
Sat January 1, 2011

Speckle Imaging of Spin Fluctuations in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

Spin fluctuations and density fluctuations are studied for a two-component gas of strongly interacting fermions along the BEC-BCS crossover [1].  Spin fluctuations are observed by directly measuring the difference in densities for the two spin states.  This was done by using a probe laser which had equal detuning from both states, but with opposite signs.
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Sat January 1, 2011

Spin gradient demagnetization cooling of ultracold atoms

We have demonstrated a new cooling method in which a time-varying magnetic field gradient is applied to an ultracold spin mixture [1].  We prepare a two-component cloud of rubidium atoms, either in the superfluid or Mott insulator phase, in a strong field gradient separating the two components with a narrow mixed region between the pure-spin...
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Mon November 8, 2010

Prof. Martin Zwierlein has won the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering

A research collaboration including CUA investigators at Harvard.
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Mon September 20, 2010

Monika Schleier-Smith wins Deutsch Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics at MIT in 2010

To recognize and encourage outstanding research in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by investigators who have held a Ph. D. for 10 years or less. The prize consists of $7,500 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. An allowance will be provided for travel expenses of the recipient to the Society meeting...
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