- N. Yao, T. Schuster, T. Nathanan , and A. Vishwanath . A holographic view of topological stabilizer codes. ArXiv 2023.
- M. Lukin, N. Yao, M. P. Zaletel, C. Monroe, C. Nayak, and F. Wilczek. Colloquium: Quantum and Classical Discrete Time Crystals. Reviews of Modern Physics, 95(031001), 2023.
- N. Maskara, S. Ostermann, M. Kalinowski, A. McClain, R. A. Bravo, D. Wang, N. Yao, M. Lukin, S. Yelin, J. Shee, A. Krylov, and M. Head-Gordon. Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with Reconfigurable Quantum Pro-cessors. ArXiv 2023.
- M. Bintz, V. Liu, N. Yao, C. Chen, G. Emperauger , B. Guillaume , F. Caleca , G. Bastien , S. Chatterjee , D. Barredo, T. Lahaye , F. Mezzacapo , R. Tommaso , and A. Browaeys. Spectroscopy of elementary excitations from quench dynamics in a dipolar XY Rydberg simulator. ArXiv 2023.
- P. Dolgirev, I. Esterlis, A. Zibrov, M. Lukin, N. Yao, E. Demler, and Shubhayu Chatterjee. Single-spin qubit magnetic spectroscopy of two-dimensional superconductivity. Physical Review Research, 4, January 2022.
- J. Marino, N. Yao, M. Lukin, E. Demler, and B. Zhu. Dicke time crystals in driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems. New Journal of Physics July 2019.
- E. Demler, N. Yao, K. Akkaravarawong, J. I. Väyrynen, J. D. Sau, and L. I. Glazman. Probing and dressing magnetic impurities in a superconductor. Phys. Rev. Research, 1(033091), 2019.
- F. Grusdt, N. Yao, and E. Demler. Topological polarons, quasiparticle invariants, and their detection in one-dimensional symmetry-protected phases. Phys. Rev. B, 100(075126), 2019.
- N. Yao and M. Lukin. Dynamical engineering of interactions in qudit ensembles.
- S. Choi, N. Yao, and M. Lukin. Quantum metrology based on strongly correlated matter. ArXiv 2017.
- F. Grusdt, N. Yao, D. Abanin, E. Demler, and M. Fleischhauer. Interferometric Measurements of Many-body Topological Invariants using Mobile Impurities. Nature Communications, 7(11994), June 2016.