People: Eugene Demler

Professor of Physics
  1. Z. Yan, Y. Ni, A. Chuang, P. Dolgirev, K. Seetharam, E. Demler, C. Robens, and M. Zwierlein. Collective flow of fermionic impurities immersed in a Bose–Einstein condensate. Nature June 2024.
  2. M. Lebrat, M. Xu, L. Kendrick, A. Kale, Y. Gang, E. Demler, M. Greiner, P. Seetharaman, I. Morera, and E. Khatami. Observation of Nagaoka polarons in a Fermi–Hubbard quantum simulator. Nature May 2024.
  3. P. Dolgirev, M. Lukin, E. Demler, R. Xue, N. Maksimovic, L.-Q. Xia, R. Kitigawa, A. Müller, F. Machado, D. R. Klein, D. MacNeill, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Jarillo-Herrero, and A. Yacoby. Signatures of magnon hydrodynamics in an atomically-thin ferromagnet. ArXiv 2024.
  4. P. Dolgirev, I. Esterlis, A. Zibrov, M. Lukin, E. Demler, and T. Giamarchi. Local noise spectroscopy of Wigner crystals in two-dimensional materials. ArXiv 2023.
  5. J. Sung, J. Wang, I. Esterlis, G. Scuri, Y. Zhou, E. Brutschea, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, P. A. Volkov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, Y. Yang, M. A. Morales, S. Zhang, A. J. Millis, and P. Kim. Observation of an electronic microemulsion phase emerging from a quantum crystal-to-liquid transition. ArXiv 2023.
  6. J. Leonard, S. Kim, M. Rispoli, A. Lukin, R. Schittko, J. Kwan, E. Demler, D. Sels, and M. Greiner. Probing the onset of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system. Nature Physics , 19:pages481–485, 2023.
  7. P. Dolgirev, I. Esterlis, A. Zibrov, M. Lukin, N. Yao, E. Demler, and Shubhayu Chatterjee. Single-spin qubit magnetic spectroscopy of two-dimensional superconductivity. Physical Review Research, 4, January 2022.
  8. Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Y. Wang, G. Scuri, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Zaránd, and P. Kim. Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature Materials, 595:48–52, June 2021.
  9. E. Demler, Y. Ashida, and A. Imamoglu. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics at Arbitrary Light-Matter Coupling Strengths. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126(153603), April 2021.
  10. G. Ji, M. Xu, L. Kendrick, C. Chiu, D. Greif, A. Bohrdt, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, M. Lebrat, M. Greiner, and J.C. Bruggenjurgen. Coupling a Mobile Hole to an Antiferromagnetic Spin Backgroung: Transient Dynamics of a Magnetic Polaron. Phys. Rev. X , 11(021022), April 2021.
  11. A. Bohrdt, Y. Wang, M. Kanasz-Nagy, E. Demler, F. Grusdt, and J. Koepsell. Dominant Fifth-Order Correlations in Doped Quantum Antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126(026401), January 2021.
  12. E. Demler, T. Guaita, L. Hackl, T. Shi, and J. I. Cirac. Generalization of group-theoretic coherent states for variational calculations. Phys. Rev. Research, 3(023090), May 2021.
  13. E. Demler, M. Lukin, Y. Wang, M. Buzzi, G. Jotsu, A. Cavalleri, J. I. Cirac, B. Halperin, T. Shi, and D. Podolsky. Higgs-mediated optical amplification in a non-equilibrium superconductor. Phys. Rev. X , 11(011055), 2021.
  14. D. Sels and E. Demler. Quantum generative model for sampling many-body spectral functions. Phys. Rev. B , 3(014301), January 2021.
  15. E. Demler, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, R. Ma, K. Ni, M. Schleier-Smith, V. Vuletic, M. Zwierlein, E. Altman, and et al.. Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities. PRX Quantum, 2(017003), February 2021.
  16. Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Y. Wang, G. Scuri, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Gergely Zarand, and Philip Kim. Signatures of bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature, 595:48-52, 2021.
  17. E. Demler, K. Klocke, D. Aasen, R. S. K. Mong, and J. Alicea. Time-Domain Anyon Interferometry in Kitaev Honeycomb Spin Liquids and Beyond. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126(177204), April 2021.
  18. P. Jepsen, W.W. Ho, J. Amato-Grill, I. Dimitrova, E. Demler, and W. Ketterle. Transverse Spin Dynamics in the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model Realized with Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review X, 11(041054), 2021.
  19. I. Esterlis, D. Sels, J. Rodriguez-Nieva, E. Demler, T. X. Zhou, J. Carmiggelt, L. M. Gächter, R. J. Stöhr, C. Du, D. Fernandez, F. Büttner, and A. Yacoby. A Magnon Scattering Platform. ArXiv 2020.
  20. Y. Shchadilova, E. Dalla Torre, M. Lukin, E. Demler, and M. M. Roses. Fermionic formalism for driven-dissipative multilevel systems. Phys. Rev. A, 101(013817), 2020.
  21. E. Demler, L. Hackl , T. Guaita, T. Shi, J. Haegeman, and J. I. Cirac. Geometry of variational methods: dynamics of closed quantum systems. SciPost Phys. , 9(048), October 2020.
