News: Research Highlights

Tue January 1, 2008

Spin Squeezing on an Atomic Clock Transition

Atomic clocks, the most accurate instruments ever developed, can now operate at the Standard Quantum Limit; their uncertainty dominated by the uncorrelated projection of individual atoms into eigenstates.  Using entanglement, quantum mechanics allows one to correlate the atoms so as to redistribute or squeeze such quantum noise, reducing the uncertainty in a variable of interest.
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Tue January 1, 2008

Precision Measurement of Long Radiative Lifetimes Using Trapped Molecules

Time-Domain Measurement of Spontaneous Vibrational Decay of Magnetically Trapped NH, W.C. Campbell, G.C. Groenenboom, H. Lu, E. Tsikata, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 100, 083003 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Quantum Spin Dynamics of Mode-Squeezed Luttinger Liquids in Two-Component Atomic Gases

A. Widera, S. Trotzky, P. Cheinet, S. Foelling, F. Gerbier, M. D. Lukin, E. Demler, I. Bloch, and V. Gritsev, Quantum Spin Dynamics of Mode-Squeezed Luttinger Liquids in Two-Component Atomic Gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 140401 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Phase diagram of a two-component Fermi gas with resonant interactions

The pairing of fermions is at the heart of superconductivity and superfluidity.  The stability of these pairs determines the robustness of the superfluid state, and the quest for superconductors with high critical temperature is a search for systems with strong pairing mechanisms. Ultracold atomic Fermi gases have emerged as a highly controllable model system for...
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Tue January 1, 2008

Suppression of Inelastic Collisions between Polar molecules with a Repulsive Shield

A. Gorshkov, P. R. G. Pupillo, A. Micheli, P. Zoller, M. D. Lukin, and H. P. Buchler, Suppression of Inelastic Collisions between Polar Molecules with a Repulsive Shield, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 073201 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

New Frontiers in Cold Atom Trapping

N. Brahms, B. Newman, C. Johnson, T. Greytak, D. Kleppner, and J. M. Doyle, Magnetic Trapping of Silver and Copper, and Anomalous Spin Relaxation in the Ag-He System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 103002 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Theory of Cavity Assisted Microwave Cooling of Polar Molecules

M. Wallquist, P. Rabl, M. D. Lukin, and P. Zoller, Theory of Cavity Assisted Microwave Cooling of Polar Molecules, New J. of Phys. 10, 063005 (2008).
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