…of three-component fermions [3]. This latter study has uncovered qualitatively surprising dynamics and presents an open puzzle regarding the three-body recombination of three-component fermions [3]. If time permits, I will…
…tight-binding limit. Combined with strong qubit-photon interactions, these systems can be used to study dynamical phase tranisitions, many-body phenomena, and spin models in driven-dissipative systems. I will show that waveguide…
…atoms excited into Rydberg levels of principal quantum number n~100. Many-body Rabi oscillations seen in such ensembles hold promise for the simulation of complex quantum systems. The wavelength of single…
…1030 and a rate that is 1014 faster than using the state-of-the-art simulation strategy on supercomputers. Such a demonstration of quantum computational advantage is a much-anticipated milestone for quantum computing….
…is a valuable test of the underlying field theory. However, since the Higgs mode can decay into low energy Goldstone modes, its experimental visibility has been questioned. In this talk,…
The past few years have brought notable advances in our theoretical understanding of interacting fermions in disordered potentials. Cold atom experiments have begun to test these ideas about “many-body localization.”…
…Since quantitative theoretical calculations of cold collisions are both difficult and highly sensitive to the interaction potential between the atoms, rigorous experimental studies are important to provide feedback and test…
Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) has proven to be exceedingly successful in illuminating matter-light interaction and in providing a platform to test ideas for quantum information processing. In this talk…
Laboratory techniques to manipulate and observe ultracold atoms make these a superb platform on which to develop and test new ideas in quantum control and measurement. I will discuss a…