People: Richard Fletcher

Assistant Professor
  1. V. Crepel, R. Yao, B. Mukherjee, R. Fletcher, and M. Zwierlein. Geometric squeezing of rotating quantum gases into the lowest Landau level. Comptes Rendus. Physique, 24:241-262, March 2024.
  2. R. Yao, S. Chi, R. Fletcher, M. Zwierlein, and M. Wang. Measuring pair correlations in Bose and Fermi gases via atom-resolved microscopy. ArXiv 2024.
  3. Z. Yan, P. Patel, B. Mukherjee, R. Fletcher, M. Zwierlein, and C. Vale. Thermography of the superfluid transition in a strongly interacting Fermi gas. Science, 383(6683), February 2024.
  4. R. Yao, S. Chi, B. Mukherjee, A. Shaffer-Moag, M. Zwierlein, and R. Fletcher. Observation of chiral edge transport in a rapidly-rotating quantum gas. ArXiv 2023.
  5. B. Mukherjee, A. Shaffer-Moag, P. Patel, Z. Yan, C. Wilson, V. Crepel, R. Fletcher, and M. Zwierlein. Crystallization of bosonic quantum Hall states in a rotating quantum gas. Nature, 601:58–62, January 2022.
  6. P. Patel, Z. Yan, B. Mukherjee, R. Fletcher, J. Struck, and M. Zwierlein. Universal Sound Diffusion in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas. Science, 370(6521), December 2020.
  7. Z. Yan, P. Patel, B. Mukherjee, R. Fletcher, J. Struck, and M. Zwierlein. Boiling a Unitary Fermi Liquid. Physical Review Letters, 122(093401), March 2019.
  8. R. Fletcher, A. Shaffer-Moag, C. Wilson, P. Patel, Z. Yan, V. Crepel, B. Mukherjee, and M. Zwierlein. Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level. ArXiv November 2019.
  9. B. Mukherjee, P. Patel, Z. Yan, R. Fletcher, J. Struck, and M. Zwierlein. Spectral response and contact of the unitary Fermi gas. Physical Review Letters, 122(203402), May 2019.
  10. R. Fletcher, M. Zwierlein, R. Lopes, J. Man, N. Navon, R. P. Smith, and Z. Hadzibabic. Two- and three-body contacts in the unitary Bose gas. Science January 2017.
Thu October 19, 2023

Harvard-MIT CUA Receives Major Renewal Grant

The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Physics Frontiers Centers program renewed a grant to the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) to fund exploring, understanding, and harnessing mysterious phenomena at the frontiers of physics. The CUA, which works to enable greater control and programmability of quantum-entangled systems of low-temperature atoms and molecules, will conduct experiments involving...
Mon March 30, 2020

Squeezing space in a rotating quantum gas

In its most famous form, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation tells us that we cannot know both the position and momentum of a particle. The best we can do is to redistribute the intrinsic quantum uncertainty, for example by making position more precise at the expense of momentum, via a procedure known as squeezing. However, the...
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Past Events
Wed April 14, 2021 12:00 am
Location:Cambridge Science Festival
Follow the link (directly above) to see the CUA’s video entries for the 2021 Cambridge Science Festival, focusing on explaining some of the CUA’s research to a K-12 audience. Special thanks to our volunteers for creating these wonderful videos!