
Thu March 23, 2023 4:00 pm

CUA Seminar – Ashok Ajoy: New opportunities with hyperpolarized nuclear spins

Location:MIT 3-270
Ashok Ajoy, UC Berkeley
Ten Minute Talk:"Observation of U(1) Time Crystal" by Andrew Stasiuk, MIT

Controlling and steering quantum systems is of fundamental importance in several applications of quantum information science (QIS). I will describe how the exceptional quantum control capabilities afforded by polarized nuclear spins in solids open interesting new avenues in quantum science and condensed matter. These nuclear spins are optically “hyperpolarized” into athermal states far from equilibrium, resulting in the enhancement of their magnetic resonance signatures by several orders of magnitude. This, in turn, enables direct access to their remarkably long coherence lifetimes (T2′>90s) for useful tasks, as well as their ability to manipulated into stable Floquet prethermal states via continuous quantum control. I will describe new applications for deployable quantum sensors, enhanced imaging agents, and fundamental avenues into preparing, probing and stabilizing driven states of matter.

Note: Ashok Ajoy is a CUA alumnus.

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