
Tue September 17, 2024 4:00 pm

CUA Seminar – Luis Orozco: Experiments on waveguide QED with nanofibers

Location:MIT 4-270
Luis Orozco, University of Maryland
Ten Minute Talk:"Quantum-secure multiparty deep learning" by Kfir Sulimany Solan, MIT

The study of the interaction of atoms with the electromagnetic modes of a waveguide is a platform to study the propagation of pulses and their relationship with changes in atomic decay rates due to superradiance and subradiance. This collective phenomenon also modifies the propagation of electromagnetic pulses by presenting precursors and oscillations. This presentation will show the similarities and differences experimentally in the evolution in a waveguide compared to in a cavity. Current work includes the two-photon excitation of Cs atoms, to study their cascaded decay in the nanofiber.


10 Minute Talk Abstract:
The demand for cloud-based deep learning has intensified the need for practical and readily deployable secure multiparty computation. In this talk, I will present a linear algebra engine that leverages the quantum nature of light for provably secure computation using simple, standard telecom components. Applied to deep learning, our approach achieves over 96% accuracy on the MNIST classification task while limiting information leakage to 0.1 bits per symbol [Sulimany et al., arXiv:2408.05629 (2024)].

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