  22. E. Demler, M. Knap, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, and E. Orignac. Lattice modulation spectroscopy of one-dimensional quantum gases: Universal scaling of the absorbed energy. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(033187), 2020.
  23. A. Bohrdt, A. Omran, E. Demler, F. Grusdt, and S. Gazit. Multiparticle Interactions for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Tweezers: Cyclic Ring-Exchange Terms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(073601), 2020.
  24. E. Demler, J. P. Dehollain, U. Mukhopadhyay, V. P. Michal, Y. Wang, B. Wunsch, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, M. S. Rudner, and L. M. K. Vandersypen. Nagaoka ferromagnetism observed in a quantum dot plaquette. Nature, 579:528–533, 2020.
  25. E. Demler, D. Abanin, I. V. Protopopov, Rajat K. Panda, T. Parolini, and A. Scardicchio. Non-Abelian Symmetries and Disorder: A Broad Nonergodic Regime and Anomalous Thermalization. Phys. Rev. X, 10(011025), 2020.
  26. J. Marino, D. Sels, E. Demler, and P. Dolgirev. Non-Gaussian correlations imprinted by local dephasing in fermionic wires. Phys. Rev. B, 102(100301), 2020.
  27. E. Demler, K. Wintersperger, U. Schneider, S. Lellouch, J. Näger, N. Goldman, M. Bukov, I. Bloch, and M. Aidelsburger. Parametric Instabilities of Interacting Bosons in Periodically Driven 1D Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. X, 10(011030), 2020.
  28. M. Michael, E. Demler, A. Hoegen , M. Fechner, M. Först, and A. Cavalleri. Parametric resonance of Josephson plasma waves: A theory for optically amplified interlayer superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+x. Phys. Rev. B , 102(174505), 2020.
  29. A. Bohrdt, E. Demler, M. Knap, F. Grusdt, and F. Pollmann. Parton theory of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy spectra in antiferromagnetic Mott insulators. Phys. Rev. B , 102(035139), July 2020.
  30. A. Bohrdt, E. Demler, M. Knap, F. Grusdt, and F. Pollman. Parton theory of ARPES spectra in antiferromagnetic Mott insulators. Phys. Rev. B, 102(035139), 2020.
  31. D. Sels, E. Demler, H. Dashti, S. Mora, and O. Demler. Quantum approximate Bayesian computation for NMR model inference. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2:396–402, 2020.
  32. E. Demler, Y. Ashida, A. Imamoglu, J. Faist, D. Jaksch, and A. Cavalleri. Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Matter: Cavity-Enhanced Ferroelectric Phase Transition. Phys. Rev. X , 10(041027), November 2020.
  33. E. Demler, R. Schmidt, J. Sous, H. R. Sadeghpour, and T. C. Killian. Rydberg impurity in a Fermi gas: Quantum statistics and rotational blockade. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(023021), 2020.
  34. M. Michael, E. Demler, P. Dolgirev, A. Zong, and N. Gedik. Self-similar dynamics of order parameter fluctuations in pump-probe experiments. Phys. Rev. B, 101(174306), 2020.
  35. V. Kasper, J. Marino, E. Demler, S. Ji, V. Gritsev, and J. Schmiedmayer. Simulating a quantum commensurate-incommensurate phase transition using two Raman coupled one dimensional condensates. Phys. Rev. B, 101(224102), 2020.
  36. P. Jepsen, J. Amato-Grill, I. Dimitrova, W.W. Ho, E. Demler, and W. Ketterle. Spin transport in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms. Nature, 588:403–407, December 2020.
  37. E. Demler, T. Shi, and I. Cirac. Ultrafast molecular dynamics in terahertz-STM experiments: Theoretical analysis using the Anderson-Holstein model. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(033379), 2020.
  38. J. Rodriguez-Nieva, E. Demler, and S. Bhattacharyya. Universal dynamics far from equilibrium in Heisenberg ferromagnets. ArXiv 2020.
  39. E. Demler, J. Rodriguez-Nieva, and S. Bhattacharyya. Universal Prethermal Dynamics in Heisenberg Ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125(230601), 2020.
  40. E. Demler, T. Shi, and J. I. Cirac. Variational approach for many-body systems at finite temperature. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020.
  41. Y. Wang, I. Esterlis, E. Demler, T. Shi, and I. Cirac. Zero-temperature phases of the two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model: A non-Gaussian exact diagonalization study. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(043258), 2020.
  42. J. You, R. Schmidt, M. Knap, E. Demler, and D. Ivanov. Atomtronics with a spin: Statistics of spin transport and nonequilibrium orthogonality catastrophe in cold quantum gases. Phys. Rev. B, 99(214505), 2019.
  43. A. Bohrdt, C. Chiu, G. Ji, M. Xu, D. Greif, M. Greiner, and E. Demler. Classifying snapshots of the doped Hubbard model with machine learning. Nature Physics July 2019.
  44. E. Demler, M. Goldman, F. Grusdt, L. Barbiero, C. Schweizer, and M. Aidelsburger. Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices: From flux attachment to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories. Science Advances, 5(10), 2019.
  45. J. Marino, N. Yao, M. Lukin, E. Demler, and B. Zhu. Dicke time crystals in driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems. New Journal of Physics July 2019.
  46. R. Schmidt, E. Demler, Y. Ashida, T. Shi, H. R. Sadeghpour, and J. I. Cirac. Efficient variational approach to dynamics of a spatially extended bosonic Kondo model. Phys. Rev. A, 100(043618), 2019.
  47. T. Andersen, B. Dwyer, J. Sanchez-Yamagishi, J. Rodriguez-Nieva, K. Agarwal, E. Demler, H. Park, M. Lukin, K. Wantanbe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Electron-phonon instability in graphene revealed by global and local noise probes. Science, 364(6436), April 2019.
  48. M. Goldman, E. Demler, C. Schweizer, M. Berngruber, and L. Barbiero. Floquet approach to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Nature Physics, 15:1168–1173, 2019.
  49. E. Demler, T. Guaita, L. Hackl, T. Shi, C. Hubig, and J. I. Cirac. Gaussian time-dependent variational principle for the Bose-Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B, 100(094529), 2019.
  50. E. Demler, M. Lukin, Y. Wang, M. Buzzi, G. Jotzu, A. Cavalleri, J. I. Cirac, B. Halperin, T. Shi, and D. Podolsky. Higgs-mediated optical amplification in a non-equilibrium superconductor. ArXiv 2019.
  51. F. Grusdt, E. Demler, J. Koepsell, J. Vijayan, P. Sompet, T. Hilker, G. Salomon, I. Bloch, and C. Gross. Imaging magnetic polarons in the doped Fermi–Hubbard model. Nature, 572:358–362, 2019.
  52. F. Grusdt, A. Bohrdt, and E. Demler. Microscopic spinon-chargon theory of magnetic polarons in the t − J model. Phys. Rev. B, 99(224422), 2019.
  53. E. Demler, N. Yao, K. Akkaravarawong, J. I. Väyrynen, J. D. Sau, and L. I. Glazman. Probing and dressing magnetic impurities in a superconductor. Phys. Rev. Research, 1(033091), 2019.
  54. E. Demler, Y. Ashida, T. Shi, R. Schmidt, H. R. Sadeghpour, and J. I. Cirac. Quantum Rydberg Central Spin Model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 123(183001), 2019.
  55. S. Sugiura, E. Demler, M. Lukin, and D. Podolsky. Resonantly enhanced polariton wave mixing and Floquet parametric instability. ArXiv 2019.
  56. C. Chiu, G. Ji, A. Bohrdt, M. Xu, M. Knap, E. Demler, F. Grusdt, M. Greiner, and D. Greif. String patterns in the doped Hubbard model. Science July 2019.
  57. F. Grusdt, N. Yao, and E. Demler. Topological polarons, quasiparticle invariants, and their detection in one-dimensional symmetry-protected phases. Phys. Rev. B, 100(075126), 2019.
  58. R. Schmidt, E. Demler, O. Cotlet, F. Pientka, G. Zarand, and A. Imamoglu. Transport of neutral optical excitations using electric fields. Phys. Rev. X, 9(041019), October 2019.
  59. E. Demler, T. Langen, T. Schweigler, and J. Schmiedmayer. Double light-cone dynamics establish thermal states in integrable 1D Bose gases. New Journal of Physics, 20(023034), February 2018.
  60. M. Kanasz-Nagy, S. Foelling, E. Demler, Y. Ashida, T. Shi, C. Pascu Moca, T. N. Ikeda, J. I. Cirac, and G. Zaránd. Exploring the Kondo model in and out of equilibrium with alkaline-earth atoms. Phys Rev B, 97(155156), April 2018.
  61. Y. Shchadilova, E. Dalla Torre, M. Lukin, E. Demler, and M. M. Roses. Fermionic Formalism for drive-dissipative multi-level systems. ArXiv 2018.
  62. R. Schmidt, E. Demler, Y. Ashida, and L. Tarruell. Many-body interferometry of magnetic polaron dynamics. Phys Rev B, 97(060302), February 2018.
  63. F. Grusdt, M. Kanasz-Nagy, A. Bohrdt, C. Chiu, G. Ji, M. Greiner, D. Greif, and E. Demler. Parton theory of magnetic polarons: Mesonic resonances and signatures in dynamics. Physical Review X, 8(011046), 2018.
  64. J. Rodriguez-Nieva, K. Agarwal, M. Lukin, E. Demler, T. Giamarchi, and H. I. Halperin. Probing one-dimensional systems via noise magnetometry with single spin qubits. ArXiv 2018.
  65. J. Rodriguez-Nieva, K. Agarwal, M. Lukin, E. Demler, Thierry Giamarchi, and Bertrand I. Halperin. Probing one-dimensional systems via noise magnetometry with single spin qubits. Phys. Rev. B, 98(195433), November 2018.
  66. E. Demler, M. Pigneur, T. Berrada, M. Bonneau, T Schumm, and J. Schmiedmayer. Relaxation to a Phase-locked Equilibrium State in a One-dimensional Bosonic Josephson Junction. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(173601), April 2018.
  67. E. Demler, M. Werner, A. Aspect, and G. Zaránd. Selective state spectroscopy and multifractality in disordered Bose-Einstein condensates: a numerical study. Nature February 2018.
  68. E. Demler, Y. Ashida, T. Shi, M. Carmen Bañuls, J. I. Cirac, and . Solving quantum impurity problems in and out of equilibrium with variational approach. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 121(026805), July 2018.
  69. F. Grusdt, Y. Shchadilova, E. Demler, and K. Seetharam. Strong-coupling Bose polarons out of equilibrium: Dynamical renormalization-group approach. Phys. Rev. A, 97(033612), March 2018.
  70. R. Schmidt, M. Knap, J. You, M. Cetina, E. Demler, and D. A. Ivanov. Universal many-body response of heavy impurities coupled to a Fermi sea. Rep. Prog. Phys., 81(024401), January 2018.
  71. E. Demler, Y. Ashida, T. Shi, M. Carmen Bañuls,, and J. I. Cirac. Variational principle for quantum impurity systems in and out of equilibrium: application to Kondo problems. Phys Rev B, 98(024103), July 2018.
  72. E. Demler, T. Shi, and I. Cirac. Variational Study of Fermionic and Bosonic Systems with Non-Gaussian States: Theory and Applications. Annals of Physics, 390:245-302, March 2018.
  73. A. Mazurenko, C. Chiu, G. Ji, M. Parsons, M. Kanasz-Nagy, R. Schmidt, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, D. Greif, and M. Greiner. A cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard antiferromagnet. Nature, 545, May 2017.
  74. F. Grusdt, E. Demler, and G. E. Astrakharchik. Bose polarons in ultracold atoms in one dimension: beyond the Fröhlich paradigm. New Journal of Physics, 19(103035), October 2017.
  75. J. Choi, G. Kucsko, P. Maurer, B. Shields, E. Demler, M. Lukin, H. Sumiya, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, and N. Y. Yao. Depolarization Dynamics in a Strongly Interacting Solid-State Spin Ensemble. Phys. Rev. Lett., 118(093601), March 2017.
  76. E. Demler, I. Lovas, J. Fortágh, and G. Zaránd. Entanglement and entropy production in coupled single-mode Bose-Einstein condensates. Phys. Rev. A, 96(023615), August 2017.
  77. E. Demler, I. Lovas, B. Dóra, and G. Zaránd. Full counting statistics of time of flight images. Phys. Rev. A, 95(053621), May 2017.
  78. S. Gopalakrishnan, Y. Shchadilova, E. Demler, and . Intertwined and vestigial order with ultracold atoms in multiple cavity modes. Phys. Rev. A, 96(063828), December 2017.
  79. K. Agarwal, R. Schmidt, M. Lukin, E. Demler, B. Halperin, V. Oganesyan, and G. Zarand. Magnetic Noise Spectroscopy as a Probe of Local Electronic Correlations in Two-Dimensional Systems. Phys. Rev. B, 95(155107), April 2017.
  80. J. Choi, R. Landig, G. Kucsko, E. Demler, M. Lukin, H. Zhou, H. Sumiya, V. Khemani, C. von Keyserlingk, and N.Y. Yao. Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar many-body system. Nature, 221–225, May 2017.
  81. M. Kanasz-Nagy, F. Grusdt, D. Greif, M. Greiner, E. Demler, and I. Lovas. Quantum Correlations at infinite temperature: the dynamical Nagaoka effect. Physical Review B, 96(014303), 2017.
  82. E. Demler, I. Lovas, B. Dóra, and G. Zaránd. Quantum fluctuation induced time of flight correlations of an interacting trapped Bose gas. Phys. Rev. A, 95(023625), February 2017.
  83. K. Agarwal, E. Dalla Torre, E. Demler, and J. Schmiedmayer. Quantum heat waves in a one-dimensional condensate. Phys Rev B, 95(195157), May 2017.
  84. K. Agarwal, E. Demler, M. Knap, E. Altman, S. Gopalakrishnan, and D. Huse. Rare region effects and dynamics near the many-body localization transition. Annalen Der Physik, 1600326, January 2017.
  85. F. Grusdt, A. Omran, E. Demler, T. A. Hilker, G. Salomon, M. Boll, I. Bloch, and C. Gross. Revealing Hidden Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Doped Hubbard Chains via String Correlators. Science, 357(6350):484-487, August 2017.
  86. F. Grusdt, R. Schmidt, Y. Shchadilova, and E. Demler. Strong coupling Bose polarons in a BEC. Phys. Rev. A, 96(013607), July 2017.
  87. M. Babadi, M. Knap, E. Demler, I. Martin, and G. Refael. The theory of parametrically amplified electron-phonon superconductivity. Phys Rev B, 96(014512), July 2017.
  88. F. Grusdt, T. Li, E. Demler, and I. Bloch. Tunable spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Phys. Rev. A, 95(063617), June 2017.
  89. R. Schmidt, E. Demler, and H.R. Sadeghpour. A mesoscopic Rydberg impurity in an atomic quantum gas. Phys. Rev. Lett, 116:105302, 2016.
  90. F. Grusdt, E. Demler, M. Endres, M. Schleier-Smith, L. Duca, M. Reitter, I. Bloch, U. Schneider, and T. Li. Bloch state tomography using Wilson lines. Science, 352, 2016.
  91. G. Kucsko, J. Choi, P. Maurer, E. Demler, M. Lukin, H. Sumiya, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, and N.Y. Yao. Critical thermalization of a disordered dipolar spin system in diamond.
  92. E. Dalla Torre, Y. Shchadilova, M. Lukin, and E. Demler. Dicke phase transition without total spin conversation. Phys. Rev. A, 94(6), December 2016.
  93. M. Knap, M. Babadi, E. Demler, G. Refael, and I. Martin. Dynamical Cooper pairing in non-equilibrium electron-phonon systems. Phys Rev B, 94(214504), December 2016.
  94. S. Gopalakrishnan, K. Agarwal, E. Demler, M. Knap, and D. Huse. Griffiths effects and slow dynamics in nearly many-body localized systems. Phys Rev B, 93(134206), April 2016.
  95. E. Dalla Torre, E. Demler, and Y. He. Holographic Maps of Quasiparticle Interference. Nature Physics, 12, July 2016.
  96. F. Grusdt, M. Lukin, E. Demler, N. Yao, B. Swingle, D.M. Stamper-Kurn, and J.E. Moore. Interferometric Approach to Probing Fast Scrambling.
  97. F. Grusdt, N. Yao, D. Abanin, E. Demler, and M. Fleischhauer. Interferometric Measurements of Many-body Topological Invariants using Mobile Impurities. Nature Communications, 7(11994), June 2016.
  98. S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Knap, and E. Demler. Regimes of heating and dynamical response in driven many-body localized systems. Phys Rev B, 94(094201), 2016.
  99. M. Kanasz-Nagy, E. Demler, I. Klich, and Y. Shi. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering as a band structure probe. Phys Rev B, 94(165127), 2016.
  100. E. Demler, O. Cotl, S. Zeytinoglu, M. Sigrist, and A. Imamoglu. Superconductivity and other phase transitions in a hybrid Bose-Fermi mixture formed by a polariton condensate and an electron system in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. B, 93:054510, 2016.
  101. K. Agarwal, E. Demler, and I. Martin. 1/f noise and generalized diffusion in random Heisenberg spin systems. Physical Review B, 92(184203), November 2015.
  102. E. Demler, Kanaz-Nagy, M., and G. Zarand. Confinement-induced interlayer molecules: A route to strong interatomic interactions. Physical Review A, 91, March 2015.
  103. M. Knap, E. Demler, Piro Smacchia, and Alessandro Silva. Exploring dynamical phase transitions and prethermalization with quantum noise of excitations. Physical Review B, 91:205136, 2015.
  104. D. Benjamin, E. Demler, Emanuele G Dalla Torre, and Y. He. Exploring quasiparticles in high-Tc cuprates through photoemission, tunneling, and x-ray scattering experiments. New Journal of Physics, 17:022001, 2015.
  105. M. Babadi, E. Demler, and M. Knap. Far-from-equilibrium field theory of many-body quantum spin systems: Prethermalization and relaxation of spin spiral states in three dimensions. Phys. Rev. X, 1504:05956, 2015.
  106. S. Gopalakrishnan, E. Demler, and Colin V. Parker. Mobile Magnetic Impurities in a Fermi Superfluid: A Route to Designer Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 114:045301, 2015.
  107. D. Benjamin, E. Demler, and I. Klich. Probing Competing and Intertwined Orders with Resonant Inelastic x-ray Scattering in the Hole-Doped Cuprates. Phys. Rev. B, 1407:3843, 2015.
  108. D. Benjamin, E. Demler, Y. Shi, and I. Klich. Superconducting pairing in resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. Phys Rev B 2015.
  109. K. Agarwal, S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Knap, E. Demler, and M. Muller. Anomalous Diffusion and Griffiths Effects Near the Many-Body Localization Transition. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114:160401, 2014.
  110. J. Bauer, M. Babadi, and E. Demler. Dynamical instabilities and transient short-range order in the fermionic Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B, 1411:4049, 2014.
  111. M. Babadi, E. Demler, Roberta Citro, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Luca D'Alessio, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and T. Oka. Dynamical Stability of a Many-body Kapitza Pendulum. Annals of Physics, 1501:05660, 2014.
  112. M. Knap, E. Demler, Sebastian Hild, Takeshi Fukuhara, Per Schaufl, Johannes Zeiher, I. Bloch, and Christian Gross. Far-from-Equilibrium Spin Transport in Heisenberg Quantum Magnets. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113:147205, 2014.
  113. D. Pekker, E. Demler, G. Refael, and E. Altman. Hilbert-Glass Transition: New Universality of Temperature-Tuned Many-Body Dynamical Quantum Criticality. Physical Review X, 4:011052, 2014.
  114. S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Knap, E. Demler, M. Mueller, Vedika Khemani, and D. Huse. Low-frequency conductivity in many-body localized systems. Phys. Rev. B, 1502:07712, 2014.
  115. F. Grusdt, E. Demler, and A.N. Rubtsov. Polaronic mass renormalization of impurities in BEC: correlated Gaussian wavefunction approach., 1410:5691, 2014.
