
Tue November 8, 2016 4:00 pm

Fermionic quantum gases with SU(N)-symmetry and orbital degree of freedom

Location:Harvard Jefferson-250
Dr. Simon Folling, Ludwig - Maximillians - Universitat Munchen (LMU)
Ten Minute Talk:"Observing Antiferromagnetism in the Fermi Hubbard Model" by Christie Chiu

Quantum simulation experiments implement effective Hamiltonians using control over both the internal and the external degrees of the particles, traditionally alkali atoms. Ensembles of atoms with the more complex Alkaline-earth-like electronic structure allow for novel many-body systems to be modeled and probed, due to their additional internal structure. We use the fermionic ytterbium-173 isotope’s specific properties in two ways: To implement quantum gases with extended SU(N)-symmetry as well as to couple internal degrees of freedom of the atoms to external degrees with state-dependent potentials and interactions. As a consequence of the SU(N)-symmetry of the interactions in the fermionic gas, we can realize a generalized Fermi-Hubbard model with up to SU(6)-symmetry. Combining the nuclear degree of freedom with the electronic one, we can also implement a Kondo-like lattice structure with two effective orbitals represented by the internal states. For this, we implement a state-dependent lattice setup and characterize the unusual inter-orbital interactions in such a system.

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