
Fri January 1, 2010

Orientation-Dependent Entanglement Lifetime in a Squeezed Atomic Clock

Atomic Clock Beats the Quantum Limit

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Fri January 1, 2010

Probing quantum phase transitions at the single-atom level

Physicists Get an Up–Close Look at Synthetic Quantum Materials

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Fri January 1, 2010

Thermometry and Refrigeration in a Two-Component Mott Insulator of Ultracold Atoms

In this work [1], we describe and analyze theoretically the two techniques of spin-gradient thermometry and spin gradient demagnetization cooling developed earlier by our group [2, 3].
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Thu October 1, 2009

TOPS: A genuine teaching experience

This meeting will celebrate Professor Daniel Kleppner’s career of fundamental contributions in physics. An outstanding list of invited speakers will present the most recent and interesting topics in atomic physics.
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Fri September 18, 2009

Magnetism observed in a gas for the first time

The 19th ICOLS conference takes place June 8-12 in Hokkaido, Japan, with CUA representation. Vladan Vuletic will report on a joint MIT-Harvard CUA experiment with Mikhail Lukin on switching of light with light using pulses containing only a few hundred photons. For a readable explanation of how to make light interact with light see the...
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Tue September 8, 2009

Synopsis on the APS Website: Cooling with a cavity

This meeting will celebrate Professor Daniel Kleppner’s career of fundamental contributions in physics. An outstanding list of invited speakers will present the most recent and interesting topics in atomic physics.
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Sat September 5, 2009

Bose-Einstein Condensation 2009, Frontiers in Quantum Gases, San Feliu, Spain, 05 – 11 September 2009

The BEC conference is a biannual meeting which is regarded the most prestigious and competitive conference in the field of atomic quantum gases, featuring about 45 invited presentations. Several CUA researchers presented invited talks: