- P. Barral, M. Cantara, J.Hond, Y. Lu, and W. Ketterle. Atomic physics on a 50 nm scale: Realization of a bilayer system of dipolar atoms. Science, 384:546-551 , 2024.
- P. Barral, M. Cantara, L. Du, W. Lunden, J.Hond, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Suppressing dipolar relaxation in thin layers of dysprosium atoms.. Nature Communications , 15(3566), 2024.
- J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, T. Tscherbul, and W. Ketterle. A Feshbach resonance in collisions between triplet ground state molecules. Nature, 614(5458), 2023.
- J. Park, H. Son, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, T. Karman, M. Gronowski, and M. Tomza. Ab initio calculation of the spectrum of Feshbach resonances in NaLi + Na collisions. Phys. Rev. A , 108(023309), 2023.
- L. Du, P. Barral, M. Cantara, J.Hond, Y. Lu, and W. Ketterle. Atomic physics on a 50 nm scale: Realization of a bilayer system of dipolar atoms. ArXiv 2023.
- Y. Lu, Y. Margalit, and W. Ketterle. Bosonic stimulation of atom–light scattering in an ultracold gas. Nature Physics , 19:210-214, 2023.
- P. Barral, M. Cantara, L. Du, W. Lunden, J.Hond, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Can the dipolar interaction suppress dipolar relaxation?. ArXiv 2023.
- W. Ketterle, K. Geier, G. Martone, P. Hauke, and S. Stringari. Dynamics of Stripe Patterns in Supersolid Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose Gases. Phys Rev Lett, 130(156001), 2023.
- J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Magnetic trapping of ultracold molecules at high density. Nature Physics, 19, 2023.
- I. Dimitrova, Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, J. Amato-Grill, P. Jepsen, W. Ketterle, S. Flannigan, I. Čepaitė, and A. Daley. Many-body spin rotation by adiabatic passage in spin-1/2 XXZ chains of ultracold atoms. Quantum Science and Technology , 8(035018), 2023.
- Y. Bao, S. Yu, J. You, L. Anderegg, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Raman sideband cooling of molecules in an optical tweezer array to the 3-D motional ground state. ArXiv 2023.
- J. Park, H. Son, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, T. Karman, M. Gronowski, and M. Tomza. Spectrum of Feshbach resonances in NaLi + Na collisions. Phys. Rev. X, 13(031018), August 2023.
- Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, and W. Ketterle. Spin Dynamics Dominated by Resonant Tunneling into Molecular States. Phys Rev Lett, 131(213001), November 2023.
- H. Son, J. Park, Y. Lu, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, and Tijs Karman. Control of reactive collisions by quantum interference. Science, 375(6584), March 2022.
- Y. Bao, S. Yu, L. Anderegg, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecules in an optical tweezer array. ArXiv 2022.
- Y. Bao, S. Yu, L. Anderegg, S. Burchesky, D. Gonzalez-Acevedo, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Fast optical transport of ultracold molecules over long distances. ArXiv 2022.
- P. Jepsen, Y. K. Lee, H. Lin, I. Dimitrova, Y. Margalit, W.W. Ho, and W. Ketterle. Long-lived spin-helix states in Heisenberg quantum magnets. Nature Physics, 18, 2022.
- J.Hond, J. Xiang, W. Chung, E. Cruz Colon, W. Chen, W. Burton, C. Kennedy, and W. Ketterle. Preparation of the spin-Mott state: A spinful Mott insulator of repulsively bound pairs. PhysRevLett, 128(093401), February 2022.
- Y. Lu, Y. Margalit, and W. Ketterle. Observation of bosonic stimulation in light scattering. ArXiv 2021.
- Y. Margalit, Y. Lu, F. Top, and W. Ketterle. Pauli blocking of light scattering in degenerate fermions. Science, 374(6570):976-979, 2021.
- S. Burchesky, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Yu, E. Chae, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Rotational Coherence Times of Polar Molecules in Optical Tweezers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(123202), September 2021.
