People: Vladan Vuletic

Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics
  1. W. Xu, T. Sumarac, E. Qiu, M. Peters, S. Cantu, Z. Li, A. Menssen, M. Lukin, S. Colombo, and V. Vuletic. Bose-Einstein condensation by polarization gradient laser cooling. Phys Rev Lett, 132(233401), June 2024.
  2. P. Ocola, I. Dimitrova, B. Grinkemeyer, E. Guardado-Sanchez, T. Dordevic, P. Samutpraphoot, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Control and Entanglement of Individual Rydberg Atoms Near a Nanoscale Device. Phys Rev Lett March 2024.
  3. J. Ramette, J. Sinclair, and V. Vuletic. Counter-factual carving exponentially improves entangled-state fidelity. ArXiv 2024.
  4. V. Vuletic, S.C. Carrasco, M.H. Goerz, S.A. Malinovskaya, W. Schleich, and V.S. Malinovsky. Dicke State Generation and Extreme Spin Squeezing via Rapid Adiabatic Passage. Phys Rev Lett, 132(153603), April 2024.
  5. B. Grinkemeyer, E. Guardado-Sanchez, I. Dimitrova, D. Shchepanovich, E. Mandopoulou, J. Borregaard, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Error-Detected Quantum Operations with Neutral Atoms Mediated by an Optical Cavity. ArXiv 2024.
  6. J. Ramette, J. Sinclair, V. Vuletic, and N.P. Breuckmann. Fault-Tolerant Connection of Error Corrected Qubits with Noisy. Nature, 10(58), June 2024.
  7. J. Sinclair, J. Ramette, B. Grinkemeyer, D. Bluvstein, M. Lukin, and V. Vuletic. Fault-tolerant optical interconnects for neutral-atom arrays. ArXiv 2024.
  8. V. Vuletic, R. Menu, J.Y. Malo, M.L. Chiofalo, and G. Morigi. Fractal ground state of mesoscopic ion chains in periodic potentials. Phys Rev B, 110(224103), 2024.
  9. C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, A. Adiyatullin, E. Mendez, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, and V. Vuletic. Increased Atom-Cavity Coupling through Cooling-Induced Atomic Reorganization. Phys Rev Research, 6(032049), September 2024.
  10. T. Manovitz, S. Ebadi, A. Geim, S. Evered, D. Bluvstein, H. Zhou, N. U. Koyluoglu, J. Feldmeier, P. Dolgirev, N. Maskara, M. Kalinowski, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, S. H. Li, R. Samajdar, S. Sachdev, and D. A. Huse. Quantum coarsening and collective dynamics on a programmable quantum simulator. ArXiv 2024.
  11. V. Vuletic, R. Menu, J.Y. Malo, M.L. Chiofalo, and G. Morigi. Quantum frustrated Wigner chains. Phys Rev B, 110(155121), October 2024.
  12. B. Hu, J. Sinclair, E. Bytyqi, M. Chong, A. Rudelis, J. Ramette, Z. Vendeiro, and V. Vuletic. Site-selective cavity readout and classical error correction of a 5-bit atomic register. ArXiv 2024.
  13. A. Rudelis, B. Hu, J. Sinclair, E. Bytyqi, M. Schleier-Smith, V. Vuletic, A. Schwartzman, R. Brenes, and T. Zhitomirsky. Degradation of Ta2O5 / SiO2 Distributed Bragg Reflector Cavity Mirrors in Ultra-High Vacuum. Optics Express, 31(24):39670-39680, 2023.
  14. Z. Li, S. Colombo, C. Shu, G. Velez, S. Choi, M. Lukin, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, V. Vuletic, S. Pilatowsky-Cameo, and R. Schmied. Improving metrology with quantum scrambling. Science, 380(6652):1381-1384, June 2023.
  15. G. Wang, W. Xu, C. Li, V. Vuletic, and P. Cappellaro. Individual-atom control in array through phase modulation. ArXiv 2023.
  16. J. Ramette, V. Vuletic, W.W. Ho, S. Choi, J. Y. Lee, and M. A. Metlitski. Landau-Forbidden Quantum Criticality in Rydberg Quantum Simulators. Phys Rev Lett, 131(083601), August 2023.
  17. D. Bluvstein, S. Evered, H. Zhou, T. Manovitz, S. Ebadi, M. Cain, M. Kalinowski, N. Maskara, I. Cong, X. Gao, G. Semeghini, M. Gullans, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, A. Geim, S. H. Li, D. Hangleiter, J. P. B. Ataides, P. S. Rodriguez, and T. Karolyshyn. Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays. Nature December 2023.
