People: Iris Cong

Graduate Student
  1. I. Cong, N. Maskara, H. Pichler, G. Semeghini, S. Yelin, S. Choi, and M.C. Tran. Enhancing Detection of Topological Order by Local Error Correction. Nature Communications 2024.
  2. D. Bluvstein, S. Evered, H. Zhou, T. Manovitz, S. Ebadi, M. Cain, M. Kalinowski, N. Maskara, I. Cong, X. Gao, G. Semeghini, M. Gullans, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, A. Geim, S. H. Li, D. Hangleiter, J. P. B. Ataides, P. S. Rodriguez, and T. Karolyshyn. Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays. Nature December 2023.
  3. H. Zhou, H. Gao, N. Leitao, O. Makarova, I. Cong, L. Martin, and M. Lukin. Robust Hamiltonian Engineering for Interacting Qudit Systems. ArXiv May 2023.
  4. I. Cong, S. Wang, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, and M. Lukin. Hardware-Efficient, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Rydberg Atoms. Physical Review X , 12(021049), June 2022.
  5. I. Cong. Quantum Machine Learning, Error Correction, and Topological Phases of Matter. Harvard University, 2022.
  6. I. Cong, S. Choi, and M. Lukin. Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks. ArXiv 2018.