
Mon March 30, 2020

Repulsive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium

Photons, the smallest energy carriers of light, interact extremely weakly in vacuum. However, realizing strongly interacting photons at the individual photon level is fascinating, as it allows people to use light to control light. This opens the possibility to implement quantum information science, to design all-optical quantum devices, and to form novel quantum many-body states...
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Thu March 5, 2020

Novel method for easier scaling of quantum devices

System “recruits” defects that usually cause disruptions, using them to instead carry out quantum operations.

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Thu February 27, 2020

Probing entanglement in a many-body-localized system

An interacting quantum system that is subject to disorder may cease to thermalize owing to localization of its constituents, thereby marking the breakdown of thermodynamics. The key to understanding this phenomenon lies in the system’s entanglement, which is experimentally challenging to measure. We realized such a many-body–localized system in a disordered Bose-Hubbard chain and characterized...
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Thu February 27, 2020

String patterns in the doped Hubbard model

Understanding strongly correlated quantum many-body states is one of the most difficult challenges in modern physics. For example, there remain fundamental open questions on the phase diagram of the Hubbard model, which describes strongly correlated electrons in solids. We realized the Hubbard Hamiltonian and searched for specific patterns within the individual images of many realizations...
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Thu February 27, 2020

Quantum critical behavior at the many-body localization transition

Phase transitions are driven by collective fluctuations of a system’s constituents that emerge at a critical point. This mechanism has been extensively explored for classical and quantum systems in equilibrium, whose critical behaviour is described by the general theory of phase transitions. Recently, however, fundamentally distinct phase transitions have been discovered for out-of-equilibrium quantum systems,...
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Thu February 27, 2020

Laser-cooling and Optical Trapping of Diatomic Molecules

Ultracold molecules have been proposed as a rich resource for many applications ranging from precision measurements and quantum metrology to quantum simulation and quantum information processing. The benefits of molecules in all these applications arise from the many internal degrees of freedom in a molecule. For example, even with the simplest diatomic molecules, one has...
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Thu February 20, 2020

Correcting the “jitters” in quantum devices

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office February 18, 2020 Labs around the world are racing to develop new computing and sensing devices that operate on the principles of quantum mechanics and could offer dramatic advantages over their classical counterparts. But these technologies still face several challenges, and one of the most significant is how...
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Tue January 14, 2020

Transform-limited photons from a tin-vacancy spin in diamond

One of the goals of the CUA is to develop quantum networks: systems of stationary quantum memories connected by photons. Solid-state quantum emitters that combine coherent optical transitions, long-lived spin states, and the potential for scalability are critical components of future quantum information systems. Many emitters are candidates, with some desirable properties, but all have...
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Tue May 21, 2019

Martin Zwierlein receives Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship

Professor of physics will use U.S. Department of Defense fellowship to study the quantum world in search of new states of matter.

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