  18. D. Bluvstein, H. Levine, G. Semeghini, T. Wang, S. Ebadi, M. Kalinowski, A. Keesling Contreras, N. Maskara, H. Pichler, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. A Quantum Processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays. Nature, 604:451-456, April 2022.
  19. J. Ramette, J. Sinclair, Z. Vendeiro, A. Rudelis, M. Cetina, and V. Vuletic. Any-to-any Connected Cavity-Mediated Architecture for Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions or Rydberg Array. PRX Quantum, 3(010344), 2022.
  20. Z. Li, B. Braverman, S. Colombo, C. Shu, A. Kawasaki, A. Adiyatullin, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, E. Mendez, and V. Vuletic. Collective Spin-Light and Light-Mediated Spin-Spin Interactions in an Optical Cavity. PRX Quantum, 3(020308), 2022.
  21. H. Levine, D. Bluvstein, A. Keesling Contreras, T. Wang, S. Ebadi, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits. Physical Review A, 105(032618), March 2022.
  22. J. Hur, D. Craik, E. Knyazev, I. Counts, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, L. Caldwell, C. Leung, S. Pandey, J.C. Berengut, A. Geddes, W. Nazarewicz, P.-G. Reinhard, H. Jeon, and W. Jhe. Evidence of Two-Source King Plot Nonlinearity in Spectroscopic Search for New Boson. Phys. Rev. Lett., 128(163201), 2022.
  23. S. Ebadi, A. Keesling Contreras, M. Cain, T. Wang, H. Levine, D. Bluvstein, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, J. Liu, B. Nash, X. Gao, L. Zhou, S. Choi, H. Pichler, S. Wang, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, Rhine Samajdar, Xiu-Zhe Luo, Boaz Barak, Edward Farhi, Subir Sachdev, and Nathan Gemelke. Quantum Optimization of Maximum Independent Set using Rydberg Atom Arrays. Science May 2022.
  24. S. Colombo, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, A. Adiyatullin, Z. Li, E. Mendez, C. Shu, and V. Vuletic. Time-reversal-based quantum metrology with many-body entangled states. Nature Physics, 1817(181), July 2022.
  25. D. Bluvstein, A. Omran, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, S. Ebadi, T. Wang, N. Maskara, W.W. Ho, S. Choi, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, A. A. Michailidis, and M. Serbyn. Controlling many-body dynamics with driven quantum scars in Rydberg atom arrays. Science, 371(6536):1355-1359, March 2021.
  26. T. Dordevic, P. Samutpraphoot, P. Ocola, H. Bernien, B. Grinkemeyer, I. Dimitrova, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Entanglement transport and a nanophotonic interface for atoms in optical tweezers. Science, 373(6562):1511-1514, August 2021.
  27. G. Semeghini, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, S. Ebadi, T. Wang, D. Bluvstein, H. Pichler, M. Kalinowski, A. Omran, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, Ruben Verresen, Rhine Samajdar, Subir Sachdev, and Ashvin Vishwanath. Probing Topological Spin Liquids on a Programmable Quantum Simulator. Science, 374(6572):1242-1247, December 2021.
  28. V. Vuletic, P.M. Bonetti, A. Rucci, and M.L. Chiofalo. Quantum Effects in the Aubry Transition. Physics Rev Research, 3(013031), 2021.
  29. S. Ebadi, T. Wang, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, D. Bluvstein, H. Pichler, W.W. Ho, S. Choi, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, Rhine Samajdar, and Subir Sachdev. Quantum Phases of Matter on a 256-Atom Programmable Quantum Simulator. Nature, 595:227-232, July 2021.
  30. E. Demler, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, R. Ma, K. Ni, M. Schleier-Smith, V. Vuletic, M. Zwierlein, E. Altman, and et al.. Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities. PRX Quantum, 2(017003), February 2021.
  31. E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, S. Colombo, C. Shu, A. Adiyatullin, Z. Li, E. Mendez, B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, D. Akamatsu, and Y. Xiao. Entanglement on an optical atomic-clock transition. Nature, 588:414–418, December 2020. View Abstract
