People: Zack Lasner

Postdoctoral Fellow
  1. Z. Lasner, J. Doyle, N. Hutzler, B.L. Augenbraun, and D. DeMille et al.. Relativistic Exact Two-Component Coupled-Cluster Study of Molecular Sensitivity Factors for Nuclear Schiff Moments. ArXiv 2024.
  2. B.L. Augenbraun, L. Anderegg, C. Hallas, Z. Lasner, N. Vilas, and J. Doyle. Direct Laser Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules. ArXiv 2023.
  3. D. Mitra, B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, W. Campbell, J. Doyle, G.-Z. Zhu, C. E. Dickerson, M. J. Frim, G. Lao, A. N. Alexandrova, and J. R. Caram. Functionalizing Aromatic Compounds with Optical Cycling Centers. ArXiv 2022.
  4. J. Doyle and Z. Lasner. New Horizons: Scalar and Vector Ultralight Dark Matter. ArXiv 2022.
  5. D. Mitra, Z. Lasner, W. Campbell, J. Doyle, G.-Z. Zhu, C. E. Dickerson, A. D. Bailey, A. N. Alexandrova, J. R. Caram, and E. R. Hudson. Pathway Towards Optical Cycling and Laser Cooling of Functionalized Arenes. ArXiv 2022.
  6. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, N. Vilas, J. Doyle, C. Zhang, and L. Cheng. Accurate prediction and measurement of vibronic branching ratios for laser cooling linear polyatomic molecules. J. Chem. Phys., 155(091101), September 2021.
  7. I. Kozyryev, Z. Lasner, and J. Doyle. Enhanced Sensitivity to Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter in the Spectra of the Linear Radical SrOH. Phys Rev A, 103(043313), April 2021.
  8. Z. Lasner, D. Mitra, B.L. Augenbraun, L. Cheuk, Y. K. Lee, J. Doyle, M. Hiradfar, and S. Prabhu. Fast and High-Yield Loading of a D2 MOT of Potassium from a Cryogenic Buffer Gas Beam. Phys Rev A December 2021.
  9. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, A. T. Le, and T. C. Steimle. Observation and laser spectroscopy of ytterbium monomethoxide, YbOCH3. Phys Rev A, 103(022814), February 2021.
  10. B.L. Augenbraun, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, C. Hallas, N. Vilas, A. Nasir, Z. Lasner, and J. Doyle. Zeeman-Sisyphus Deceleration of Molecular Beams. PhysRevLett, 127(263002), 2021.
  11. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, D. Mitra, S. Raval, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, and S. Prabhu. Assessment and Mitigation of Aerosol Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Laboratory and Office Environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene October 2020.
  12. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, J. Doyle, E.T. Mengesha, A.T. Le, T.C. Steimle, L. Cheng, and C. Zhang. Branching ratios, radiative lifetimes and transition dipole moments for YbOH. ArXiv February 2020.
  13. B.L. Augenbraun, Z. Lasner, A. Frenett, H. Sawaoka, J. Doyle, C. Miller, and T.C. Steimle. Laser-Cooled Polyatomic Molecules for Improved Electron Electric Dipole Moment Searches. New Journal of Physics, 22(022003), February 2020.
Fri April 9, 2021

Doyle group paper wins Lila Albin Award

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Committee, have awarded the Lila Albin Award for the Best Indoor Environmental Quality Paper for 2020 to the Doyle group. The paper is entitled: Assessment and Mitigation of Aerosol Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Laboratory and Office Environments.
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Thu February 22, 2018

Triatomic Molecules

In the simplest molecues, diatomic molecules made form two atoms, the vibration and rotation degrees of freedom gives rise to new features such as strong long-range dipolar interactions between molecules, a key ingredient in many quantum simulation and quantum computing proposals. Polyatomic molecules are an exciting new research frontier, as these molecules offer an even...
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