People: Kasturi Saha
Postdoctoral Fellow
L. Marseglia, K. Saha, A. Ajoy, D. Englund, P. Cappellaro, T. Schröder, F. Jelezko, R. Walsworth, J. L. Pacheco, D. L. Perry, and E. S. Bielejec. Bright nanowire single photon source based on SiV centers in diamond. Optics Express, 26:80-89, 2018.
M. Chen, W. Sun, K. Saha, J-C. Jaskula, and P. Cappellaro. Protecting solid-state spins from strongly coupled environment. ArXiv 2018.
A. Ajoy, Y.-X. Liu, K. Saha, L. Marseglia, J-C. Jaskula, U. Bissbort, and P. Cappellaro. Quantum interpolation for high-resolution sensing. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 114(9), February 2017.