People: Giovanni Scuri

Graduate Student
  1. E. Peterson, T. Andersen, G. Scuri, X. Liu, A. Zibrov, V. Walther, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Y. Joe, A. M. M. Valdivia, B. Kim, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J. Hone, and P. Kim. Dynamical control of excitons in atomically thin semiconductors. ArXiv 2024.
  2. B. Deng, J. Wang, G. Scuri, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, H. Park, H. Ahn, G. Moon, N. Dongre, C. Lei, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Zhang, and M.-H. Jo. Epitaxially defined Luttinger liquids on MoS2 bicrystals. ArXiv 2024.
  3. Y. Zhou, G. Scuri, K. de Greve, A. Sushko, M. Lukin, H. Park, A. Y. Joe, A. M. M. Valdivia, L. A. Jauregui, K. Pistunova, D. Ding, B. Kim, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanbe, J. C. Hone, and P. Kim. Controlled Interlayer Exciton Ionization in an Electrostatic Trap in Atomically Thin Heterostructures. ArXiv 2023.
  4. J. Sung, J. Wang, I. Esterlis, G. Scuri, Y. Zhou, E. Brutschea, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, P. A. Volkov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, Y. Yang, M. A. Morales, S. Zhang, A. J. Millis, and P. Kim. Observation of an electronic microemulsion phase emerging from a quantum crystal-to-liquid transition. ArXiv 2023.
  5. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Joe, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Beam steering at the nanosecond time scale with an atomically thin reflector. Nature Communications , 13(3431), June 2022.
  6. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A.Y. Joe, , K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Beam steering at the nanosecond time scale with an atomically thin reflector,”. Nature Communications , 13(3431), 2022.
  7. R. Gelly, X. Liao, G. Scuri, H. Park, D. Renaud, B. Pingault, S. Bogdanovic, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. Urbaszek, and M. Loncar. Probing dark exciton navigation through a local strain landscape in a WSe2 monolayer. Nature Communications, 13(232), 2022.
  8. Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Y. Wang, G. Scuri, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, G. Zaránd, and P. Kim. Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature Materials, 595:48–52, June 2021.
  9. D. Wild, G. Scuri, K. de Greve, R. Gelly, Y. Zhou, J. Sung, A. Sushko, M. Lukin, H. Park, A. Y. Joe, L.A. Jauregui, K. Pistunova, A.M. Mier Valdivia, Z. Lu, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. Smirnov, and P. Kim. Electrically controlled emission from singlet and triplet exciton species in atomically thin light emitting diodes. Phys Rev B, 130, April 2021.
  10. D. Wild, G. Scuri, K. de Greve, R. Gelly, Y. Zhou, J. Sung, M. Lukin, H. Park, A. Y. Joe, L. A. Jauregui, K. Pistunova, and Z. Lu. Electrically controlled emission from triplet charged excitons in atomically thin heterostructures. Phys Rev B April 2021.
  11. T. Andersen, G. Scuri, A. Sushko, K. de Greve, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, D. Wild, R. Gelly, H. Heo, H. Park, M. Lukin, D. Berube, A. Y. Joe, L. A. Jauregui, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Excitons in a reconstructed moiré potential in twisted WSe2/WSe2 homobilayers. Nature Materials, 20:480–487, 2021.
  12. Y. Zhou, J. Sung, E. Brutschea, I. Esterlis, Y. Wang, G. Scuri, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, E. Demler, H. Park, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Gergely Zarand, and Philip Kim. Signatures of bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature, 595:48-52, 2021.
  13. T. Andersen, R. Gelly, G. Scuri, B. Dwyer, D. Wild, R. Bekenstein, A. Sushko, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, A. Zibrov, X. Liu, S. Yelin, H. Park, M. Lukin, A. Y. Joe, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Spatial light modulation at the nanosecond scale with an atomically thin reflector. ArXiv November 2021.