  32. I. Counts, J. Hur, D. Craik, V. Vuletic, H. Jeon, C. Leung, J. Berengut, A. Geddes, A. Kawasaki, and W. Jhe. Evidence for Nonlinear Isotope Shift in Yb+ Search for New Boson. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125(123002), 2020.
  33. Y. Duan, M. Hosseini, K. Beck, and V. Vuletic. Heralded Interaction Control between Quantum Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(223602), 2020.
  34. D. Gangloff, A. Bylinskii, and V. Vuletic. Kinks and Structural Phase Transition in Few-Atom Chains. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(013380), 2020.
  35. U. Delic, V. Vuletic, M. Reisenbauer, K. Dare, D. Grass, N. Kiesel, and M. Aspelmeyer. Motional Quantum Ground State of a Levitated Nanoparticle from Room Temperature. Science, 367:892-895 , 2020.
  36. S. Cantu, A. Venkatramani, W. Xu, L. Zhou, M. Lukin, V. Vuletic, and B. Jelenković. Repulsive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium. Nature Physics, 16:921–925 , 2020.
  37. P. Samutpraphoot, T. Dordevic, P. Ocola, H. Bernien, C. Senko, V. Vuletic, and M. Lukin. Strong coupling of two individually controlled atoms via a nanophotonic cavity. Physical Review Letters, 124(063602), February 2020.
  38. A. Kawasaki, B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, and V. Vuletic. Trapping 171Yb Atoms into a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice with Small Waist. Phys Rev A, 102(013114), 2020.
  39. U. Delic, V. Vuletic, M. Reisenbauer, D. Grass, N. Kiesel, and M. Aspelmeyer. Cavity Cooling of a Levitated Nanosphere by Coherent Scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett, 122(123602), March 2019.
  40. A. Urvoy, Z. Vendeiro, J. Ramette, V. Vuletic, and A. Adiyatullin. Direct laser cooling to Bose-Einstein condensation in a dipole trap. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122(203202), May 2019.
  41. A. Omran, H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, A. Zibrov, H. Pichler, S. Choi, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, T. T. Wang, J. Cui, M. Rossignolo, P. Rembold, S. Montangero, and T. Calarco. Generation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states in Rydberg atom arrays. Science, 365(6453):570-574, August 2019.
  42. A. Kawasaki, B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, C. Shu, S. Colombo, Z. Li, I. Ozel, W. Chen, D. Levonian, Y. Xiao, V. Vuletic, L. Salvi, A. Heinz, and D. Akamatsu. Geometrically asymmetric optical cavity for strong atom-photon coupling. Phys Rev A January 2019.
  43. H. Levine, A. Omran, A. Keesling Contreras, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, M. Endres, G. Torlai, B. Timar, E.P.L. va Nieuwenburg, and R.G. Melko. Integrating neural networks with a quantum simulator for state reconstruction. Physical Review Letters, 123(230504), December 2019.
  44. B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, S. Colombo, C. Shu, Z. Li, E. Mendez, Y. Xiao, V. Vuletic, M. Yamoah, L. Salvi, and D. Akamatsu. Near-Unitary Spin Squeezing in 171Yb. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122(223203), June 2019.
  45. H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, G. Semeghini, A. Omran, T. Wang, S. Ebadi, H. Bernien, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, H. Pichler, and M. Lukin. Parallel Implementation of High-fidelity Multi-qubit Gates with Neutral Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 123(170503), October 2019.
  46. A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Levine, H. Bernien, H. Pichler, S. Choi, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, R. Samajdar, S. Schwartz, P. Silvi, S. Sachdev, and P. Zoller. Quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator. Nature, 568:207–211, April 2019.
