
Sat April 6, 2019 9:00 am

Boston Museum of Science NanoDays

Location:Boston Museum of Science

This annual, day-long event brings in nanoscience researchers from the Boston area to run interactive, hands-on demonstrations for hundreds of museum guests of all ages, from toddlers to adults. Members of the Englund group have worked with Museum staff over the years to develop new programming related to diamond defect centers and related quantum technologies. The Englund group has participated in 2014-2019.

Image Caption: Englund group at Boston’s Museum of Science Nanodays.
Clockwise from the top left: Ian Christen showing the concept of total internal reflection within an optical waveguide. Michael Walsh demonstrating optical green excitation of fluorescent diamond containing nitrogen vacancy (NV) color centers. Kevin Chen explaining the nanoscale difference between the wide variety of diamond colors, sizes, and clarities. Michael Walsh discussing the exceptional thermal properties of diamond through an ice-cutting demonstration. Eric Bersin explains a diamond crystal lattice to a young visitor. Photo credit: Josh Reynolds.