  116. D. Benjamin, E. Demler, and I. Klich. Single-Band Model of Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering by Quasiparticles in High- T c Cuprate Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 112:24, 2014.
  117. E. Demler, M. Vanevic, and L. Tian. Transmon-based simulator of nonlocal electron-phonon coupling: A platform for observing sharp small-polaron transitions. Physical Review B, 89:144508, 2014.
  118. D. Abanin, E. Demler, M. Atala, M. Aidelsburger, J. Barreiro, and I. Bloch. Direct Measurement of the Zak phase in Topological Bloch Bands. Nature Physics, 9:795, 2013.
  119. D. Pekker, M. Zwierlein, E. Demler, and E. Vernier. Bound states of a localized magnetic impurity in a superfluid of paired ultracold fermions. Phys. Rev. A, 83:033619, 2011.
  120. D. Pekker, M. Babadi, R. Sensarma, N. Zinner, M. Zwierlein, E. Demler, and L. Poll. Competition between pairing and ferromagnetic instabilities in ultracold Fermi gases near Feshbach resonances. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:050402, 2011.
  121. L. Jiang, T. Kitagawa, D. Pekker, E. Demler, M. Lukin, Jason Alicea, A.R. Akhmerov, G. Refael, J.I. Cirac, and P. Zoller. Majorana Fermions in Equilibrium and Driven Cold Atom Quantum Wires. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:220402, 2011.
  122. M. Lukin, E. Demler, A.S. Sorensen, E. Altman, and J.V. Porto. Adiabatic Preparation of Many Body States in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. A, 81:061603, 2010.
  123. M. Hafezi, E. Demler, D.E. Chang, and V. Gritsev. Far-field optical imaging and manipulation of individual spins with nanoscale resolution. Nature Physics, 6:912-918, 2010.
  124. R. Sensarma, D. Pekker, M. Lukin, and E. Demler. Modulation Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Double Occupancies in a Fermionic Mott Insulator. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103:035303, 2009.
  125. M. Hafezi, E. Demler, M. Lukin, D.E. Chang, and V. Gritsev. Photonic Quantum Transport in a Nonlinear Optical Fiber. arXiv:0907.5206 2009.
  126. E. Demler, M. Lukin, J. Von Stecher, and A.M. Rey. Probing Interaction-Induced Ferromagnetism in Optical Superlattices. submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009.
  127. E. Demler, G. M. Bruun, B.M. Anderson, and A.S. Sorensen. Probing spatial spin correlations of ultracold gases by quantum noise spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:030401, 2009.
  128. E. Demler, P. Barmtler, M. Punk, V. Gritsev, and E. Altman. Relaxation of antiferromagnetic order in spin-1/2 chains following a quantum quench. arXiv:0810.4845 2009.
  129. E. Demler, G. Rafael, and Y. Oreg. Superconductor-to-normal transition in finite-length nanowires: Phenomenlogical Model. Phys. Rev. B, 79:094524, 2009.
  130. A. Gorshkov, E. Demler, M. Lukin, M. Hermele, V. Gurarie, P.S. Julienne, P. Zoller, and A.M. Rey. Two-Orbital SU(N) Magnetism with Ultracold Alkaline- Earth Atoms. submitted to Nature Physics 2009.
  131. E. Demler, A. Tokuno, and M. Oshikawa. Andreev-like Reflection at Y-junctions and absence of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:140402, 2008.
  132. L. Jiang, A. Gorshkov, M. Hafezi, E. Demler, M. Lukin, G.K. Brennan, K. Hammerer, and P. Zoller. Anyonic Interferometry and Protected Pemories in Atomic Spin Lattices. Nature Physics, 4:482-488, 2008.
  133. V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, E. Demler, D.E. Chang, V. Gritsev, and G. Morigi. Crystallization of Strongly Interacting Photons in a Nonlinear Optical Fibre. Nature Physics, 4:884-889, 2008.
  134. R. Cherng, E. Demler, V. Gritsev, and D.M. Stamper-Kurn. Dynamical instability of the XY spiral state of ferromagnetic condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:180404, 2008.
  135. E. Demler, A. Tokuno, and M. Oshikawa. Dynamics of One-Dimentional Bose Liquids: Andreev-Like Reflection at Y-Junctions and Absence of Aharonov-Bohm Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:140402, 2008.
  136. S. Hofferberth, E. Demler, I. Lesanovsky, T. Schumm, J. Schmiedmayer, A. Imambekov, and V. Gritsev. Full Distribution Functions of Quantum Noise in an Interacting Many-Body System. Nature Physics, 4:296, 2008.
  137. E. Demler, V. Gritsev, and Anatoli Polkovnikov. Interferometric probe of paired states. Phys. Rev. A, 78:063624, 2008.
  138. L. Jiang, E. Demler, M. Lukin, A.M. Rey, and M. Fleischhauer. Many Body Protected Entanglement Generation in Interacting Spin Systems. Phys. Rev. A, 77:052305, 2008.
  139. E. Demler, A. Imambekov, and V. Gritsev. Mapping of Coulomb gases and sine-Gordon models to statistics of random surfaces. Phys. Rev. A, 77:063606, 2008.
