People: Susanne Yelin

Professor of Physics
  1. S. Ostermann, O. R. Bigorda, S. Yelin, and V. Zhang. Breakdown of steady-state superradiance in extended driven atomic arrays. Phys Rev Research, 6(023206), May 2024.
  2. J. Peter, S. Ostermann, and S. Yelin. Chirality dependent photon transport and helical superradiance. Phys Rev Research, 6(023200), May 2024.
  3. J. Peter, S. Ostermann, and S. Yelin. Chirality-induced emergent spin-orbit coupling in topological atomic lattices. Phys Rev A, 109(043525), May 2024.
  4. O. R. Bigorda, S. Ostermann, S. Yelin, R. Holzinger, A. Asenjo-Garcia, O. Romero-Isart, H. Ritsch, C. Gonzalez-Ballestero, and C. C. Rusconi. Collectively enhanced ground-state cooling in subwavelength atomic arrays. ArXiv 2024.
  5. H.-Y. Hu, A. Gu, D. Wang, S. Yelin, S. Majumder, H. Ren, Y. Zhang, Y.-Z. You, Z. Minev, and A. Seif. Demonstration of Robust and Efficient Quantum Property Learning with Shallow Shadows. ArXiv 2024.
  6. S. Ostermann, S. Yelin, and R. A. McCutcheon. Effect of photon propagation on a zero refractive index medium. ArXiv 2024.
  7. I. Cong, N. Maskara, H. Pichler, G. Semeghini, S. Yelin, S. Choi, and M.C. Tran. Enhancing Detection of Topological Order by Local Error Correction. Nature Communications 2024.
  8. J. Peter, S. Ostermann, S. Yelin, M. Holzinger, and H. Ritsch. Harnessing quantum emitter rings for efficient energy transport and trapping. Optica Quantum, 2(2):57-63, 2024.
  9. N. Gjonbalaj , S. Ostermann, S. Yelin, and . Modifying cooperative decay via disorder in atom arrays. Phys Rev A, 109(013720), January 2024.
  10. A. McClain, T. Patti, S. Yelin, and A. Anandkumar. Near-term distributed quantum computation using mean-field corrections and auxiliary qubits. IOP Science May 2024.
  11. K. Najafi, S. Yelin, H. Alaeian, and M. Soriente. Noise-Resilient Phase Transitions and Limit-Cycles in Coupled Kerr Oscillators. New Journal Of Physics February 2024.
  12. A. Gu, S. Yelin, Y. Quek, L. Leone, S. Ghosh, and J. Eisert. Pseudomagic Quantum States. Phys Rev Lett, 132(210602), May 2024.
  13. T. Patti, O. R. Bigorda, S. Yelin, and F. Shah. Quantum computing with subwavelength atomic arrays. Phys Rev A, 109(012613), January 2024.
  14. R. Bekenstein and S. Yelin. A switchable atomic mirror. Nature Physics , 19:619–620 , 2023.
  15. O. R. Bigorda, S. Ostermann, and S. Yelin. Characterizing superradiant dynamics in atomic arrays via a cumulant expansion approach. Phys Rev Research, 5(013091), February 2023.
  16. J. Peter, S. Ostermann, and S. Yelin. Chirality-induced emergent spin-orbit coupling with photons. ArXiv 2023.
  17. H. Ma and S. Yelin. Collective Lamb Shift and Spontaneous Emission of A Dense Atomic Gas. A 2023.
  18. S. Yelin, E. Kuznetsova, S. I. Mistakidis, S. T. Rittenhouse, and H. R. Sadeghpour. Engineering chiral spin interactions with Rydberg atoms. ArXiv 2023.
  19. N. Maskara, S. Ostermann, M. Kalinowski, A. McClain, R. A. Bravo, D. Wang, N. Yao, M. Lukin, S. Yelin, J. Shee, A. Krylov, and M. Head-Gordon. Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with Reconfigurable Quantum Pro-cessors. ArXiv 2023.
  20. T. Patti, S. Yelin, J. Kossaifi, and A. Anandkumar . Quantum Semidefinite Programming with the Hadamard Test and Approximate Amplitude Constraints. Quantum, 7:1057, July 2023.
  21. A. Gu, H.-Y. Hu, T. Patti, S. Yelin, D. Luo, and N. C. Rubin. Zero and Finite Temperature Quantum Simulations Powered by Quantum Magic. ArXiv 2023.
  22. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Joe, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Beam steering at the nanosecond time scale with an atomically thin reflector. Nature Communications , 13(3431), June 2022.
  23. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A.Y. Joe, , K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Beam steering at the nanosecond time scale with an atomically thin reflector,”. Nature Communications , 13(3431), 2022.
  24. D. Wang, S. Yelin, Tomáš Neuman, and Johannes Flick. Cavity-modified unimolecular dissociation reactions via intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 13(150504):3317–3324, April 2022.
  25. D. Wang, S. Yelin, and İnci Anali. Entangled photons from composite cascade emitters. Optics Express 2022.
  26. R. A. Bravo, S. Yelin, K. Najafi, J. Lu, K. Hou, and G. Gadnew. Learning quantum symmetries with interactive quantum-classical variational algorithms. ArXiv 2022.
  27. S. Yelin and Robert A. McCutcheon. Limits and possibilities of refractive index in atomic systems. Optics Communications, 505(127583), 2022.
  28. X. Gao, S. Yelin, K. Najafi, and W. Zhong. Many-body localized hidden Born machine. ArXiv 2022.
  29. T. Patti, K. Najafi, S. Yelin, and Omar Shehab. Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Enhanced Variational Quantum Algorithms. Quantum Science and Technology, 8(1), December 2022.