- F. Top, Y. Margalit, and W. Ketterle. Spin-polarized fermions with p-wave interactions. Phys Rev A, 104(043311), October 2021.
- P. Jepsen, W.W. Ho, J. Amato-Grill, I. Dimitrova, E. Demler, and W. Ketterle. Transverse Spin Dynamics in the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model Realized with Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review X, 11(041054), 2021.
- W. Ketterle, A. Venegas-Gomez, J. Schachenmayer, A.S. Buyskikh, M.L. Chiofalo, and A. J. Daley. Adiabatic preparation of entangled, magnetically ordered states with cold bosons in optical lattices. Quantum Sci. Technol., 5(045013), 2020.
- W. Ketterle and A. Jamison. An atomic physics perspective on the kilogram’s new definition. Physics Today73, (5):32, May 2020.
- H. Son, J. Park, W. Ketterle, and A. Jamison. Collisional Cooling of Ultracold Atoms. Nature, 580(197), April 2020.
- W. Ketterle, A. Venegas-Gomez, A.S Buyskikh, J. Schachenmayer, and A.J. Daley. Dynamics of rotated spin states and magnetic ordering with two-component bosonic atoms in optical lattices.. Phys. Rev. A, 102(023321), 2020.
- I. Dimitrova, P. Jepsen, J. Amato-Grill, W. Ketterle, A. Buyskikh, A. Venegas-Gomez, and A. Daley. Enhanced Superexchange in a Tilted Mott Insulator. Physical Review Letters, 124(043204), January 2020.
- W. Lunden, L. Du, M. Cantara, P. Barral, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Enhancing the capture velocity of a Dy magneto-optical trap with two-stage slowing. Physical Review A, 101(063403), June 2020.
- W. Ketterle, F. Scazza, G. Valtolina, A. Amico, P.E.S. Tavares, M. Inguscio, G. Roati, and M. Zaccanti. Exploring emergent heterogeneous. Physical Review A, 101(013603), October 2020.
- J. Amato-Grill, W. Ketterle, T. Secker, and S. Kokkelmans. High-precision analysis of Feshbach resonances in a Mott insulator. Physical Review A, 101(04270), April 2020.
- L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, J. Doyle, and Scarlett Yu. Observation of Collisions between Two Ultracold Ground-State CaF Molecules. ArXiv January 2020.
- L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, S. Yu, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. Observation of Collisions between Two Ultracold Ground-State CaF Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 125(043401), July 2020.
- P. Jepsen, J. Amato-Grill, I. Dimitrova, W.W. Ho, E. Demler, and W. Ketterle. Spin transport in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms. Nature, 588:403–407, December 2020.
- L. Anderegg, L. Cheuk, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. An Optical Tweezer Array of Ultracold Molecules. ArXiv 2019.
- L. Anderegg, L. Cheuk, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, K. Ni, and J. Doyle. An optical tweezer array of ultracold molecules. Science, 365(6458):1156-1158, September 2019.
- J. Li, B. Shteynas, and W. Ketterle. Floquet Heating in Interacting Atomic Gases with an Oscillating Force. Physical Review A, 100(033406), September 2019.
- B. Shteynas, J. Lee, F. Top, J. Li, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, and G. Juzeliūnas. How to dress radio-frequency photons with tunable momentum. Physical Review Letters, 123(033203), July 2019.
- J. Amato-Grill, P. Jepsen, I. Dimitrova, W. Lunden, and W. Ketterle. Interaction spectroscopy of a two-component Mott insulator. Phys Rev. A, 99(033612), 2019.
- L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, L. Cheuk, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. Laser Cooling of Optically Trapped Molecules. Nature, 14:890–893, 2018.
- W. Ketterle, A. Amico, F. Scazza, G. Valtolina, P. E. S. Tavares, M. Inguscio, G. Roati, and M. Zaccanti. Time-Resolved Observation of Competing Attractive and Repulsive Short-Range Correlations in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases. Phys. Rev. Lett, 121, 2018.