  140. L. Jiang, E. Demler, M. Lukin, A.M. Rey, and M. Fleischhauer. Noise-resistant entanglement of strongly interacting spin systems. arXiv:cond-mat/0703108v1 2008.
  141. S. Foelling, M. Greiner, E. Demler, M. Lukin, A.M. Rey, and R. Sansarma. Preparation and detection of d-wave superfluidity in two dimensional optical. submitted to Nature Physics, cond.mat/0806.0166v1, 2008.
  142. S. Hofferberth, E. Demler, I. Lesanovsky, T. Schumm, J. Schmiedmayer, A. Imambekov, and V. Gritsev. Probing Quantum and Thermal Noise in an Interacting Many-Body System.. Nature Science, 4:489-495, 2008.
  143. E. Demler, M. Lukin, P. Barmtler, A.M. Rey, I. Bloch, and V. Gritsev. Quantum Many-Body Dynamics of Coupled Double-Well Superlattices. Phys. Rev. A, 78:012330, 2008.
  144. S. Foelling, M. Lukin, E. Demler, A. Widera, S. Trotzky, P. Chein, F. Gerbier, I. Bloch, and V. Gritsev. Quantum Spin Dynamics of Mode-Squeezed Luttinger Liquids in Two-Component Atomic Gases. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:140401, 2008.
  145. R. Cherng and E. Demler. Roton softening and supersolidity in Rb spinor condensates. arXiv:0806.1991 2008.
  146. E. Demler, C. P. Moca, B. Janko, and G. Zarand. Spin-resolved spectra of Shiba multiplets from Mn impurities in MgB_2. Phys. Rev. B, 77:174516, 2008.
  147. E. Demler, C. P. Moca, B. Janko, and G. Zarand. Spin-resolved spectra of Shiba multiplets from Mn impurities in MgB_2:Phys. Phys. Rev. B, 77:174516, 2008.
  148. E. Demler and G. Refael. Superfluid-Insulator Transition in Fermi-Bose Mixtures and the Orthogonality Catastrophe. Phys. Rev. B, 77:144511, 2008.
  149. S. Foelling, E. Demler, M. Lukin, S. Trotzky, P. Chein, M. Feld, U. Schnorrberger, A.M. Rey, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and I. Bloch. Time-Resolved Observation and Control of Superexchange Interactions with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices. Science, 319:295-299, 2008.
  150. E. Demler and A.M. Turner. Vortex Molecules in Spinor Condensates. arXiv:0807.4905 2008.
  151. E. Demler, M. Lukin, D.E. Chang, and A.S. Sorensen. A Single Photon Transistor Using Nanoscale Surface Plasmons. Nature Physics, 3:807-812, 2007.
  152. M. Lukin, E. Demler, and A.S. Sorensen. Characterization of topological states on a lattice with Chern number. EPL, 81:10005, 2007.
  153. E. Demler, R. L. Barnt, and A.M. Turner. Classifying Vortices in S=3 Bose-Einstein Condensates.. Phys. Rev. A, 76:13605, 2007.
  154. E. Demler and E. Altman. Condensed-matter physics: Relaxation after a tight squeeze. Nature, 449:296-297, 2007.
  155. M. Lukin, E. Demler, and A. A. Burkov. Decoherence dynamics in low-dimensional cold atom interferometers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:200404, 2007.
  156. M. Lukin, E. Demler, and A. A. Burkov. Decoherence dynamics in low-dimensional cold atoms interferometers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:200404, 2007.
  157. E. Demler, A. Imambekov, and V. Gritsev. Distribution Functions of Interference Contrast in Low-Dimensional Bose Gases. Phys. Rev. A, 77:063606, 2007.
  158. M. Hafezi, E. Demler, M. Lukin, and A.S. Sorensen. Fractional Quantum Hall effect in optical lattices. Phys. Rev. A, 76:23613, 2007.
  159. E. Demler, V. Gritsev, and Anatoli Polkovnikov. Linear Response Theory for a Pair of Coupled One-Deminsional Atoms.. Phys. Rev. B, 75:174511, 2007.
  160. E. Demler, A.M. Turner, R. L. Barnt, and A. Vishwanath. Nematic order by disorder in Spin-2 Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 98:190404, 2007.
  161. E. Demler, A.M. Turner, R. L. Barnt, and A. Vishwanath. Nematic Order by Disorder in Spin-2 Bose-Einstein Condensates.. Phys. Lett., 98:190404, 2007.
  162. E. Demler and C. J. Bolech. Observing Majorana bound states in p-wave superconductors using noise measurements in tunnelling experiments. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:237002, 2007.
  163. E. Demler, M. Lukin, A.M. Rey, V. Gritsev, and I. Bloch. Preparation and Detection of Magnetic Quantum Phases in Optical Superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:140601, 2007.
  164. E. Demler, M. Lukin, A.M. Rey, V. Gritsev, and I. Bloch. Preparation and detection of magnetic quantum phases in optical superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:140601, 2007.
  165. R. Cherng and E. Demler. Quantum Noise Analysis of Spin Systems Realized with Cold Atoms. New J. Phys., 9:33885, 2007.
