People: Sooshin Kim
Graduate Student
S. Kim, A. Lukin, M. Rispoli, M. Tai, A. Kaufman, P. Segura, Y. Li, J. Kwan, J. Leonard, B. Bakkali-Hassani, and M. Greiner. Adiabatic State Preparation in a Quantum Ising Spin Chain. ArXiv 2024.
J. Leonard, S. Kim, M. Rispoli, A. Lukin, R. Schittko, J. Kwan, E. Demler, D. Sels, and M. Greiner. Probing the onset of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system. Nature Physics , 19:pages481–485, 2023.
S. Kim. Quantum Gas Microscopy of Strongly Correlated Bosons. Harvard University, 2023.
J. Kwan, P. Segura, Y. Li, S. Kim, A. Gorshkov, B. Bakkali-Hassani, M. Greiner, and A. Eckardt. Realization of 1D Anyons with Arbitrary Statistical Phase. ArXiv 2023.
J. Leonard, S. Kim, J. Kwan, P. Segura, F. Grusdt, C. Repellin, and N. Goldman. Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms. Nature, 619(4870):495–499, 2023.
A. Bohrdt, S. Kim, A. Lukin, M. Rispoli, R. Schittko, M. Knap, M. Greiner, and J. Leonard. Analyzing non-equilibrium quantum states through snapshots with artificial neural networks. Physical Review Letters, 127(150504), October 2021.
M. Rispoli, A. Lukin, R. Schittko, S. Kim, M. Tai, J. Leonard, and M. Greiner. Quantum critical behavior at the many-body localization transition. Nature, 573:385–389, 2019.