Research: Publications: Phd Thesis
R. A. Bravo. Analog Quantum Machine Learning Models on Near-term Devices. Harvard University, 2024.
E. Knall. Diamond Nanostructures with Color Centers. Harvard University, April 2024.
G. Wang. Quantum Sensing and Simulation with Solid-State Defects. MIT, 2024.
A. Ungar. Scaling up a quantum register of dark electronic spins in diamond. MIT, 2024.
L. Du. Super-resolution Control of Ultracold Dipolar Atoms on a 50-nm Scale. MIT, May 2024.
A. Rudelis. A Cavity-Coupled Rydberg Atom Array Platform for Quantum Computing. MIT, 2023.
P. Ocola. A nanophotonic device as a quantum network node for atoms in optical tweezers. Harvard University, 2023.
Y. Ni. Atoms and Molecules Immersed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate. MIT, 2023.
A. Shaffer-Moag. Bosonic Quantum Hall States from Rapidly Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates. MIT, 2023.
P. Barral. Elastic and inelastic dipolar scattering. June 2023.
S. Burchesky. Engineered Collisions, Molecular Qubits, and Laser Cooling of Asymmetric Top Molecules. Harvard University, 2023.
Z. Li. Exploring Novel Quantum Physics Using Ytterbium-171 in An Optical Cavity. MIT, 2023.
C. Li. Exploring quantum geometry and quantum sensing with spin defects in diamond. MIT, February 2023.
J. Ramette. Generating and protecting high fidelity multi-particle entangled states with atom-photon interactions. MIT, 2023.
C. Wilson. Geometric Squeezing of a Degenerate Fermi Gas. MIT, 2023.
E. Mendez. On the Generation of Entanglement in Ytterbium Clock Atoms and a Novel Interpretation of the Madelung Fluid Theory of Quantum Mechanics. MIT, 2023.
J. Park. Quantum Controlled Collisions and Magnetic Trapping of Ultracold NaLi Molecules. January 2023.
S. Kim. Quantum Gas Microscopy of Strongly Correlated Bosons. Harvard University, 2023.
S. Ebadi. Quantum simulation and computation with two-dimensional arrays of neutral atoms. Harvard University, November 2023.
T. Dordevic. A nanophotonic quantum interface for atoms in optical tweezers. Harvard University, 2022.
H. Son. Collisional Cooling and Magnetic Control of Reactions in Ultracold Spin-polarized NaLi+ Na Mixture. Harvard University, 2022.
M. Cantara. Dipolar Shielding and Subwavelength Bilayers in a Quantum Gas of Dysprosium. MIT, December 2022.
Philip Rich Effects of Surface Ion Milling on Ion Trap Heating. MIT, May 2022.
D. Wang. Engineering Quantum Optical Matter: Defects, Entanglement, and Chemical Reactivity. Harvard University, 2022.
S. Alsid. High-Sensitivity Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Magnetometry: from DC to GHz. MIT, May 2022.
B. Mukherjee. Homogeneous quantum gases: strongly interacting fermions and rotating bosonic condensates. MIT, 2022.
P. Peng. NMR studies of quantum thermalization. MIT, 2022.
K. Rezai. Probing dynamics of a two-dimensional dipolar spin ensemble. Harvard University, 2022.
E. Khabibouline. Quantum Communication and Thermalization, From Theory to Practice. Harvard University, December 2022.
C. Shu. Quantum enhanced metrology in the optical lattice clock. Harvard University, November 2022.
I. Cong. Quantum Machine Learning, Error Correction, and Topological Phases of Matter. Harvard University, 2022.
H. Zhou. Quantum Many-Body Physics and Quantum Metrology with Floquet-Engineered Interacting Spin Systems. Harvard University, 2022.
T. Patti. Quantum Systems for Computation and Vice Versa. Harvard University, 2022.
P. Patel. Quantum transport in strongly interacting, ultracold Fermi gases in box potentials. MIT, 2022.
Z. Yan. Quasi-particle Breakdown and Heat Transport in a Homogeneous Strongly-interacting Fermi Gas. MIT, 2022.
A. Sushko. Structural imaging and electro-optical control of two-dimensional semiconductors. Harvard University, September 2022.
A. Hebert. A dipolar erbium quantum gas microscope. Harvard University, 2021.
R. Schittko. A method of preparing individual excited eigenstates of small quantum many-body systems. Harvard University, 2021.
P. Samutpraphoot. A quantum network node based on nanophotonic interface for atoms in optical tweezers. Harvard University, 2021.
