
Wed December 15, 2021

Yi-Xiang Lu wins 2020-2021 De Favero Thesis Prize

Cappellaro Group member Yi-Xiang Lu wins 2020-2021 De Favero Thesis Prize.
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Fri December 10, 2021

Physics World: Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2021

CUA research has been selected as one of the Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2021 by Physics World.  The selected research is the observation of Pauli blocking of light scattering by the Ketterle group.
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Tue December 7, 2021

Martin Zwierlein Wins 2021 BEC Award

Professor Martin Zwierlein was awarded the 2021 BEC Junior Award for his pioneering contributions to the field of ultracold quantum gases, specifically Fermi and Bose polarons, rotating condensates, spin and charge transport and the unitary Fermi gas.
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Mon December 6, 2021

Wolfgang Ketterle on RT News

Wolfgang Ketterle explains recent research results for RT – the world’s most-watched news network on YouTube: “Invisible atoms? MIT physicists make invisible matter”
Wed December 1, 2021

Prof Mikhail Lukin Wins 2022 Norman Ramsey Prize

The 2022 Norman Ramsey Prize was awarded to Mikhail Lukin (Harvard) for contributions to quantum information science, sensing, and physics, including the development of Rydberg atom-based quantum simulators.

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Mon November 22, 2021

How ultracold, superdense atoms become invisible

An atom’s electrons are arranged in energy shells. Like concertgoers in an arena, each electron occupies a single chair and cannot drop to a lower tier if all its chairs are occupied. This fundamental property of atomic physics is known as the Pauli exclusion principle, and it explains the shell structure of atoms, the diversity...
Mon November 22, 2021

Collaborations with Minority-Serving Institutions

The CUA is welcoming suggestions for collaborative research with minority-serving institutions. Under the new NSF PREP program, aimed at increasing participation of members from underrepresented groups in physics, we are actively seeking proposals for new collaborations. Please contact Professor Vladan Vuletic to discuss establishing a collaboration under the PREP program. For full proposal details, please...
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Fri April 9, 2021

Doyle group paper wins Lila Albin Award

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Committee, have awarded the Lila Albin Award for the Best Indoor Environmental Quality Paper for 2020 to the Doyle group. The paper is entitled: Assessment and Mitigation of Aerosol Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Laboratory and Office Environments.
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Sun February 7, 2021

‘Spooky action at a distance’ could create a nearly perfect clock

Physicists imagine a day when they will be able to design a clock that’s so precise, it will be used to detect subtle disturbances in space-time or to find the elusive dark matter that tugs on everything yet emits no light. The ticking of this clock will be almost perfect. That dream may not be far off:...
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Fri January 22, 2021

Unraveling The Mysteries Of Time With Scientists From MIT

Turns out you don’t need to be a nuclear physicist to understand a new breakthrough in atomic timekeeping.

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