People: John M. Doyle

Professor of Physics
  1. N. Vilas, P. Robichaud, C. Hallas, G. Li, L. Anderegg, and J. Doyle. An optical tweezer array of ultracold polyatomic molecules. Nature, 628:282-286 , April 2024.
  2. C. Hallas, G. Li, N. Vilas, P. Robichaud, L. Anderegg, and J. Doyle. High Compression Blue-Detuned Magneto-Optical Trap of Polyatomic Molecules. ArXiv 2024.
  3. Z. Lasner, J. Doyle, N. Hutzler, B.L. Augenbraun, and D. DeMille et al.. Relativistic Exact Two-Component Coupled-Cluster Study of Molecular Sensitivity Factors for Nuclear Schiff Moments. ArXiv 2024.
  4. N. Vilas, C. Hallas, L. Anderegg, P. Robichaud, J. Doyle, C. Zhang, S. Dawley, and L. Cheng. Blackbody thermalization and vibrational lifetimes of trapped polyatomic molecules. ArXiv 2023.
  5. B.L. Augenbraun, L. Anderegg, C. Hallas, Z. Lasner, N. Vilas, and J. Doyle. Direct Laser Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules. ArXiv 2023.
  6. X. Wu, J. Doyle, T Masuda, A Hiramoto, DG Ang, C Meisenhelder, C Panda, N Sasao, S Uetake, and D DeMille. High-sensitivity low-noise photodetector using large-area silicon photomultiplier. Optics Express, 31(2):1943-1957, 2023.
  7. C. Hallas, N. Vilas, L. Anderegg, P. Robichaud, A. Winnicki, C. Zheng, J. Doyle, and L. Chang. Optical Trapping of a Polyatomic Molecule in an l-Type Parity Doublet State. Phys Rev Lett, 130(153202), April 2023.
  8. L. Anderegg, N. Vilas, C. Hallas, P. Robichaud, J. Doyle, N. Hutzler, and A. Jadbabaie. Quantum Control of Trapped Polyatomic Molecules for eEDM Searches. ArXiv 2023.
  9. Y. Bao, S. Yu, J. You, L. Anderegg, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Raman sideband cooling of molecules in an optical tweezer array to the 3-D motional ground state. ArXiv 2023.
  10. Y. Bao, S. Yu, L. Anderegg, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecules in an optical tweezer array. ArXiv 2022.
  11. X. Wu, J. Doyle, P. Hu, Z. Han, D. G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, G. Gabrielse, and D. DeMille. Electrostatic focusing of cold and heavy molecules for the ACME electron EDM search. ArXiv 2022.
  12. Y. Bao, S. Yu, L. Anderegg, S. Burchesky, D. Gonzalez-Acevedo, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Fast optical transport of ultracold molecules over long distances. ArXiv 2022.
  13. D. Mitra, B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, W. Campbell, J. Doyle, G.-Z. Zhu, C. E. Dickerson, M. J. Frim, G. Lao, A. N. Alexandrova, and J. R. Caram. Functionalizing Aromatic Compounds with Optical Cycling Centers. ArXiv 2022.
  14. X. Wu, J. Doyle, D. G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, C. D. Panda, D. DeMille, and G. Gabrielse. Measurement of the H3Δ1 Radiative Lifetime in ThO. ArXiv 2022.
  15. J. Doyle and Z. Lasner. New Horizons: Scalar and Vector Ultralight Dark Matter. ArXiv 2022.
  16. D. Mitra, Z. Lasner, W. Campbell, J. Doyle, G.-Z. Zhu, C. E. Dickerson, A. D. Bailey, A. N. Alexandrova, J. R. Caram, and E. R. Hudson. Pathway Towards Optical Cycling and Laser Cooling of Functionalized Arenes. ArXiv 2022.
  17. X. Wu, J. Doyle, A Hiramoto, T Masuda, DG Ang, C Meisenhelder, C Panda, N Sasao, S Uetake, D DeMille, G Gabrielse, and K Yoshimura. SiPM module for the ACME III electron EDM search. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A., 167513, January 2022.
  18. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, N. Vilas, J. Doyle, C. Zhang, and L. Cheng. Accurate prediction and measurement of vibronic branching ratios for laser cooling linear polyatomic molecules. J. Chem. Phys., 155(091101), September 2021.
  19. Y. Bao, L. Anderegg, S. Burchesky, and J. Doyle. Device for suppression of aerosol transfer in close proximity settings. COVID, 394-402, 2021.
  20. I. Kozyryev, Z. Lasner, and J. Doyle. Enhanced Sensitivity to Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter in the Spectra of the Linear Radical SrOH. Phys Rev A, 103(043313), April 2021.
