Tue April 8, 2025 4:00 pm
CUA Seminar: Jonathan Home – Non-linear trapped-ion oscillators in micro-fabricated Penning traps
Location:MIT 4-270
Systems of coupled non-linear oscillators offer intrinsically interesting physics, which finds applications in quantum information processing as well as being similar to systems found in Nature, such as molecules. I will introduce how such systems may be realized with trapped ions. One component is a new set of methods for cooling and controlling ions operating outside the usual Lamb-Dicke regime, which we have used to stabilize multi-component cat manifolds, as well as to purify these. To realized coupled arrays, we choose a new approach based on micro-fabricated Penning traps, which may allow closer packing of ions as well as offering scaling advantages. I will relate these systems to opportunities for realizing bosonic quantum error correction as well as to quantum many-body physics.