News: Research Highlights

Tue January 1, 2008

Long-Range Interactions between Ground and Excited State Hydrogen Atoms

D. Vrinceanu and A. Dalgarno, Long-range interaction between ground and excited state hydrogen atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 215202 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

One-Shot Entanglement Generation over Long Distances in Noisy Quantum Networks

S. Perseguers, L. Jiang, N. Schuch, F. Verstraete, M. D. Lukin, J. I. Cirac, and K. G. H. Volbrecht, One-Shot Entanglement Generation over Long Distances in Noisy Quantum Networks, Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Coherent quantum optical control with subwavelength resolution

A. Gorshkov, L. Jiang, M. Greiner, P. Zoller, and M. D. Lukin, Coherent quantum optical control with subwavelength resolution, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 093005 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Nanoscale magnetic sensing with an individual electronic spin in diamond

J. R. Maze, P. L. Stanwix, J. S. Hodges, S. Hong, J. M. Taylor, P. Cappellaro, L. Jiang, A. S. Zibrov, A. Yacoby, R. L. Walsworth, and M. D. Lukin, Nanoscale magnetic sensing with an individual electronic spin in diamond, Nature 455, 644-647 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Many Body Protected Entanglement Generation in Interacting Spin Systems

A.M. Rey, L. Jiang, M. Fleischhauer, E. Demler, and M. D. Lukin, Many Body Protected Entanglement Generation in Interacting Spin Systems, Phys. Rev. A 77, 052305 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Dynamic nuclear polarization with single electron spins

J. R. Petta, J. M. Taylor, A. C. Johnson, A. Yacoby, C. M. Marcus, M. P. Hanson, A. C. Gossard, and M. D. Lukin, Dynamic nuclear polarization with single electron spins, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 067601 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Time-Resolved Observation and control of Superexchange Interactions with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

S. Trotzky, P. Cheinet, S. Foelling, M. Feld, U. Schnorrberger, A. M. Rey, A. Polkovnikov, E. Demler, M. D. Lukin, and I. Bloch, Time-Resolved Observation and Control of Superexchange Interactions with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices, Science 319, 295-299 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

Optical Bistability at Low Light Level due to Collective Atomic Recoil

M. Vengalattore, M. Hafezi, M. D. Lukin, and M. G. Prentiss, Optical Bistability at Low Light Level due to Collective Atomic Recoil, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 063901 (2008).
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Tue January 1, 2008

When you can?t find a partner on a dance floor

Pairing of electrons can dramatically change the properties of materials.  When electrons flow in a normal conductor, they feel friction, which causes resistance and heating. At very low temperature, however, electrons can form pairs and flow without friction, forming a superconductor.  Superconductivity is very similar to superfluidity, but involves charged particles. Pairing of unequal partners, in the case above of electrons with spin up and spin down, is the essence of the transition to a superfluid state.  At high temperature, the pairs break up and superfluidity is lost.

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Tue January 1, 2008

Anyonic Interferometry and Protected Pemories in Atomic Spin Lattices

L. Jiang, G. Brennan, A. Gorshkov, K. Hammerer, M. Hafezi, E. Demler, M. D. Lukin, and P. Zoller, Anyonic Interferometry and Protected Pemories in Atomic Spin Lattices, Nature Physics 4, 482-488 (2008).
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