  21. L. Baum, N. Vilas, C. Hallas, B.L. Augenbraun, S. Raval, D. Mitra, and J. Doyle. Establishing a nearly closed cycling transition in a polyatomic molecule. Phys Rev A., 103(043111), April 2021.
  22. Z. Lasner, D. Mitra, B.L. Augenbraun, L. Cheuk, Y. K. Lee, J. Doyle, M. Hiradfar, and S. Prabhu. Fast and High-Yield Loading of a D2 MOT of Potassium from a Cryogenic Buffer Gas Beam. Phys Rev A December 2021.
  23. L. Anderegg, J. Doyle, C. Hallas, Y. Lenskiy, N. Vilas, M. L. Gardel, A. Gupta, N. G. Love, B. A. Lucas, E. Mazenc, C. Meisenhelder, A. Pillarisetti, D. Ranard, A. H. Squires, J. Vechakul, S. Williams, D. Wilson, T. Chen, and N95DECON Consortium. Heat and Humidity for Bioburden Reduction of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators. Applied Biosafety, 26(2), 2021.
  24. N. Vilas, C. Hallas, L. Anderegg, P. Robichaud, A. Winnicki, D. Mitra, J. Doyle, and . Magneto-Optical Trapping and Sub-Doppler Cooling of a Polyatomic Molecule. ArXiv 2021.
  25. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, A. T. Le, and T. C. Steimle. Observation and laser spectroscopy of ytterbium monomethoxide, YbOCH3. Phys Rev A, 103(022814), February 2021.
  26. L. Anderegg, S. Burchesky, Y. Bao, S. Yu, and J. Doyle. Observation of Microwave Shielding of Ultracold Molecules. Science, 373(6556):779-782, August 2021.
  27. S. Burchesky, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Yu, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Rotational Coherence Times of Polar Molecules in Optical Tweezers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(123202), September 2021.
  28. N. Hutzler, J. Doyle, T. Masuda, D. A. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, N. Sasao, S. Uetake, X. Wu, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, and K. Yoshimura. Suppression of the optical crosstalk in a multi-channel silicon photomultiplier array. Optics Express, 29(11):16914-16926, 2021.
  29. B.L. Augenbraun, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, C. Hallas, N. Vilas, A. Nasir, Z. Lasner, and J. Doyle. Zeeman-Sisyphus Deceleration of Molecular Beams. PhysRevLett, 127(263002), 2021.
  30. L. Baum, N. Vilas, C. Hallas, B.L. Augenbraun, S. Raval, D. Mitra, and J. Doyle. 1D Magneto-Optical Trap of Polyatomic Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 124(133201), March 2020.
  31. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, D. Mitra, S. Raval, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, and S. Prabhu. Assessment and Mitigation of Aerosol Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Laboratory and Office Environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene October 2020.
  32. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, J. Doyle, E.T. Mengesha, A.T. Le, T.C. Steimle, L. Cheng, and C. Zhang. Branching ratios, radiative lifetimes and transition dipole moments for YbOH. ArXiv February 2020.
  33. D. Mitra, N. Vilas, C. Hallas, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, L. Baum, S. Raval, J. Doyle, and C. Miller. Direct Laser Cooling of a Symmetric Top Molecule. Science, 369(6509):1366-1369, September 2020.
  34. L. Anderegg, J. Doyle, C. Meisenhelder, A. Preecha, C. O. Ngooi, L. Liao, W. Xiao, S. Chu, and Y. Cui. Effect of Dry Heat and Autoclave Decontamination Cycles on N95 FFRs. MedRxiv 2020.
  35. L. Baum, N. Vilas, C. Hallas, B.L. Augenbraun, S. Raval, D. Mitra, and J. Doyle. Establishing a highly closed cycling transition in a polyatomic molecule. ArXiv June 2020.
  36. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, C. Miller, and T.C. Steimle. Laser-Cooled Polyatomic Molecules for Improved Electron Electric Dipole Moment Searches. New Journal of Physics, 22(022003), February 2020.
  37. B.L. Augenbraun, J. Doyle, I. Kozyryev, and T. Zelevinsky. Molecular Asymmetry and Optical Cycling: Laser Cooling Asymmetric Top Molecules. Physical Review X, 10(031022), July 2020.
