People: Yu-Ting Chen

Graduate Student
  1. P. Solano, Y. Duan, Y. Chen, A. Rudelis, V. Vuletic, and C. Chin. Strongly Correlated Quantum Gas by Direct Laser Cooling. Physical Review Letters, 123(173401), October 2019.
  2. M. Hosseini, Y. Duan, K. Beck, Y. Chen, and V. Vuletic. Cavity cooling of many atoms. Physical Review Letters , 118(183601), May 2017.
Thu November 14, 2024

Cavity-enabled real-time observation of individual atomic collisions

Arrays of individual neutral atoms represent a promising platform for quantum information processing due to their scalability, arbitrary connectivity, and long coherence times. These features are enabled in large part by the simple trapping and high-fidelity fluorescence imaging of individual atoms within tweezer traps. In our lab, we use strong dispersive coupling to a high-cooperativity...
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