
Tue May 5, 2015 4:00 pm

Dynamics in one-dimensional chains of bosons


Ultracold atoms are an ideal setting to study non-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics in a very controlled way. I will present a series of experiments in the context of strongly correlated atomic bosons in 1D geometry. Specifically, we study the dynamics in 1D after a sudden quench of the system’s Hamiltonian, for which we independently control J, the (coherent) tunneling rate, U, the strength of the interaction, and E, a tilt along the longitudinal direction. For a quench to U˜E we couple to nearest neighbors collectively and observe characteristic oscillations in the number of double occupancies that we analyze in the many-body context [1,2]. For U/2˜E, U/3˜E etc. we observe collective long-range tunneling to next-nearest neighbors and beyond. In particular, for U/3˜E we observe dynamics due to the higher-order super-exchange interaction scaling as J^3/U^2 [3]. For J˜U<

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