  38. L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, J. Doyle, and Scarlett Yu. Observation of Collisions between Two Ultracold Ground-State CaF Molecules. ArXiv January 2020.
  39. L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, S. Yu, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Observation of Collisions between Two Ultracold Ground-State CaF Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 125(043401), July 2020.
  40. X. Wu, J. Doyle, Z. Han, J. Chow, D.G. Ang, C. Meisenhelder, C. Panda, E.P. West, G. Gabrielse, and D. DeMille. The metastable Q 3Δ2 state of ThO: A new resource for the ACME electron EDM search. New Journal of Physics, 22(023013), February 2020.
  41. L. Anderegg, L. Cheuk, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. An Optical Tweezer Array of Ultracold Molecules. ArXiv 2019.
  42. L. Anderegg, L. Cheuk, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. An optical tweezer array of ultracold molecules. Science, 365(6458):1156-1158, September 2019.
  43. I. Kozyryev, J. Doyle, T. C. Steimle, P. Yu, and D.-T. Nguyen. Determination of CaOH and CaOCH3 vibrational branching ratios for direct laser cooling and trapping. New Journal of Physics, 21(51999), May 2019.
  44. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, J. Doyle, L. Aldridge, P. Yu, and E. E. Eyler. Coherent Bichromatic Force Deflection of Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(063205), February 2018.
  45. L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, L. Cheuk, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. Laser Cooling of Optically Trapped Molecules. Nature, 14:890–893, 2018.
  46. L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. Λ-Enhanced Imaging of Molecules in an Optical Trap. Phys. Rev. Lett, 121(083201), August 2018.
  47. E. Chae, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, A. Ravi, B. Hemmerling, N. Hutzler, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A. Collopy, and J. Ye. One dimensional magneto-optical compression of a cold CaF molecular beam. New Journal of Physics, 19(033035), March 2017.
  48. L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, E. Chae, B. Hemmerling, N. Hutzler, A. Ravi, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A. Collopy, and J. Ye. Radio Frequency Magneto-Optical Trapping of CaF with High Density. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 119(103201), September 2017.
  49. J. Doyle, B. Spaun, P.B. Changala, B. J. Bjork, O.H. Heckl, and J. Ye. Continuous probe of cold complex molecules with infrared frequency comb spectroscopy. arXiv, 1601:07845, 2016.
  50. G. Drayna, S. Eibenberger, J. Doyle, D. Patterson, C. Hallas, K. Wang, and S.R. Domingos. Direct time-domain observation of conformational relaxation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 55, June 2016.
  51. B. Hemmerling, E. Chae, A. Ravi, L. Anderegg, G. Drayna, N. Hutzler, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A.L. Collopy, and J. Ye. Laser slowing of CaF molecules to near the capture velocity of a molecular MOT. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2016.
  52. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, K. Matsuda, B. Hemmerling, and J. Doyle. Radiation pressure force from optical cycling on a polyatomic molecule. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 134002:49, 2016.
  53. I. Kozyryev, L. Baum, K. Matsuda, J. Doyle, Peter Olson, Peter Olson, , , and . Coherent population trapping, nuclear spin cooling and Levy flights in solid state atom-like systems.. New Journal of Physics, 17, April 2015.
  54. B. Hemmerling, E. Chae, J. Doyle, M. Yeo, A.L. Collopy, and B. Yan. Rotational State Microwave Mixing for Laser Cooling of Complex Diatomic Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 114:223003, 2015.
  55. J. Doyle, P. R. Huffman, K.J. Coakley, C.R. Huffer, H. P. Mumm, C. M. O'Shaughnessy, K.W. Schelhammer, P.N. Seo, and L. Yang. Design and performance of a cryogenic apparatus for magnetically trapping ultracold neutrons. Cryogenics, 64:40, 2014.
