CUA faculty offer lectures and seminars at the college level both for students in the field and as keynote speakers. The CUA also offers online resources for physics students, including previously hosting the Virtual Journal, and currently most visibly through MIT’s Open Course Ware. The CUA has also run the TOPS program for many years, which served to invigorate physics undergraduates’ interest in teaching.
Sun September 1, 2024 12:00 am
CUA graduate students volunteer with PhysGAAP, Physics Graduate Application Assistance Program. PhysGAAP offers webinars, office hours, and mentorship to help guide college students interested in applying for graduate school in Physics at MIT. Kyle Debry (Chuang Lab) has served on the leadership since 2022.
Fri October 13, 2023 8:30 am
Location:MIT Wong Auditorium (Building E51)
This event is conceived with the purpose of creating a conducive environment to identify and support young talents passionate about diverse and crucial fields such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. At Bridging Talents and Opportunities, we are passionate about helping young talents reach their full potential. Our mission is to create a platform...
Mon June 6, 2022 12:00 am
Between 2020 and 2021 a student-led CUA community service steering committee, Engage CUA, was formed. It was born out of efforts related to and following ShutdownSTEM, beginning as a regular meeting to discuss research on important topics around increasing diversity. The primary goal is to organize and track outreach efforts. In the past year, CUA members...
Thu November 5, 2020 12:00 am
Emma Rosenfeld attended the NSBP Fall conference and also manned the information booth for Harvard for prospective undergraduate students, providing information about Harvard’s Physics PhD program. Araiza Rodrigo went to do outreach at a conference targeting underrepresented minority students in APS who are part of the National Mentorship Community. Araiza also organized a talk on...
Sun March 1, 2020 12:00 am
Paola Cappellaro,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Paola Cappellaro has taken part in the Nuclear Science and Engineering “Winter School” aimed at underrepresented junior undergraduates that are contemplating graduate school. The goal of this newly started program is to increase the diversity in the graduate student population of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department at MIT. In addition, as admission chair,...