
Tue April 29, 2008 4:00 pm

Towards realizing two dimensional chiral p-wave fermionic superfluid


Two dimensional chiral p-wave fermionic superfluids are known to have excitations which obey non-Abelian statistics. These excitations can be used to construct a decoherence-free quantum computer, or at least decoherence free quantum memory. A gas of identical fermionic atoms slightly above the Feshbach resonance confined to 2D is known to form such a superfluid. However, no one was able so far to create this superfluid experimentally, due to the instability of the p-wave molecules. In my talk I examine the origin of the instability of atomic systems close to Feshbach resonances. I show that confining the gas to 2D, something which has not yet been done experimentally, can improve stability and discuss other proposals to increase stability further, such as a creative usage of optical lattice .

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