  56. W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Cold Collisions of helium and thorium monoxide in the electronic excited H-state. preprint 2013.
  57. W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Spin-orbit effects in cold inelastic collisions of antimony and helium. Submitted 2013.
  58. W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Vibrational quenching in cold thorium monoxide (X, v=1)-helium collisions. preprint 2013.
  59. W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Zeeman relaxation in cold collisions of thorium and helium. preprint 2013.
  60. J. Piskorski and J. Doyle. A Cold and Slow Molecular Beam. PCCP, 13:18986, 2011.
  61. J. Doyle, P.W. Hess, E. Prik, B. Spaun, D. DeMille, and G. Gabrielse. A cryogenic beam of refractory, chemically reactive molecules with expansion cooling. PCCP, 13:18976, 2011.
  62. H. Lu, J. Piskorski, and J. Doyle. Cold and Slow Molecular Beam. submitted PCCP 2011.
  63. J. Doyle, B.C. Sawyer, B.K. Stuhl, M. Yeo, Y. Xia, and J. Klos. Cold heteromolecular dipolar collisions. PCCP, 13:19059, 2011.
  64. J. Doyle and J. Klos. Cold N+NH Collisions in a Magnetic Trap. Phys Rev Lett, 106:053201, 2011.
  65. S. Magkiriadou, D. Patterson, J. Doyle, and Timothee Nicolas. Cold, optically dense gases of atomic rubidium. New J. Phys., 13:023012, 2011.
  66. J. Doyle, J. Klos, R.C. Forrey, H.R. Sadeghpour, and T. Walker. Formation and dynamics of van der Waals molecules in buffer-gas traps. PCCP, 13:19125, 2011.
  67. J. Doyle and J. Klos. Low-inelastic-rate Atom-Molecule Collisions in a Magnetic Trap. Physical Review Letters, 106:053201, 2011.
  68. J. Doyle, B. Spaun, E. Kirilov, G. Gabrielse, and D. DeMille. Magnetic and electric dipole moments of the $^3Delta_1$ state in ThO. Phys Rev A, 84:034502, 2011.
  69. J. Doyle, H. Hara, Y. Takasu, Y. Yamaoka, and Y. Takahashi. Quantum degenerate mixtures of alkali and alkaline-earth-like atoms. PRL 2011.
  70. J. Doyle and E. Tsikita. Colling and Collisions of Large Gas Phase Molecules. Phys Chem Chem Phys., 12(33):9736-41, 2010.
  71. J. Doyle, J. Klos, H.R. Sadeghpour, and T. Walker. Formation of van der Waals molecules in buffer gas cooled magnetic traps. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105:033001, 2010.
  72. W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, and S. C. Dor. Large spin relaxation rates in trapped submerged-shell atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 81:010702, 2010.
  73. J. Doyle. Magnetic Trapping of NH Molecules with 20 s Lifetimes. New Journal of Physics, 12:065028, 2010.
  74. J. Doyle. Permeabililty of Noble Gases through Kapton, Butyl, Nylon and Silver Shield. NIM A, Accepted, 2010.
  75. J. Doyle, E. Prik, and B. Spaun. Search for the electric ipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide. Journal of Physics, B 43:074007, 2010.
  76. J. Doyle, C. Johnson, B. Newman, N. Brahams, and Tom Grak. Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Atomic Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He.. Phys. Rev. A, 81:062706, 2010.
  77. C. Doret, C. Connolly, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. A Buffer-Gas Cooled Bose-Einstein Condensate. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103:103005, 2009.
  78. J. Doyle. Cooling, trap loading, and beam productionusing a cryogenic helium buffer gas. Cold Molecules: Theory, Experiment, Applications, Chapter 13 CRC Press, 2009.
  79. J. Doyle and T. Hong. Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Buffer-gas-cooled Rb Vapor. Phys. Rev. A, 79:013806, 2009.
  80. D. Patterson, J. Piskorski, and J. Doyle. Intense Atomic and Molecular Beams via Neon buffer gas Cooling. New J. Phys, 11:055018, 2009.
  81. W. Campbell, T. Tscherbul, H. Lu, E. Tsikata, J. Doyle, and R.V. Krems. Mechanism of Collisional Spin Relaxation in S Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:013003, 2009.
