People: William Lunden
Graduate Student
P. Barral, M. Cantara, L. Du, W. Lunden, J.Hond, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Suppressing dipolar relaxation in thin layers of dysprosium atoms.. Nature Communications , 15(3566), 2024.
P. Barral, M. Cantara, L. Du, W. Lunden, J.Hond, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Can the dipolar interaction suppress dipolar relaxation?. ArXiv 2023.
W. Lunden. Development of a new Dy quantum gas experiment. MIT, 2020.
W. Lunden, L. Du, M. Cantara, P. Barral, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Enhancing the capture velocity of a Dy magneto-optical trap with two-stage slowing. Physical Review A, 101(063403), June 2020.
J. Amato-Grill, P. Jepsen, I. Dimitrova, W. Lunden, and W. Ketterle. Interaction spectroscopy of a two-component Mott insulator. Phys Rev. A, 99(033612), 2019.