- Y.-X. Liu, L. Zhu, J. Luke, M. Babin, T. Tscherbul, K. Ni, M. Gronowski, H. Ladjimi, M. Tomza, and J. Bohn. Hyperfine-to-rotational energy transfer in ultracold atom-molecule collisions. ArXiv 2024.
- J. Luke, L. Zhu, Y.-X. Liu, and K. Ni. Reaction interferometry with ultracold molecules. Faraday Discussions February 2024.
- Y.-X. Liu, L. Zhu, J. Luke, M. Babin, M. Hu, K. Ni, and A. Houwman . Quantum interference and entanglement in ultracold atom-exchange reactions. ArXiv 2023.
- M. Nichols, Y.-X. Liu, L. Zhu, M. Hu, Y. Liu, and K. Ni. Detection of long-lived complexes in ultracold atom-molecule collisions. Phys. Rev. X, 12(011029), 2022.
- Y.-X. Liu. Hamiltonian Engineering for Quantum Sensing and Quantum Simulation. MIT, 2021.
- C. Li, Y.-X. Liu, P. Cappellaro, and T. Li. Effective routing design for remote entanglement generation on quantum networks. ArXiv 2020.
- Y.-X. Liu, Z. Li, A. Ajoy, P. Cappellaro, and J. Hines. High-fidelity Trotter formulas for digital quantum simulation. Phys Rev A, 102(010601), 2020.
- A. Sone, Y.-X. Liu, and P. Cappellaro. Quantum Jarzynski equality in open quantum systems from the one-time measurement scheme. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125(060602), August 2020.
- M. Chen, Y.-X. Liu, D. Layden, P. Cappellaro, and Genyue Liu. Repetitive readout enhanced by machine learning. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 1(1), 2020.
- A. Ajoy, Y.-X. Liu, K. Saha, L. Marseglia, J-C. Jaskula, U. Bissbort, and P. Cappellaro. Quantum interpolation for high-resolution sensing. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 114(9), February 2017.
- A. Ajoy, Y.-X. Liu, and P. Cappellaro. DC Magnetometry at the T2 Limit.