  47. B. Braverman, E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, M. Yamoah, and B. Zlatkovic. Robust kHz-linewidth distributed Bragg reflector laser with optoelectronic feedback. Optics Express, 27(26):37714-37720, 2019.
  48. P. Solano, Y. Duan, Y. Chen, A. Rudelis, V. Vuletic, and C. Chin. Strongly Correlated Quantum Gas by Direct Laser Cooling. Physical Review Letters, 123(173401), October 2019.
  49. H. Levine, A. Keesling Contreras, A. Omran, H. Bernien, A. Zibrov, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and S. Schwartz. High-Fidelity Control and Entanglement of Rydberg-Atom Qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett, 121(123603), September 2018.
  50. B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, and V. Vuletic. Impact of Non-Unitary Spin Squeezing on Atomic Clock Performance. New Journal of Physics October 2018.
  51. A. Bylinskii, D. Gangloff, K. Islam, V. Vuletic, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, and A. Aspuru-Guzik. Single-Atom Heat Machines Enabled by Energy Quantization. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(170601), 2018.
  52. V. Vuletic, L. Salvi, N. Poli, and G.M. Tino,. Squeezing on momentum states for atom interferometry. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120(033601), 2018.
  53. M. Hosseini, Y. Duan, K. Beck, Y. Chen, and V. Vuletic. Cavity cooling of many atoms. Physical Review Letters , 118(183601), May 2017.
  54. J. Hu, A. Urvoy, Z. Vendeiro, W. Chen, V. Vuletic, and V. Crepel. Creation of a Bose-condensed gas of rubidium 87 by laser cooling. Science, 358:1078-1080, November 2017.
  55. I. Counts, D. Gangloff, A. Bylinskii, J. Hur, K. Islam, and V. Vuletic. Multislip Friction with a Single Ion. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 119(043601), July 2017.
  56. Q. Liang, A. Venkatramani, S. Cantu, T. Nicholson, M. Gullans, A. Gorshkov, J. Thompson, M. Lukin, V. Vuletic, and C. Chin. Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium. Science, 359(6377):783-786, 2017.
  57. H. Bernien, A. Keesling Contreras, H. Levine, A. Omran, H. Pichler, S. Choi, A. Zibrov, M. Endres, M. Greiner, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and S. Schwartz. Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator. Nature, 551:579-584, 2017.
  58. J. Hu, W. Chen, H. Zhang, Z. Vendeiro, V. Vuletic, and A. Sorensen. Strictly non-classical behavior of a mesoscopic system. Physical Review A , 95(030105), March 2017.
  59. J. Thompson, T. Nicholson, Q. Liang, S. Cantu, A. Venkatramani, M. Lukin, V. Vuletic, I.A. Fedorov, D. Viscor, and T. Pohl. Symmetry-protected collisions between strongly interacting photons. Nature January 2017.
  60. V. Vuletic, M. Wang, W. Qu, P. Li, H. Bao, and Y. Xiao. Two-axis-twisting spin squeezing by multi-pass quantum erasure. Phys. Rev. A, 96(013823), July 2017.
  61. J. Hu, W. Chen, Z. Vendeiro, A. Urvoy, B. Braverman, and V. Vuletic. Vacuum spin squeezing. Phys. Rev. A, 96(050301), November 2017.
  62. M. Endres, H. Bernien, A. Keesling Contreras, C. Senko, V. Vuletic, M. Greiner, M. Lukin, H. Levine, E.R. Anschuetz, and A. Krajenbrink. Atom-by-atom assembly of defect-free one-dimensional cold atom arrays. Science, 375(6315), November 2016.
  63. M. Gullans, J. Thompson, Q. Liang, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, A. Gorshkov, and Y. Wang. Effective Field Theory for Rydberg Polaritons. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 117(113601), September 2016.
  64. M. Gullans, J. Thompson, Q. Liang, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and Y. Wang. Effective Field Theory for Rydberg Polaritons. Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(113601), September 2016.
  65. K. Beck, M. Hosseini, Y. Duan, and V. Vuletic. Large conditional single-photon cross-phase modulation. PNAS, 113, June 2016.
