People: Juliana Park

Graduate Student
  1. J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, T. Tscherbul, and W. Ketterle. A Feshbach resonance in collisions between triplet ground state molecules. Nature, 614(5458), 2023.
  2. J. Park, H. Son, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, T. Karman, M. Gronowski, and M. Tomza. Ab initio calculation of the spectrum of Feshbach resonances in NaLi + Na collisions. Phys. Rev. A , 108(023309), 2023.
  3. J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Magnetic trapping of ultracold molecules at high density. Nature Physics, 19, 2023.
  4. J. Park. Quantum Controlled Collisions and Magnetic Trapping of Ultracold NaLi Molecules. January 2023.
  5. J. Park, H. Son, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, T. Karman, M. Gronowski, and M. Tomza. Spectrum of Feshbach resonances in NaLi + Na collisions. Phys. Rev. X, 13(031018), August 2023.
  6. H. Son, J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, and Tijs Karman. Control of reactive collisions by quantum interference. Science, 375(6584), March 2022.
  7. H. Son, J. Park, W. Ketterle, and A. Jamison. Collisional Cooling of Ultracold Atoms. Nature, 580(197), April 2020.
  8. T. Rvachov, H. Son, A. Sommer, J. Park, M. Zwierlein, W. Ketterle, A. Jamison, and S. Ebadi. Long-Lived Ultracold Molecules with Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments. Phys. Rev. Lett. October 2017.
Wed February 1, 2023

Physicists observe rare resonance in molecules for the first time

If she hits just the right pitch, a singer can shatter a wine glass. The reason is resonance. While the glass may vibrate slightly in response to most acoustic tones, a pitch that resonates with the material’s own natural frequency can send its vibrations into overdrive, causing the glass to shatter. Resonance also occurs at...
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Wed March 9, 2022

Physicists steer chemical reactions by magnetic fields and quantum interference

Physicists in the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) have developed a new approach to control the outcome of chemical reactions. This is traditionally done using temperature and chemical catalysts, or more recently with external fields (electric or magnetic fields, or laser beams). MIT CUA physicists have now added a new twist to this: They...
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