  166. R. Cherng and E. Demler. Quantum noise analysis of Spin Systems Realized with Gold Atoms. New Journal of Physics, 9:7, 2007.
  167. E. Demler and E. Altman. Relaxation after a Tight Squeeze. Nature, 49:296-297, 2007.
  168. E. Demler, M. Lukin, V. Gritsev, and Anatoli Polkovnikov. Spectroscopy of Collective Excitations in Interacting Low-Dimensional Many-Body Systems Using Quench Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:200404, 2007.
  169. E. Demler, M. Lukin, H.P. Buchler, A. Micheli, N. Prokofev, P.R.G. Pupillo, and P. Zoller. Strongly Correlated 2D Quantum Phases with Cold Polar Molecules: Controlling the Shape of the Interaction Potential. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:60404, 2007.
  170. R. Cherng, E. Demler, and G. Refael. Superfluidity and magnetism in multicomponent ultracold fermions. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:130406, 2007.
  171. E. Demler and A. Imambekov. Applications of exact solution for strongly interacting one dimensional bose-fermi mixture: low-temperature correlation functions, density profiles and collective modes. Annals of Physics, 321:2390, 2006.
  172. M. Lukin, E. Demler, A. Imambekov, and C. J. Bolech. Breakdown of the local density approximation in interating systems of cold fermions in strongly anisotropic traps. Phys. Rev. A, 74:53626, 2006.
  173. E. Demler, R. L. Barnt, and A.M. Turner. Classifying novel phases of spinor atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:180412, 2006.
  174. E. Demler, R. L. Barnt, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and W.G. Yin. Coexistence of gapless excitations and commensurate charge-density wave in the 2H-transition metal dichalcogenides. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:026406, 2006.
  175. E. Demler and A. Imambekov. Exactly solvable case of a one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture. Phys. Rev. A, 73:021602, 2006.
  176. E. Demler, V. Gritsev, E. Altman, and Anatoli Polkovnikov. Full distribution function of contrast in interference experiments between interacting one dimensional Bose liquids. Nature Physics, 2:705-709, 2006.
  177. E. Demler, A. Imambekov, and V. Gritsev. Fundamental noise in matter interferometers. Cond-mat/0703766 2006.
  178. E. Demler, V. Gritsev, E. Altman, and Anatoli Polkovnikov. How to study correlation functions in fluctuating Boxe liquids using interference experiments. Proceedings of the 20th ICAP, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, 869:173-180, 2006.
  179. E. Demler, Anatoli Polkovnikov, and E. Altman. Interference between independent fluctuating condensates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences, 103:6125, 2006.
  180. M. Lukin, E. Demler, and Dajun Wang. Quantum fluids of self-assembled chains of polar molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett., 7:180413, 2006.
  181. M. Lukin, E. Demler, R. L. Barnt, and D. Prov. Quantum magnetism with multicomponent polar molecules in an optical lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:190401, 2006.
  182. E. Demler, V. W. Scarola, and S. Das Sarma. Searching for a Supersolid in Cold Atom Optical Lattices and More. Phys. Rev. A, 73:051601, 2006.
  183. E. Demler, T. Rostunov, and A. Georges. Spin wave contribution to the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in triplet superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:0770022, 2006.
  184. E. Demler and A. A. Burkov. Vortex-Peierls States in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:180406, 2006.
Mon November 18, 2024

Emergent ferromagnetic states revealed in a geometrically frustrated triangular lattice

In a material, the way electrons align their spins to form a magnetic phase strongly depends on the geometry of the crystal they inhabit. In particular, triangular lattice geometries display an effect called geometrical frustration, where up and down spins cannot all be antialigned classically. This effect is thought to give rise to complex and...
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Mon November 18, 2024

CUA scientists observe microemulsion phases in the quantum melting of an electron Wigner crystal

Electrons, as quantum particles, display wave-like behavior. Forming a crystalline phase of electrons requires not only cooling but also strong Coulomb (repulsive) forces to counteract their wave-like nature. When this balance is achieved, electrons can arrange into a Wigner crystal. By adjusting electron density, a phase transition between a crystalline and liquid state can occur....
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Mon December 21, 2020

Ultracold atoms reveal a new type of quantum magnetic behavior

The findings may help researchers design “spintronic” devices and novel magnetic materials.

Thu May 2, 2019

String patterns in the doped Hubbard model

Understanding strongly correlated quantum many-body states is one of the most thought-provoking challenges in modern research. For example, the Hubbard model, describing strongly correlated electrons in solids, still contains fundamental open questions on its phase diagram. In this work we realize the Hubbard Hamiltonian and search for specific patterns within many individual images of realizations...
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Past Events
Fri May 4, 2018 2:00 pm
Location:MIT Papplardo Room (4-349)
Cheng Chin, University of Chicago
Richard Fletcher, MIT
Sandro Stringari, University of Trento

Please join us for an afternoon of talks by internal CUA speakers and specially invited outside speakers to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the discovery of Feshbach resonances.

Talks will discuss the history from theory to realization as well as  Feshbach resonances in various experimental applications

Reception to follow.

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