  66. A. Bylinskii, D. Gangloff, I. Counts, and V. Vuletic. Observation of Aubry-type transition in finite atom chains via friction. Nature Materials, 15, March 2016.
  67. M. Hosseini, K. Beck, Y. Duan, W. Chen, and V. Vuletic. Partially Nondestructive Continuous Detection of Individual Traveling Optical Photons. Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(033602), April 2016.
  68. P. Komar, E. Kessler, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, T. Topcu, A. Derevianko, and J. Ye. Quantum Network of Atom Clocks: A Possible Implementation with Neutral Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(060506), August 2016.
  69. P. Komar, E. Kessler, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, T. Topcu, A. Derevianko, and J. Ye. Quantum Network of Atom Clocks: A Possible Implementation with Neutral Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(060506), August 2016.
  70. A. Eltony, D. Gangloff, M. Shi, A. Bylinskii, V. Vuletic, and I. Chuang. Technologies for trapped-ion quantum information systems. Quantum Information Processing , 15, December 2016.
  71. J. Thompson, T. Peyronel, N. de Leon, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, K. P. Nayak, and T. G. Tiecke. Efficient fiber-optical interface for nanophotonic devices. Optica, 2:70, 2015.
  72. A. Bylinskii, D. Gangloff, and V. Vuletic. Tuning friction atom-by-atom in an ion-crystal simulator. Science, 348:1115-1118, 2015.
  73. W. Chen, Q. Lin, M. Gullans, M. Lukin, and V. Vuletic. Cross Modulation of Two Laser Beams at the Individual-Photon Level. PHys. Rev. Letter, 113:113603, 2014.
  74. P. Samutpraphoot, Q. Lin, D. Gangloff, A. Bylinskii, B. Braverman, A. Kawasaki, V. Vuletic, S. Weber, C. Raab, and W. Kaenders. Passive intrinsic-linewidth narrowing of ultraviolet extended-cavity diode laser by weak optical feedback. Opt. Express, 22:11592, 2014.
  75. L. Jiang, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, J.B. Brask, and A.S. Sorensen. Fast Entanglement Distribution with Atomic Ensembles and Fluorescent Detection. Phys. Rev. A, 81:020303(R), 2010.
  76. V. Vuletic, I. Chuang, and J. Labaziewicz. Cavity Sideband Cooling of a Single Trapped Ion. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:103001, 2009.
  77. M. Bajcsy, S. Hofferberth, T. Peyronel, M. Hafezi, A. Zibrov, V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, and V. Balic. Efficient All Optical Switching Using Slow Light Within a Hollow Fiber. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:203902, 2009.
  78. M. Cetina, F. Orucevic, and V. Vuletic. Observation of cold collisions between Trapped Ions and Trapped Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:223201, 2009.
  79. V. Vuletic, M. Lukin, E. Demler, D.E. Chang, V. Gritsev, and G. Morigi. Crystallization of Strongly Interacting Photons in a Nonlinear Optical Fibre. Nature Physics, 4:884-889, 2008.
  80. M. Cetina, A. Grier, I. Chuang, V. Vuletic, and J. Campbell. Bright Source of Cold Ions for Surface-Electrode Traps.. Phys. Rev. A, 76:41401, 2007.
  81. V. Vuletic, J. Simon, and A. T. Black. External-feedback laser cooling of Molecular gases. Phys. Rev. A, 75:051405, 2007.
  82. J. Simon, H. Tanji, and V. Vuletic. Interfacing Collective Atomic Excitations and Single Photons. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:183601, 2007.
  83. J. Simon, H. Tanji, V. Vuletic, and S. Ghosh. Single-photon bus connecting spin-wave quantum memories. Nat. Phys., 3:765-769, 2007.
  84. J. Simon and V. Vuletic. High-brightness source of narrowband, identical-photon pairs. Science, 313 #5783:74-77, 2006.
  85. M. Cetina, J. Simon, V. Vuletic, Y.J. Lin, and I. Teper. Influence of grating parameters on the linewidths of external-cavity diode lasers. Appl. Opt., 45:9191-9197, 2006.
  86. V. Vuletic. Quantum networks: When superatoms talk photons. Nat. Phys., 2:801-802, 2006.
Thu November 14, 2024

