
Tue November 27, 2018 4:00 pm

Achim Rosch: Driven quantum systems: ratchets, pumps and equilibration

Location:MIT 4-270
Achim Rosch, University of Cologne
Ten Minute Talk:"Boiling a Unitary Fermi Liquid" by Zhenjie Yan

Ultracold atoms provide unique opportunities to study many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium.
We first investigate theoretically how an interacting quantum system reaches thermal equilibrium. While a few scattering events rapidly establish a local equilibrium,  the ultimate bottleneck for equilibration is the building up of a characteristic pattern of thermal fluctuations. Using the one-dimensional  bosonic Hubbard model as an example, we show that this leads to pronounced hydrodynamic long-time tials and powerlaw instead of exponential relaxiation. Second, we study how one can use perodically driven systems to control interacting systems focussing on cases where the periodic driving can imprint currents on the system.

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