  30. V. Walther, S. Yelin, L. Zhang, and T. Pohl. Nonclassical Light from Exciton Interactions in a Two-Dimensional Quantum Mirror. Physical Review B February 2022.
  31. O. R. Bigorda, V. Walther, T. Patti, and S. Yelin. Photon control and coherent interactions via lattice dark states in atomic arrays. Physical Review Research, 4(013110), 2022.
  32. R. A. Bravo, K. Najafi, X. Gao, and S. Yelin. Quantum reservoir computing using arrays of Rydberg atoms. PRX, 3(030325), August 2022.
  33. S. Yelin, K. Najafi, and A. M. Gomez. Reconstructing Quantum States Using Basis-Enhanced Born Machines. ArXiv 2022.
  34. S. Ostermann, V. Walther, and S. Yelin. Superglass formation in an atomic BEC with competing long-range interactions. Physical Review Research, 4(023074), 2022.
  35. O. R. Bigorda and S. Yelin. Superradiance and subradiance in inverted atomic arrays. Phys Rev A, 106(053717), November 2022.
  36. R. A. Bravo, K. Najafi, T. Patti, X. Gao, and S. Yelin. Universal Quantum Perceptrons for Quantum Machine Learning. ArXiv 2022.
  37. T. Patti, S. Yelin, J. Kossaifi, and A. Anandkumar. Variational quantum optimization with multibasis encodings. Phys Rev Research, 4(033142), August 2022.
  38. D. Wang and S. Yelin. A Roadmap Toward the Theory of Vibrational Polariton Chemistry. ACS Publications, 8(10):2818–2826, 2021.
  39. A. McClain, S. Yelin, and K. Najafi. Born Machines for Periodic and Open XY Quantum Spin Chains. ArXiv 2021.
  40. T. Patti, D. Wild, E. Shahmoon, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Controlling interactions between quantum emitters using atom arrays. Phys Rev Lett, 126(223602), June 2021.
  41. D. Wang, S. Yelin, and J. Flick. Defect polaritons from first principles. ACS Nano, 15(9):15142–15152, 2021.
  42. T. Patti, K. Najafi, X. Gao, and S. Yelin. Entanglement Devised Barren Plateau Mitigation. Phys. Rev. Research, 3(033090), July 2021.
  43. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, X. Liu, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Y. Joe, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Spatial light modulation at the nanosecond scale with an atomically thin reflector. ArXiv November 2021.
  44. S. Yelin and Caleb Heuvel-Horwitz. Superradiance-assisted two-color Doppler cooling of molecules. ArXiv 2021.
  45. T. Patti, S. Yelin, Jean Kossaifi, and Anima Anandkumar. Variational Quantum Optimization with Multi-Basis Encodings. ArXiv 2021.
  46. E. Shahmoon, D. Wild, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Cavity quantum optomechanics with an atom-array membrane. ArXiv June 2020.
  47. F. Reiter, S. Yelin, T. L. Nguyen, and J. P. Home. Cooperative Breakdown of the Oscillator Blockade in the Dicke Model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125(233602), November 2020.
  48. M. Goldman, T. Patti, D. Levonian, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin. Optical Control of a Single Nuclear Spin in the Solid State. Physical Review Letters, 124(153203), April 2020.
  49. R. Bekenstein, I. Pikovski, H. Pichler, E. Shahmoon, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin. Quantum metasurfaces with atom arrays. Nature Physics, 16:676–681, March 2020.
  50. E. Shahmoon, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Quantum optomechanics of a two-dimensional atomic array. Physical Review A, 101(063833), June 2020.
  51. E. Shahmoon, D. Wild, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Theory of cavity QED with 2D atomic arrays. ArXiv June 2020.
  52. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, and D. E. Chang. Topological quantum optics in two-dimensional photonic crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(083603), April 2020.
  53. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, and D.E. Chang. Topological Quantum Optics Using Atomlike Emitter Arrays Coupled to Photonic Crystals. Physical Review Letters, 124(083603), February 2020.
  54. E. Shahmoon, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Collective motion of an atom array under laser illumination. ArXiv 2019.
  55. J. Schloss, N. Bar-Gill, S. Yelin, E. Bauch, S. Singh, J. Lee, C. A. Hart, M. J. Turner, J. F. Barry, L. Pham, and R. Walsworth. Decoherence of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond. ArXiv April 2019.
  56. S. Yelin and P. Price. Optimal population transfer in combined Feshbach resonances and stimulated-Raman-adiabatic-passage processes. Physical Review A, 100(033421), September 2019.
  57. I. Pikovski, H. Pichler, E. Shahmoon, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, and R. Bekenstein. Quantum Metasurfaces. ArXiv 2019.
  58. S. Yelin and B.E. Ordaz-Mendoza. Resonant frequency ratios for the dynamical Casimir effect. Physical Review A, 100(033815), September 2019.
  59. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, and D. Chang. Topological quantum optics using atom-like emitter arrays coupled to photonic crystals. ArXiv 2019.