L. Liu. Building Single Molecules – Reactions, Collisions, and Spectroscopy of Two Atoms. Harvard University, 2021.
L. Zhou. Complexity, algorithms, and applications of programmable quantum many-body systems. Harvard University, 2021.
W. Sun. Developing Small-scale Quantum Information Processors based on Electronic Spins in Diamond. 2021.
M. Bhaskar. Diamond nanophotonic quantum networks. Harvard University, 2021.
Bartholomeus Machielse Electronic and nanophotonic integration of a quantum network node in diamond. Harvard University, 2021.
A. Krahn. Erbium gas quantum microscope. Harvard University, 2021.
J. Stuart. Integrated Technologies and Control Techniques for Trapped Ion Array Architectures. MIT, 2021.
T. Andersen. Local electronic and optical phenomena in two-dimensional materials. Harvard University, 2021.
B.L. Augenbraun. Methods for Direct Laser Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules. Harvard University, 2021.
E. Urbach. Nanoscale Magnetometry with Single Spin Qubits in Diamond. Harvard University, 2021.
E. Rosenfeld. Novel techniques for control and transduction of solid-state spin qubits. Harvard University, 2021.
B. Dwyer. NV centers are local probes of two-dimensional materials. Harvard University, 2021.
Luke Qi Optimizing Ion-Shuttling Operations in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers. MIT, 2021.
Q. Wang. Phase transitions in Dipole-Dipole Interacting Atomic Systems. MIT, 2021.
S. Cantu. Photon-Photon Interactions Mediate by Rydberg Polaritons. MIT, 2021.
H. Levine. Quantum information processing and quantum simulation with programmable Rydberg atom arrays. Harvard University, 2021.
A. Keesling Contreras. Quantum simulation and quantum information processing with programmable Rydberg atom arrays. Harvard University, 2021.
W. Chung. Quantum Simulation of Spin-1 Physics with Bosons. MIT, 2021.
P. Jepsen. Spin dynamics in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms. MIT, December 2021.
Y.-X. Liu.
Hamiltonian Engineering for Quantum Sensing and Quantum Simulation. MIT, 2021.
D. Wild. Algorithms and Platforms for Quantum Science and Technology. Harvard University, 2020.
C. Nguyen. Building quantum networks using diamond nanophotonics. Harvard University, 2020.
W. Lunden. Development of a new Dy quantum gas experiment. MIT, 2020.
D. Layden. Device- and Application-Adapted Quantum Error Correction. MIT, 2020.
Z. Yan. From strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures to ultracold dipolar molecules. MIT, 2020.
A. Kabcenell. Hybrid Quantum Systems with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers and Mechanical Resonators. Harvard University, 2020.
L. Baum. Laser cooling and 1D magneto-optical trapping of calcium monohydroxide. Harvard University, 2020.
F. Top. p-wave Collisions in Ultracold Fermions. MIT, 2020.
A. Venkatramani. Quantum nonlinear optics: controlling few-photon interactions. Harvard University, 2020.
I. Dimitrova. Realizing quantum spin models with 7Li atoms in an optical lattice. MIT, 2020.
I. Counts. Surface Friction and Spectroscopic Probes of New Physics with Trapped Ions. MIT, 2020.
G. Phelps. A dipolar quantum gas microscope. Harvard University, 2019.
L. Liu. Building Single Molecules – Reactions, Collisions, and Spectroscopy of Two Atoms. Harvard University, 2019.
M. Chen. Hardware-Efficient Quantum Error Correction With Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers. MIT, 2019.
M. Rispoli. Microscopy of correlations at a non-equilibrium phase transition. Harvard University, 2019.
J. Choi. Quantum many-body dynamics of a disordered electronic spin ensemble in diamond. Harvard University, 2019.
C. Chiu. Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model. Harvard University, 2019.
B. Shteynas. Spin-orbit Coupled Bose Gases. MIT, 2019.
L. Anderegg. Ultracold molecules in optical arrays: from laser cooling to molecular collisions. Harvard University, 2019.
M. Goldman. Coherent Optical Control of Atom-Like Defects in Diamond: Probing Internal Dynamics and Environmental Interactions. Harvard, 2017.
C. Kennedy. Creating Novel Quantum States of Ultracold Bosons in Optical Lattices. MIT, June 2017.
J. Hu. Light-induced Many-body Correlations in Ultracold Gases. MIT, 2017.
M. Tai. Microscopy of interacting quantum systems. Harvard, May 2017.
I. Lovchinsky. Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using Individual Spin Qubits. Harvard, 2017.
S. Alsid. Optimizing chemical-vapor-deposition diamond for nitrogen-vacancy center ensemble magnetometry. MIT, 2017.
A. Mazurenko. Probing Long Range Antiferromagnetism and Dynamics in the Fermi-Hubbard Model. Harvard, May 2017.
A. Sipahigil. Quantum optics with diamond color centers coupled to nanophotonic devices. Harvard, 2017.
Q. Liang. Strongly interacting photonic gas with cold Rydberg atoms. MIT, 2017.