- I. Dimitrova, Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, J. Amato-Grill, P. Jepsen, W. Ketterle, S. Flannigan, I. Čepaitė, and A. Daley. Many-body spin rotation by adiabatic passage in spin-1/2 XXZ chains of ultracold atoms. Quantum Science and Technology , 8(035018), 2023.
- Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, and W. Ketterle. Spin Dynamics Dominated by Resonant Tunneling into Molecular States. Phys Rev Lett, 131(213001), November 2023.
- P. Jepsen, Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, I. Dimitrova, Y. Margalit, W.W. Ho, and W. Ketterle. Long-lived spin-helix states in Heisenberg quantum magnets. Nature Physics, 18, 2022.