Cavity-enabled real-time observation of individual atomic collisions

Arrays of individual neutral atoms represent a promising platform for quantum information processing due to their scalability, arbitrary connectivity, and long coherence times. These features are enabled in large part by the simple trapping and high-fidelity fluorescence imaging of individual atoms within tweezer traps. In our lab, we use strong dispersive coupling to a high-cooperativity...
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Wed October 16, 2024

Vladan Vuletic wins the 2025 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science

Full award information can be found here.
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Thu October 19, 2023

Harvard-MIT CUA Receives Major Renewal Grant

The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Physics Frontiers Centers program renewed a grant to the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) to fund exploring, understanding, and harnessing mysterious phenomena at the frontiers of physics. The CUA, which works to enable greater control and programmability of quantum-entangled systems of low-temperature atoms and molecules, will conduct experiments involving...
Tue April 11, 2023

Quantum Scrambling with Time-Reversal: A Powerful Tool for Exponentially Enhanced Metrology

The quantum analog of chaotic dynamics, quantum scrambling, spread quantum information exponentially fast within a quantum many-body system. Understanding how the information spread is a highly nontrivial and crucial question in the field of quantum information science (QIS). Recently, it has been theoretically argued that quantum scrambling is intimately connected with quantum metrology (QM), where...
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Fri September 30, 2022

Edwin Eduardo Pedrozo Peñafiel is the winner of the 2022 Alejandro Angel Escobar National Award in Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences

Edwin Eduardo Pedrozo Peñafiel obtains this award among other reasons because the evaluating jurors considered that his research: The search for new Physics with Entanglement-Enhanced Optical Atomic Clocks is “a scientific advance in the frontier of physics that will revolutionize the precision of sensors and synchronization of computational processes.” They present this award “to a promising researcher who...
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Mon June 6, 2022

Researchers document presence of quantum spin liquids, an elusive state of matter never seen before

The Harvard-MIT CUA collaboration led by Lukin, Greiner, and Vuletic reported the first experimental realization of a quantum spin liquid, a highly entangled phase of matter that eluded experimental observation for several decades.  An example of topological state, such as a spin liquid, can help in the search for reliable quantum computers. Predicted about 50...
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Thu February 3, 2022

Reversing time for quantum-enhanced metrology

The group of Prof. Vuletic, at MIT, demonstrated that reversing the time in an atomic sensor can lead to a strongly enhanced sensitivity. With this time-reversal protocol, sensors can be operated with highly-entangled states which carry large statistical information close to the fundamental Heisenberg Limit.  Due to their fragility, these “superior” quantum states are extremely...
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Sun February 7, 2021

‘Spooky action at a distance’ could create a nearly perfect clock

Physicists imagine a day when they will be able to design a clock that’s so precise, it will be used to detect subtle disturbances in space-time or to find the elusive dark matter that tugs on everything yet emits no light. The ticking of this clock will be almost perfect. That dream may not be far off:...
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Fri January 22, 2021

Unraveling The Mysteries Of Time With Scientists From MIT

Turns out you don’t need to be a nuclear physicist to understand a new breakthrough in atomic timekeeping.

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Thu December 17, 2020

New type of atomic clock keeps time even more precisely

Atomic clocks are the most precise timekeepers in the world. These exquisite instruments use lasers to measure the vibrations of atoms, which oscillate at a constant frequency, like many microscopic pendulums swinging in sync. The best atomic clocks in the world keep time with such precision that, if they had been running since the beginning...
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Fri December 4, 2020

Researchers observe what could be the first hints of dark bosons

Extremely light and weakly interacting particles may play a crucial role in cosmology and in the ongoing search for dark matter. Unfortunately, however, these particles have so far proved very difficult to detect using existing high-energy colliders. Researchers worldwide have thus been trying to develop alternative technologies and methods that could enable the detection of...
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Sat June 13, 2020

‘Photon crystals’ could be made using Rydberg atoms

Physicists in the US have come up with a way of making photons repel each other by sending them through an ultracold atomic gas. This astonishing feat could lead to the creation of “photon crystals” and exotic quantum states such as a Mott insulator.   Image caption: In vacuum optical system for photon-photon interactions.
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Sun June 7, 2020