  60. F. Reiter, S. Yelin, T. L. Nguyen, and J. P. Home. Cooperative Breakdown of the Oscillator Blockade in the Dicke Model. ArXiv 2018.
  61. S. Yelin, E. Kuznetsova, S. T. Rittenhouse, I. I. Beterov, M. O. Scully, and H. R. Sadeghpour. Effective spin-spin interactions in bilayers of Rydberg atoms and polar molecules. ArXiv March 2018.
  62. S. Yelin, E. Kuznetsova, S. Rittenhouse, I. I . Beterov, and M. O. Scully. Effective spin-spin interactions in bilayers of Rydberg atoms and polar molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. October 2018.
  63. D. Wild, E. Shahmoon, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin. Quantum Nonlinear Optics in Atomically Thin Materials. Phys. Rev. Lett. , (121):123606, September 2018.
  64. E. Shahmoon, D. Wild, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Cooperative resonances in light scattering from two-dimensional atomic arrays. Phys. Rev. Lett., 118(113601), March 2017.
  65. S. Yelin, David D. Grimes, Stephen L. Coy, Timothy J. Barnum, Yan Zhou, and Robert W. Field. Direct single-shot observation of millimeter-wave superradiance in rydberg-rydberg transitions. Phys. Rev. A, 95(043818), April 2017.
  66. Q. Wang, J. Otterbach, and S. Yelin. Interacting in-plane molecular dipoles in a zig-zag chain.
  67. Q. Wang, J. Otterbach, and S. Yelin. Interacting in-plane molecular dipoles in a zigzag chain. Phys. Rev. A, 96(043615), October 2017.
  68. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, H. Pichler, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, D. Chang, and P. Zoller. Photonic Band Structure of Two-dimensional Atomic Lattices. Phys. Rev. A, 96(063801), December 2017.
  69. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, H. Pichler, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, D. Chang, and P. Zoller. Topological Quantum Optics in Two-Dimensional Arrays.
  70. J. Perczel, J. Borregaard, H. Pichler, S. Yelin, M. Lukin, Darrick Chang, and Peter Zoller. Topological quantum optics in two-dimensional atomic arrays.
  71. S. Yelin, M. Lukin, S. L. Bromley, B. Zhu, M. Bishof, X. Zhang, T. Bothwell, J. Schachenmayer, R. Kaiser, and A.M. Rey. Collective Atomic Scattering and Motional Effects in a Dense Coherent Medium. Nature Communications, 7(11039), March 2016.
  72. G. Lin, S. Yelin, and Gray Putnam. Collective induced superradiant lineshifts.
  73. S. Yelin, Elena Kuznetsova, Seth T. Rittenhouse, and H. R. Sadeghpour. Rydberg-atom-mediated nondestructive readout of collective rotational states in polar-molecule arrays. Phys. Rev. A, 94(032325), September 2016.
  74. S. Yelin, J.I. Cirac, and G. Giedke. Optical Superradiance from Nuclear Spin Environment of Single Photon Emitters. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104:143601, 2010.
  75. M. Lukin, S. Yelin, E. Kuznsova, P. Pellegrini, and Robin Cute. Formation of Deeply Bound Molecules via chainwise adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A, 78:021402, 2008.
  76. M. Lukin, S. Yelin, A. V. Dodonov, L. C. Celeri, and F. Pascoal. Photon generation from vacuum in non-stationary circuit QED. submitted to Phys. Rev. A, arXiv: 0806.4035, 2008.
Tue December 12, 2023

Programmable Quantum Simulators Meet Quantum Chemistry

In an interdisciplinary collaborative effort, a team of CUA members in the Yelin, Lukin, and Yao groups joined forces with computational quantum chemists in Martin Head-Gordon’s group (UC Berkeley) to develop a novel approach to simulate quantum properties of molecules and materials on state-of-the-art atomic quantum processors. Quantum chemistry is seen as a promising potential...
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Sun November 20, 2022

Brain-inspired quantum machine learning for decision-making, entanglement witnessing, time-reversal

Quantum computing promises to enhance machine learning algorithms. However, implementing these advantages often relies on either fault-tolerant quantum computers not yet available, or on decoherence-limited, variational quantum circuits which may experience training bottlenecks. Thus, currently available noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices thwart quantum advantages in machine learning algorithms. Recently, quantum machine learning architectures have emerged...
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Tue November 10, 2020

New phase transition in the standard model of quantum optics

Proposed in 1954 by Robert H. Dicke, the Dicke `spin-boson’ model is among the most successful paradigms to describe the interaction of light and matter. Modeling the coupling of an ensemble of spins or atoms to a harmonic oscillator, it is thus sometimes referred to as the “standard model of quantum optics.” As discovered in...
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