  82. A. Gorshkov, D. Patterson, A. Zibrov, J. Doyle, M. Lukin, and T. Hong. Realization of coherent optically dense media via buffer-gas cooling. Phys. Rev. A, 79:013806, 2009.
  83. J. Doyle. Why are cold molecules so hot. Chem. Phys., 10:604-623, 2009.
  84. T. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, N. Brahms, Y. Au, J. Doyle, and H.R. Sadeghpour. Collision-induced spin depolarization of alkali-metal atoms in cold He gas. Phys. Rev. A, 78:060703(R), 2008.
  85. J. Doyle, L. Yang, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, S. N. Dzhosyuk, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, R. Michniak, R. Golub, E. Korobkina, C. M. O'Shaughnessy, G. R. Palmquist, P.N. Seo, P. R. Huffman, K.J. Coakley, H. P. Mumm, G. L. Yang, and S. K. Lamoreaux. Development of High-field Superconducting Ioffe Magnetic Traps. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 79:31301, 2008.
  86. J. Doyle, A. Yamaguchi, S. Uake, D. Hashimoto, and Y. Takahashi. Inelastic Collisions in Optically Trapped Ultracold Metastable Ytterbium. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101:233002, 2008.
  87. M. Hummon, W. Campbell, H. Lu, J. Doyle, and Y. Wang. Magnetic trapping of atomic nitrogen and cotrapping of NH. Phys. Rev. Lett., 78:050702, 2008.
  88. N. Brahms, D. Kleppner, J. Doyle, B. Newman, and C. Johnson. Magnetic Trapping of Silver and Copper, and Anomalous Spin Relaxation in the Ag-He System. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101:103002, 2008.
  89. S. Maxwell, M. Hummon, J. Doyle, Y. Wang, A.A. Buchachenko, and R.V. Krems. Spin-orbit interaction and large inelastic rates in bismuth-helium collisions. Phys. Rev. A, 78:042706, 2008.
  90. J. Doyle and G.C. Groenenboom. Time-Domain Measurement of Spontaneous Vibrational Decay of Magnetically Trapped NH. Phys. Rev. Ltrs., 100:083003, 2008.
  91. D. Patterson and J. Doyle. A Bright, Guided Molecular Beam with Hydrodynamic Enhancement. J. Chem. Phys., 126:154307, 2007.
  92. J. Doyle and R. deCarvalho. Analysis of cold 52 Cr elastic and inelastic collision rates using evaporative cooling. Phys. Rev. A, 75:062706, 2007.
  93. J. Doyle and R. deCarvalho. Analysis of cold 52 Cr elastic and inelastic collision-rate determination using evaporative cooling analysis. Phys. Rev. A, 75:062706, 2007.
  94. W. Campbell, E. Tsikata, H. Lu, J. Doyle, and L. D. van Buuren. Magnetic Trapping and Zeeman Relaxation of NH (X-triplet-Sigma). Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:213001, 2007.
  95. C. Doret, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, and J.G.E. Harris. Spin-Exchange Collisions of Submerged Shell Atoms Below 1 Kelvin. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:223201, 2007.
  96. J. Doyle, M. Lukin, S. Maxwell, P. Rabl, A. Andre, D. DeMille, R.J. Schoelkopf, and P. Zoller. A coherent all-electrical interface between polar molecules and mesoscopic superconducting resonators. Nature Physics, 2:636-642, 2006.
  97. P. Rabl, J. Doyle, M. Lukin, D. DeMille, R.J. Schoelkopf, and P. Zoller. Hybrid quantum processors: molecular ensembles as quantum memory for solid state circuits. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:33003, 2006.
  98. J. Doyle, N. Brahams, and B. Newman. A new path to ultracold hydrogen. Can. J. Phys., 83:293, 2005.
  99. J. Doyle, K.J. Coakley, S. N. Dzhosyuk, L. Yang, and P. R. Huffman. Chaotic Scattering of Marginally Trapped Neutrons. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 110:367, 2005.
  100. W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, S.C. Dor, and R. Michniak. Evaporative cooling of metastable helium in the multi-partial-wave regime. Phys. Rev. A, 72:060703(R), 2005.
  101. W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, J.S. Helton, and K. Maussang. High-flux beam source for cold, slow atoms or molecules. Physical Review A, 71:025602, 2005.
  102. W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, J.S. Helton, and K. Maussang. Magnetic trapping of an atomic Mn-Cr mixture. Phys Rev A, 71:025602, 2005.
Mon November 18, 2024

