- P. Peng, P. Cappellaro, B. Ye, and N. Yao. Exploiting disorder to probe spin and energy hydrodynamics. Nature Physics 2023.
- P. Peng. NMR studies of quantum thermalization. MIT, 2022.
- P. Peng, P. Cappellaro, X. Huang, C. Yin, L. Joseph, and C. Ramanathan . Deep reinforcement learning for quantum Hamiltonian engineering. ArXiv 2021.
- P. Peng, P. Cappellaro, C. Yin, X. Huang, and C. Ramanathan. Observation of Floquet prethermalization in dipolar spin chains. Nat. Phys. 2021.
- P. Peng, P. Cappellaro, C. Yin, X. Huang, and C. Ramanathan. Prethermal quasiconserved observables in Floquet quantum systems. Physics Rev B, 103(054305), 2021.
- K. Xuan Wei, P. Peng, P. Cappellaro, O. Shtanko, I. Marvian, S. Lloyd, and C. Ramanathan. Emergent prethermalization signatures in out-of-time ordered correlations. Phys. Rev. Lett., 123(090605), 2019.
- P. Peng, Z. Li, K. Xuan Wei, P. Cappellaro, and H. Yan. Comparing many-body localization lengths via non-perturbative construction of local integrals of motion. Phys. Rev. B, 100(214203), December 2018.