Tue February 9, 2010 4:00 pm
The Equation of State of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases
In this talk, we will present recent experimental work performed at ENS on the thermodynamics of strongly interacting 6Li Fermi gases. We have developed a general method to probe with high precision the thermodynamics of locally homogeneous ultracold gases [1]. This allows stringent tests of recent many-body theories. First, we focus on the finite-temperature Equation of State (EoS) of the unpolarized unitary gas. Precise thermometry is provided by adding to the trapped 6Li unitary gas a small amount of bosonic 7Li that is weakly perturbing the system. We show that the low-temperature properties of the strongly interacting normal phase are well described by Fermi liquid theory and we localize the superfluid phase transition. Second, we address the zero-temperature EoS of the spin-polarized system. Surprisingly, despite strong interactions, the normal polarized phase behaves as a mixture of two ideal gases: a Fermi gas of bare majority atoms and a non-interacting gas of dressed quasi-particles, the Fermi polarons. Finally, we will report on work in progress on the extension of our study to the BEC-BCS crossover [2]. Our equation of state can be directly used to describe low density neutron matter such as the outer shell of neutron stars.