People: Ivan Kozyryev

Graduate Student
  1. I. Kozyryev, Z. Lasner, and J. Doyle. Enhanced Sensitivity to Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter in the Spectra of the Linear Radical SrOH. Phys Rev A, 103(043313), April 2021.
  2. B.L. Augenbraun, J. Doyle, I. Kozyryev, and T. Zelevinsky. Molecular Asymmetry and Optical Cycling: Laser Cooling Asymmetric Top Molecules. Physical Review X, 10(031022), July 2020.
  3. I. Kozyryev, J. Doyle, T. C. Steimle, P. Yu, and D.-T. Nguyen. Determination of CaOH and CaOCH3 vibrational branching ratios for direct laser cooling and trapping. New Journal of Physics, 21(51999), May 2019.
  4. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, J. Doyle, L. Aldridge, P. Yu, and E. E. Eyler. Coherent Bichromatic Force Deflection of Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(063205), February 2018.
  5. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, K. Matsuda, B. Hemmerling, and J. Doyle. Radiation pressure force from optical cycling on a polyatomic molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 134002:49, 2016.
  6. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, K. Matsuda, J. Doyle, Peter Olson, Peter Olson, , , and . Coherent population trapping, nuclear spin cooling and Levy flights in solid state atom-like systems.. New Journal of Physics, 17, April 2015.
Thu February 22, 2018

Triatomic Molecules

In the simplest molecues, diatomic molecules made form two atoms, the vibration and rotation degrees of freedom gives rise to new features such as strong long-range dipolar interactions between molecules, a key ingredient in many quantum simulation and quantum computing proposals. Polyatomic molecules are an exciting new research frontier, as these molecules offer an even...
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