
Tue April 12, 2022 4:00 pm

CUA Seminar – Jianshu Cao: Emerging Phenomena in Strong Light-matter Interactions

Location:Harvard Jefferson 250
Ten Minute Talk:"Characterize dynamical symmetries in Floquet systems" by Guoqing Wang, MIT

The strong light-matter interaction opens up new possibilities of quantum technology, but also presents new theoretical challenges. To address this, we are working on four research projects: Floquet theory[1], disordered polaritons[2], photon counting statistics[3] and vibrational polariton chemistry[4].  In this talk, I will first report our results in the four projects and then discuss recent progress in Floquet dynamics and, if time allows, in the disordered Tavis-Cummings model.

Specifically, we have systematically developed Floquet response theory for open quantum systems driven by a strong but periodic driving field and perturbed by a weak but arbitrary probe field.[1] (i) Non-equilibrium stationary states of periodically-driven open quantum systems can strongly deviate from the Floquet-Gibbs distribution and exhibit exotic non-analytic behavior. (ii) Dynamical symmetries of the Floquet states lead to spectroscopic signatures including symmetry-protected dark states and Floquet-band selection rules. [2] 

[1] Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 120602 (2019) and 126, 090601 (2021)
[2] Phys. Rev. B (6), 064205 (2022)
[3] arXiv:2112.02201 (2021)
[4] JPC Lett 11, 7204 (2021) and arxiv 2201.12117 (2022)

Note: the seminar will be given via Zoom. The CUA community will gather to watch at Harvard. Refreshments will begin at 3:45pm in Jefferson 450 and the seminar will commence at 4:30pm in Jefferson 250.

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