Entanglement-based Optical Atomic Clock beats the Standard Quantum Limit

Optical lattice clocks (OLC) are widely recognized as the next golden standard for timekeeping. Over the past decades, researchers around the world have made the second the best characterized among all seven of International System of Units (SI units), reaching an unprecedented fractional stability at few parts-of-ten-Quintillion (1019). Despite the tremendous effort of improving technology...
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Mon May 18, 2020

Observing the path less traveled boosts quantum gain

When probing the subtle effects of quantum mechanics, all the parameters in the system and its measurements need to be finely tuned to observe the result you are hoping for. So what happens when you gear everything towards detecting what you least expect?
Mon March 30, 2020

Searching for new boson with isotope shift spectroscopy

Dark matter is one of the main unknowns in our understanding of the universe. There are numerous types and classes of candidates for dark matter. Light-force carriers may be exciting candidates given their potential for displaying intra-atomic forces that may be probed with precision atomic spectroscopy. They are so-far-unknown elementary bosons that may carry mass...
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Mon March 30, 2020

Repulsive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium

Photons, the smallest energy carriers of light, interact extremely weakly in vacuum. However, realizing strongly interacting photons at the individual photon level is fascinating, as it allows people to use light to control light. This opens the possibility to implement quantum information science, to design all-optical quantum devices, and to form novel quantum many-body states...
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Thu May 9, 2019

Near Unitary Squeezing

A group at the MIT led by Prof. Vladan Vuletić has recently generated significant amount of spin squeezing-a type of quantum entanglement-in an ultracold vapor of ytterbium-171. Spin squeezed states (SSS) can be used to overcome the standard quantum limit (SQL) which bounds state-of-the-art atomic sensors like optical clocks. The latter deploy a dilute vapor...
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Mon April 22, 2019

Direct Laser Cooling Rubidium Atoms

A group at MIT led by Vladan Vuletic has recently created a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) of rubidium atoms with a new method, direct laser cooling. Many researchers have attempted this elusive goal in the past, but due to various complications resorted to reaching BEC through evaporation instead. Compared to cooling through evaporation, laser cooling is...
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Wed September 25, 2013

Scientists create never-before-seen form of matter

Wolfgang Ketterle, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics, was awarded a prize for graduate education for his courses 8.421 (Atomic and Optical Physics) and 8.422 (Atomic and Optical Physics II).
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Thu July 4, 2013

MIT researchers build an all-optical transistor

To recognize and encourage outstanding research in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by investigators who have held a Ph. D. for 10 years or less. The prize consists of $7,500 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient. An allowance will be provided for travel expenses of the recipient to the Society meeting...
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Fri September 9, 2011

Quantum computing with light

A research collaboration including CUA investigators at Harvard.
Tue September 8, 2009

Synopsis on the APS Website: Cooling with a cavity

This meeting will celebrate Professor Daniel Kleppner’s career of fundamental contributions in physics. An outstanding list of invited speakers will present the most recent and interesting topics in atomic physics.
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Fri June 5, 2009

International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy in Japan

The 19th ICOLS conference takes place June 8-12 in Hokkaido, Japan, with CUA representation. Vladan Vuletic will report on a joint MIT-Harvard CUA experiment with Mikhail Lukin on switching of light with light using pulses containing only a few hundred photons. For a readable explanation of how to make light interact with light see the...
Mon May 18, 2009

Physics Viewpoint Article on “Efficient All-Optical Switching Using Slow Light within a Hollow Fiber”

A research collaboration including CUA investigators at Harvard.
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Past Events
Fri May 4, 2018 2:00 pm
Location:MIT Papplardo Room (4-349)
Cheng Chin, University of Chicago
Richard Fletcher, MIT
Sandro Stringari, University of Trento

Please join us for an afternoon of talks by internal CUA speakers and specially invited outside speakers to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the discovery of Feshbach resonances.

Talks will discuss the history from theory to realization as well as  Feshbach resonances in various experimental applications

Reception to follow.

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Sat April 4, 2020 12:00 am

Virtual AMO Seminar series: Measurements of Isotope Shifts in Yb+ Search for Dark Matter

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