  14. J. Sung, G. Scuri, T. Andersen, D. Wild, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, H. Park, V. Zólyomi, H. Yoo, A. Y. Joe, S. J. Magorrian, D. Bérubé, A. M. M. Valdivia, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, P. Kim, and V. I. Fal’ko. Broken mirror symmetry in excitonic response of reconstructed domains in twisted MoSe2/MoSe2 bilayers. Nature Nanotechnology, 15:750–754, 2020.
  15. G. Scuri, T. Andersen, Y. Zhou, D. Wild, J. Sung, R. Gelly, H. Heo, M. Lukin, H. Park, D. Bérubé, L. Shao, A. Y. Joe, A. M. M. Valdivia, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Lončar, and P. Kim. Electrically tunable valley dynamics in twisted MoSe2/MoSe2 bilayers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(217403), 2020.
  16. D. Wild, A. High, Y. Zhou, G. Scuri, K. de Greve, M. Lukin, H. Park, L.A. Jauregui, A.Y. Joe, K. Pistunova, C.-H. Yu, T. Taniguchi, K. Wantanabe, and D.J. Needleman. Electrical Control of Interlayer Exciton Dynamics in Atomically Thin Heterostructures. Science, 366(6467), November 2019.
  17. A. Dibos, Y. Zhou, G. Scuri, D. Wild, A. High, M. Lukin, H. Park, L. A. Jauregui, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Kim. Electrically tunable exciton-plasmon coupling in a WSe2 monolayer embedded in a plasmonic crystal cavity. Nano Lett May 2019.
  18. A. Sushko, K. de Greve, T. Andersen, G. Scuri, Y. Zhou, J. Sung, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. High resolution imaging of reconstructed domains and moire patterns in functional van der Waals heterostructure devices. ArXiv 2019.
  19. T. Andersen, G. Scuri, A. Sushko, K. de Greve, J. Sung, Y. Zhou, D. Wild, R. Gelly, H. Heo, H. Park, M. Lukin, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and P. Kim. Moiré Excitons Correlated with Superlattice Structure in Twisted WSe2/WSe2 Homobilayers. ArXiv 2019.
  20. G. Scuri, Y. Zhou, A. High, D. Wild, C. Shu, K. de Greve, M. Lukin, H. Park, L. A. Jauregui, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Kim. Large excitonic reflectivity of monolayer MoSe2 encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(037402), January 2018.
  21. G. Scuri, Y. Zhou, A. High, D. Wild, C. Shu, K. de Greve, M. Lukin, H. Park, L.A. Jauregui, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P. Kim. Atomically thin mirrors made of monolayer semiconductors.
  22. K. Wang, K. de Greve, A. Sushko, A. High, Y. Zhou, G. Scuri, M. Lukin, H. Park, L. A. Jauregui, T. Taniguchi, K. Wantanabe, and P. Kim. Electrical control of charged carriers and excitons in atomically thin materials. Nature Nanotechnology, 13:128-132, 2017.
  23. Y. Zhou, G. Scuri, D. Wild, A. High, A. Dibos, C. Shu, K. de Greve, M. Lukin, H. Park, L.A Jauregui, K. Pistunova, A. Joe, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and P.Kim. Probing dark excitons in atomically thin semiconductors via near-field coupling to surface plasmon polaritons.
Mon November 18, 2024

CUA scientists observe microemulsion phases in the quantum melting of an electron Wigner crystal

Electrons, as quantum particles, display wave-like behavior. Forming a crystalline phase of electrons requires not only cooling but also strong Coulomb (repulsive) forces to counteract their wave-like nature. When this balance is achieved, electrons can arrange into a Wigner crystal. By adjusting electron density, a phase transition between a crystalline and liquid state can occur....
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Tue January 30, 2018

Atomically Thin Mirrors Made from a Monolayer Semiconductor

Conventional mirrors have fundamental thickness limitations: the skin depth for metallic mirrors, and the wavelength of light for dielectric mirrors. Recently, the Park Group has demonstrated that these limitations can be overcome with the atomically thin semiconductor molybdenum diselenide [1]. To understand how this can be achieved, one has to consider how light is reflected...
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