A Conveyor Belt MOT of Diatomic Molecules

Ultracold molecules provide a powerful and versatile platform for quantum computing,simulation, and metrology applications. The cornerstone technique for generating these cold, dense samples of molecular gasses is the magneto-optical trap (MOT). Conventional molecular MOTs use red-detuned light, limiting them to relatively high temperatures and low densities, leading to small spatial overlap and low loading efficiency...
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Mon December 11, 2023

Quantum-computing approach uses single molecules as qubits for first time

Platforms based on molecules manipulated using ‘optical tweezers’ might be able to perform complex physics calculations. Physicists have taken the first step towards building quantum computers out of individual molecules trapped with laser devices called optical tweezers. Two teams report their results in Science on 7 December in both cases making pairs of calcium monofluoride...
News type:
Tue January 31, 2023

CUA Makes Physics World’s Top Ten of 2022

Physics World recognizes Professor John Doyle’s lab for creating some of the world’s first ultracold polyatomic molecules. The lab produced sodium hydroxide at 110 µK.
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Tue November 22, 2022

Quantum entanglement between ultracold molecules in optical tweezer array

Molecular tweezer arrays provide a powerful and versatile platform for quantum computing and simulation applications. This is due to the long coherence time, strong dipole-dipole couplings between neighboring polar molecules, and single-site addressability in the system. Recently, by using the rotational states of single CaF molecules trapped in individual tweezers as effective qubits, we have...
News type:
Fri April 9, 2021

Doyle group paper wins Lila Albin Award

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Committee, have awarded the Lila Albin Award for the Best Indoor Environmental Quality Paper for 2020 to the Doyle group. The paper is entitled: Assessment and Mitigation of Aerosol Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Laboratory and Office Environments.
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Mon July 20, 2020

Controlled Collisions of Exactly two Ultracold Molecules

One of the fundamental questions in the study of ultracold polar molecules is “what happens when two molecules collide at ultracold temperatures?” Knowing whether the molecules undergo chemical reactions, form long lived complexes, change internal state, or bounce off each other carries important implications which will guide future research directions. Our recent experiment explores this...
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Thu February 27, 2020

Laser-cooling and Optical Trapping of Diatomic Molecules

Ultracold molecules have been proposed as a rich resource for many applications ranging from precision measurements and quantum metrology to quantum simulation and quantum information processing. The benefits of molecules in all these applications arise from the many internal degrees of freedom in a molecule. For example, even with the simplest diatomic molecules, one has...
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Wed October 17, 2018

Improved Measurement of the Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment

Although the Standard Model of particle physics, one of the triumphs of modern physics, accurately describes all particle physics measurements made in laboratories so far, it is unable to answer many questions that arise from cosmological observations, such as the long-standing puzzle of why matter dominates over antimatter throughout the observable universe. To explain these...
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Sat September 1, 2018

Laser-cooling and Optical Trapping of Diatomic Molecules

Ultracold molecules have been proposed as a rich resource for many applications ranging from precision measurements and quantum metrology to quantum simulation and quantum information processing. The benefits of molecules in all these applications arise from the many internal degrees of freedom in a molecule. For example, even with the simplest two-atom diatomic molecules, one...
News type:
Thu February 22, 2018

Triatomic Molecules

In the simplest molecues, diatomic molecules made form two atoms, the vibration and rotation degrees of freedom gives rise to new features such as strong long-range dipolar interactions between molecules, a key ingredient in many quantum simulation and quantum computing proposals. Polyatomic molecules are an exciting new research frontier, as these molecules offer an even...
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Sat September 5, 2009

Bose-Einstein Condensation 2009, Frontiers in Quantum Gases, San Feliu, Spain, 05 – 11 September 2009

The BEC conference is a biannual meeting which is regarded the most prestigious and competitive conference in the field of atomic quantum gases, featuring about 45 invited presentations. Several CUA researchers presented invited talks:
Past Events
Tue October 2, 2018 4:30 pm

John Doyle

Location:MIT 4-270
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