
Mon November 8, 2010

Prof. Martin Zwierlein has won the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering

A research collaboration including CUA investigators at Harvard.
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Mon September 20, 2010

Monika Schleier-Smith wins Deutsch Award for Excellence in Experimental Physics at MIT in 2010

To recognize and encourage outstanding research in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by investigators who have held a Ph. D. for 10 years or less. The prize consists of $7,500 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. An allowance will be provided for travel expenses of the recipient to the Society meeting...
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Fri June 25, 2010

Atomic Clock Beats the Quantum Limit

Press Release:
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Thu April 1, 2010

Christian Schunck Finalist for the DAMOP Thesis Award

Christian Schunck has been selected a Finalist in the competition for the 2010 APS award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Atomic, Molecular, or Optical Physics. The finalist will present an invited talk at the DAMOP meeting in Houston in May 2010.  Christian did his Ph.D. thesis at MIT in Wolfgang Ketterle’s group.
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Thu April 1, 2010

Martin Zwierlein named ONR Young Investigator

The Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) has named Martin Zwierlein, an MIT assistant professor of physics, as one of its 17 new Young Investigators.
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Sat March 27, 2010

Honorary Membership in Deutscher Hochschulverband for Wolfgang Ketterle

Investment in high-power fiber laser technology for industrial processing and military applications has enabled commercial lasers with hundreds of Watts of diffraction-limited output to come to market. These lasers are ideal pump sources for high-power (10s to 100s of Watts), widely tunable optical parametric oscillators which may be tuned from the visible to the mid-infrared...
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Fri January 1, 2010

Thermometry and Refrigeration in a Two-Component Mott Insulator of Ultracold Atoms

In this work [1], we describe and analyze theoretically the two techniques of spin-gradient thermometry and spin gradient demagnetization cooling developed earlier by our group [2, 3].
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