presented by Alan Jamison

“Meson theory of magnetic polarons in hole-doped anti-ferromagnets” presented by Fabian Grusdt

“Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator,” presented by Hannes Bernien.






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