- L. Cheuk, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, Y. Bao, S. Burchesky, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. Λ-Enhanced Imaging of Molecules in an Optical Trap. Phys. Rev. Lett, 121(083201), August 2018.
- J. Li, J. Lee, W. Huang, B. Shteynas, F. Top, A. Jamison, W. Ketterle, and S. Burchesky. A stripe phase with supersolid properties in spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates. Nature, 543(91), March 2017.
- T. Rvachov, H. Son, A. Sommer, J. Park, M. Zwierlein, W. Ketterle, A. Jamison, and S. Ebadi. Long-Lived Ultracold Molecules with Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments. Phys. Rev. Lett. October 2017.
- E. Chae, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, A. Ravi, B. Hemmerling, N. Hutzler, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A. Collopy, and J. Ye. One dimensional magneto-optical compression of a cold CaF molecular beam. New Journal of Physics, 19(033035), March 2017.
- L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, E. Chae, B. Hemmerling, N. Hutzler, A. Ravi, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A. Collopy, and J. Ye. Radio Frequency Magneto-Optical Trapping of CaF with High Density. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 119(103201), September 2017.
- W. Ketterle. Twenty years of Atomic Quantum Gases: 1995-2015 in: “Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. Cambridge University Press, editors: N.P. Proukakis, D.W. Snoke, and P.B. Littlewood edition, April 2017.
- W. Burton, C. Kennedy, W. Chung, W. Chen, W. Ketterle, and S. Vadia. Coherence Times of Bose-Einstein Condensates beyond the Shot-Noise Limit via Superfluid Shielding. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(275301), December 2016.
- B. Hemmerling, E. Chae, A. Ravi, L. Anderegg, G. Drayna, N. Hutzler, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, A.L. Collopy, and J. Ye. Laser slowing of CaF molecules to near the capture velocity of a molecular MOT. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2016.
- J. Li, W. Huang, B. Shteynas, F. Top, E. Su, J. Lee, A. Jamison, and W. Ketterle. Spin-Orbit Coupling and Spin Textures in Optical Superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 117(185301), October 2016.
- H. Miyake, W. Ketterle, J. Schachenmayer, and A.J. Daley. Adiabatic cooling of bosons in lattices to magnetic ordering. Phys. Rev. A, 1503:07466, 2015.
- W. Ketterle and A. Kesh. A distributed, graphical user interface based, computer control system for atomic physics experiments. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 84:015105, 2013.
- W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Cold Collisions of helium and thorium monoxide in the electronic excited H-state. preprint 2013.
- W. Ketterle and M.-S. Heo. Deviation from Universality in Collisions of Ultracold 6Li2 Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110:173203, 2013.
- W. Ketterle. Pauli paramagnetism of an ideal Fermi gas. Phys. Rev. A, 87:043629, 2013.
- W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Spin-orbit effects in cold inelastic collisions of antimony and helium. Submitted 2013.
- W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Vibrational quenching in cold thorium monoxide (X, v=1)-helium collisions. preprint 2013.
- W. Ketterle and J. Doyle. Zeeman relaxation in cold collisions of thorium and helium. preprint 2013.
- W. Ketterle and M.-S. Heo. Compressibility of an ultracold Fermi gas with repulsive interactions. Phys. Rev. A, 85:063615, 2012.
- W. Ketterle and M.-S. Heo. Formation of Ultracold Fermionic NaLi Feshbach Molecules. Phys. Rev. A, 86:021602, 2012.
- W. Ketterle. Bragg Scattering as a Probe of Atomic Wavefunctions and Quantum Phase Transitions in Optical Lattices. PHys. Rev. Letter, 107:175302, 2011.
- W. Ketterle and A. Kesh. Correlations and Pair Formation in a Repulsively Interacting Fermi Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108:240404, 2011.
