People: Monika Schleier-Smith

Graduate Student
  1. A. Rudelis, B. Hu, J. Sinclair, E. Bytyqi, M. Schleier-Smith, V. Vuletic, A. Schwartzman, R. Brenes, and T. Zhitomirsky. Degradation of Ta2O5 / SiO2 Distributed Bragg Reflector Cavity Mirrors in Ultra-High Vacuum. Optics Express, 31(24):39670-39680, 2023.
  2. E. Demler, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, R. Ma, K. Ni, M. Schleier-Smith, V. Vuletic, M. Zwierlein, E. Altman, and et al.. Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities. PRX Quantum, 2(017003), February 2021.
  3. F. Grusdt, E. Demler, M. Endres, M. Schleier-Smith, L. Duca, M. Reitter, I. Bloch, U. Schneider, and T. Li. Bloch state tomography using Wilson lines. Science, 352, 2016.
Mon September 20, 2010

Monika Schleier-Smith wins Deutsch Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics at MIT in 2010

To recognize and encourage outstanding research in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by investigators who have held a Ph. D. for 10 years or less. The prize consists of $7,500 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. An allowance will be provided for travel expenses of the recipient to the Society meeting...
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