People: Taylor Patti

Graduate Student
  1. A. McClain, T. Patti, S. Yelin, and A. Anandkumar. Near-term distributed quantum computation using mean-field corrections and auxiliary qubits. IOP Science May 2024.
  2. T. Patti, O. R. Bigorda, S. Yelin, and F. Shah. Quantum computing with subwavelength atomic arrays. Phys Rev A, 109(012613), January 2024.
  3. T. Patti, S. Yelin, J. Kossaifi, and A. Anandkumar . Quantum Semidefinite Programming with the Hadamard Test and Approximate Amplitude Constraints. Quantum, 7:1057, July 2023.
  4. A. Gu, H.-Y. Hu, T. Patti, S. Yelin, D. Luo, and N. C. Rubin. Zero and Finite Temperature Quantum Simulations Powered by Quantum Magic. ArXiv 2023.
  5. T. Patti, K. Najafi, S. Yelin, and Omar Shehab. Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Enhanced Variational Quantum Algorithms. Quantum Science and Technology, 8(1), December 2022.
  6. O. R. Bigorda, V. Walther, T. Patti, and S. Yelin. Photon control and coherent interactions via lattice dark states in atomic arrays. Physical Review Research, 4(013110), 2022.
  7. T. Patti. Quantum Systems for Computation and Vice Versa. Harvard University, 2022.
  8. R. A. Bravo, K. Najafi, T. Patti, X. Gao, and S. Yelin. Universal Quantum Perceptrons for Quantum Machine Learning. ArXiv 2022.
  9. T. Patti, S. Yelin, J. Kossaifi, and A. Anandkumar. Variational quantum optimization with multibasis encodings. Phys Rev Research, 4(033142), August 2022.
  10. T. Patti, D. Wild, E. Shahmoon, M. Lukin, and S. Yelin. Controlling interactions between quantum emitters using atom arrays. Phys Rev Lett, 126(223602), June 2021.
  11. T. Patti, K. Najafi, X. Gao, and S. Yelin. Entanglement Devised Barren Plateau Mitigation. Phys. Rev. Research, 3(033090), July 2021.
  12. T. Patti, S. Yelin, Jean Kossaifi, and Anima Anandkumar. Variational Quantum Optimization with Multi-Basis Encodings. ArXiv 2021.
  13. M. Goldman, T. Patti, D. Levonian, S. Yelin, and M. Lukin. Optical Control of a Single Nuclear Spin in the Solid State. Physical Review Letters, 124(153203), April 2020.
Past Events
Wed July 1, 2020 12:00 am
Taylor Patti (Yelin and Lukin Groups) has developed MA Department of Corrections network secure dual-boot environments for inmate laptops. Taylor serves on committees to expand computer/programming and higher education to incarcerated individuals, and develops/curates programming courses for incarcerated individuals.