- W. Ketterle and A. Kesh. Speckle Imaging of Spin Fluctuations in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:010402, 2011.
- W. Ketterle. Spin gradient demagnetization cooling of ultracold atoms.. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:195301, 2011.
- W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, and S. C. Dor. Large spin relaxation rates in trapped submerged-shell atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 81:010702, 2010.
- W. Ketterle and A. Kesh. Suppression of Density Fluctuations in a Quantum Degenerate Fermi Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105:040402, 2010.
- W. Ketterle. Thermometry and Refrigeration in a Two-Component Mott Insulator of Ultracold Atoms.. Phys. Rev. A, 82:051603, 2010.
- C. Doret, C. Connolly, W. Ketterle, and J. Doyle. A Buffer-Gas Cooled Bose-Einstein Condensate. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103:103005, 2009.
- T. Kim, W. Ketterle, and J.H. Thywissen. Itinerant ferromagnetism in a Fermi gas of ultracold atoms. Science, 325:1521-1524, 2009.
- G. Jo, Y. Lee, J. Choi, C. Christensen, T. Kim, D. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, and J.H. Thywissen. Observation of itinerant ferromagnetism in a strongly interacting Fermi gas of ultracold atoms. Science, 325:1521, 2009.
- W. Ketterle. Spin gradient thermometry of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103:245301, 2009.
- W. Ketterle and C. H. Schunk. Superfluidity in a gas of strongly interacting fermions. World Scientific, Book Chapter on ?50 Years of BCS Theory? in print, 2009.
- C. Schunck, Y. Shin, A. Schirotzek, and W. Ketterle. Determination of the fermion pair size in a resonantly interacting superfluid. Nature, 454:739-743, 2008.
- A. Schirotzek, Y. Shin, C. Schunck, and W. Ketterle. Determination of the Superfluid Gap in Atomic Fermi Gases by Quasiparticle Spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101:140403, 2008.
- M. Zwierlein and W. Ketterle. Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases. Ultracold Fermi Gases, Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi,, Course CLXIV Varenna 20 - 30 June 2006 eds.:M. Inguscio, W. Ketterle, and C. Salomon (Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2008); e-print: arXiv: 0801.2500, 2008.
- W. Ketterle. New forms of matter near absolute zero temperature. In: Digital Excellence, eds. P.J.J. Welfens, E. Walther-Klaus, Springer (Berlin), 7-11, 2008.
- Y. Shin, C. Schunck, A. Schirotzek, and W. Ketterle. Phase diagram of a two-component Fermi gas with resonant interactions. Nature, 451:689-693, 2008.
- Y. Shin, A. Schirotzek, C. Schunck, and W. Ketterle. Realization of a strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixture from a two-component Fermi gas. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101:070404, 2008.
- C. Christensen, S. Will, G. Jo, Y. Shin, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and M. Saba. Trapping of Ultracold Atoms in a Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber. Phys. Rev. A, 78:033429, 2008.
- M. Boyd, P. Medley, G. Campbell, J. Mun, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and E. W. Streed. Atom trapping with a thin magnetic film. Phys. Rev. A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), 76:043624-5, 2007.
- D. Miller, J. Chin, W. Setiawan, C. Sanner, W. Ketterle, and C.A. Stan. Critical velocity for superfluid flow across the BEC-BCS crossover. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:70402, 2007.
- W. Ketterle and Y. Shin. Fermi gases go with the superfluid flow. Physics World, June:39-43, 2007.
- W. Ketterle. Ganz groe Fische fangen. Entreprenuer by Ernst & Young, 1/2007:66-68, 2007.
- W. Ketterle and Gerhard Rempe. Herbert Walther (obituary).. Physics Today, June:78, 2007.
- G. Jo, Y. Shin, S. Will, T. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, M. Saba, and Mukund Vengalattore. Long Phase Coherence Time and Number Squeezing of Two Bose-Einstein Condensates on an Atom Chip. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:30407, 2007.
