People: Hamza Raniwala

Graduate Student
  1. H. Wang, M. Trusheim, L. Kim, H. Raniwala, and D. Englund. Field programmable spin arrays for scalable quantum repeaters. Nature Communications, 14(704), February 2023.
  2. H. Raniwala, S. Krastanov, D. Englund, M. Trusheim, L. Hackett, and M. Eichenfield. Piezoelectric Nanocavity Interface for Strong Coupling between a Superconducting Circuit, Phonon, and Spin. Physical Review Applied, 19(064051), June 2023.
  3. H. Raniwala, K. Chen, L. Li, D. Englund, D. A. Golter, G. Clark, T. El Dandachi, S. Krastanov, A. J. Leenheer, N. H. Wan, M. Zimmerman, M. Dong, M. Eichenfield, and G. Gilbert. Selective and Scalable Control of Spin Quantum Memories in a Photonic Circuit. Nano Lett., 23(17):7852–7858, August 2023.
  4. H. Raniwala, S. Krastanov, D. Englund, and Matt Eichenfield. A spin-optomechanical quantum interface enabled by an ultrasmall mechanical and optical mode volume cavity. ArXiv 2022.
  5. H. Raniwala, S. Krastanov, D. Englund, M. Trusheim, Lisa Hackett, and Matt Eichenfield. Spin-Phonon-Photon Strong Coupling in a Piezomechanical Nanocavity. ArXiv 2022.