- G. Jo, J. Choi, C. Christensen, Y. Lee, T. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, and D. Pritchard. Matter-Wave Interferometry with Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:240406, 2007.
- W. Ketterle. New forms of quantum matter near absolute zero temperature. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 16:2413-2419, 2007.
- W. Ketterle. New forms of quantum matter near absolute zero temperature. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 16:2413-2419, 2007.
- C. Schunck, Y. Shin, A. Schirotzek, M. Zwierlein, and W. Ketterle. Pairing Without Superfluidity: The Ground State of an Imbalanced Fermi Mixture. Science, 316:867-870, 2007.
- J. Mun, P. Medley, G. Campbell, D. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, and L. G. Marcassa. Phase Diagram for a Bose-Einstein Condensate Moving in an Optical Lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:150604, 2007.
- G. Jo, J. Choi, C. Christensen, T. Pasquini, Y. Lee, W. Ketterle, and D. Pritchard. Phase-Sensitive Recombination of Two Bose-Einstein condensates on an Atom Chip. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:180401, 2007.
- C. Doret, W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, and J.G.E. Harris. Spin-Exchange Collisions of Submerged Shell Atoms Below 1 Kelvin. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:223201, 2007.
- C. Schunck, M. Zwierlein, A. Schirotzek, and W. Ketterle. Superfluid Expansion of a Rotating Fermi Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:050404, 2007.
- Y. Shin, C. Schunck, A. Schirotzek, and W. Ketterle. Tomographic RF Spectroscopy of a Trapped Fermi Gas at Unitarity. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:90403, 2007.
- W. Ketterle. Bose-Einstein Condensation: Identity Crisis for Indistinguishable Particles. eds. James Evans, Alan S. Thorndike,, Springer Berlin:159-183, 2006.
- M. Zwierlein and W. Ketterle. Comment on Pairing and Phase Separation in a Polarized Fermi Gas. Science, 314:54a, 2006.
- J. Mun, M. Boyd, G. Campbell, P. Medley, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and E. W. Streed. Continuous and Pulsed Quantum Zeno Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:260402, 2006.
- M. Zwierlein, C. Schunck, A. Schirotzek, and W. Ketterle. Direct Observation of the Superfluid Phase Transition in Ultracold Fermi Gases. Nature, 442:54-58, 2006.
- J. Chin, D. Miller, W. Setiawan, C. Sanner, K. Xu, W. Ketterle, and C.A. Stan. Evidence for Superfluidity of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice. Nature, 443:961-964, 2006.
- W. Ketterle, Vitaly. V. Kocharovsky, Vitaly V. Kocharovsky, M. Holthaus, C. H. Raymond Ooi, A. A. Svidzinsky, and M. O. Scully. Fluctuations in Ideal and Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensates: From the laser phasetransition analogy to squeezed states and Bogoliubov quasiparticles. Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53:291, 2006.
- T. Pasquini, G. Jo, Y. Shin, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, M. Saba, T. A. Savas, and N. Mulders. Low Velocity Quantum Reflection of Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:093201, 2006.
- K. Xu, D. Miller, J. Chin, W. Setiawan, and W. Ketterle. Observation of Strong Quantum Depletion in a Gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensate. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96:180405, 2006.
- W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, S.C. Dor, and R. Michniak. Evaporative cooling of metastable helium in the multi-partial-wave regime. Phys. Rev. A, 72:060703(R), 2005.
- W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, J.S. Helton, and K. Maussang. High-flux beam source for cold, slow atoms or molecules. Physical Review A, 71:025602, 2005.
- W. Ketterle, J. Doyle, J.S. Helton, and K. Maussang. Magnetic trapping of an atomic Mn-Cr mixture. Phys Rev A, 71:025602, 2005.
Mon December 11, 2023
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Quantum entanglement between ultracold molecules in optical tweezer array
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Physicists steer chemical reactions by magnetic fields and quantum interference
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CUA researchers selected as 2015 Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters
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